A NIGHT’S MISTAKE: Episode 1-10





I watched Ariel wrap my second baby and placed her beside me on the bed. I stared at two of my new babies and felt the tears coming again.

Whatever am I gonna do with them!!

Ariel looked at me and breathed in. “Come on, Darla. You should be happy for these beautiful babies here. They are all you have now. ”

” You don’t understand Ariel. I can barely feed myself!

How do I coup with two babies, not even one! Look…. I’m not ready for this at all. What am I gonna do?” I cried with confusion.

I lay back on the bed and thought about Martin.

How could he be so callous to the point of threatening me?

“What do you plan on doing?” Ariel suddenly asked.

I looked at her and shook my head. “I’m confused at the moment. I… Can’t let these innocent babies suffer with me. What do I do? ”

Ariel stared at me. ” What are you trying to say? You mean… You don’t want to keep them? ” She asked.

I looked away and nodded. I had no other choice but to do it. What did I just do with them?? “I’ve got no other choice, Ariel.” I said with tears dripping down my eyes.

“You can give one you for adoption to an influential family and keep the other. I know in the nearest future..things are gonna be okay.” Ariel advised.

I shook my head. Adoption? Will I ever get to see my baby again if I do that?

I stared at them again. “I’m sorry I have to do this. But I will have to let one of you go. I’m sorry. ” I cried. I looked at my son and held his tiny finger. Who do I let go? I held my daughter’s finger too and wept.

It was confusing.

Ariel came closer. “I think you should keep the girl with you. Boys are strong wherever they meet themselves. You should keep your daughter with you. ” Ariel said softly.

It was a very bad idea but the only choice at the time. If I should keep them both with me, one might end up dying and I don’t want that either.

“You have anyone in mind?” I asked Ariel.

She shrugged. ” Well. Many. But right now, I don’t really know who to trust among our clients who has been coming to the orphanage to adopt a child.

But within two days… I’m sure we are gonna get someone for your son. ” Ariel said.

” Someday… Will I get to meet my son? ‘ I asked sadly.

“Of course, Darla. You will. Trust me on this.” Ariel assured me.

I breathed in and drifted into an uneasy sleep.

? Martin?

The sound of breaking glasses filled the air as I flung the aquarium into air. I shattered into uncountable pieces.

I’ve heard enough of this!!

“Anna, you are leaving my house! Like… Let’s get divorced! I’m not interested in you anymore. ”

Her laughter rang into my ear. ” You must be joking Martin. You wanna divorce me so you can run to your btches outside!” She yelled back.

I moved closer to her and hit her on the face. “I won’t take more insults from you or your goodness forsaken mother!”

Anna gasped. ” You hit me and even insulted my mother? Ahh! This is more like you! You’ve become a beast! Worst than ever!” She yelled.

” You made me a beast and you must have a taste of it!” I roared.

Anna laughed still holding unto her hurting face.

“I made you beast? You are so pathetic, Martin. Look at you! You can’t even train your own little son! He’s becoming as bad as you are!”

Fire blazed in my eyes and my fists tightened. ” Shut up.” I warned sternly but she kept on talking.

” I won’t shut up until you tell me why you are doing this!

I don’t shut up until you tell me why you chose to live so recklessly!

I won’t shut up until you tell me why you’ve chosen to overlook your own son!!” She yelled.

I almost laughed. Now she wants to know why I’ve been living like this!

I was loosing my sanity. So fast I had to march out of the else before I kill her with my bare hands.

? Ariel ?

It was such a great and clean opportunity for me,isn’t it?

Here is a mother willingly giving up her son for adoption.

I pitied her though as I watched her sleep off.

The baby girl suddenly woke up and I smiled at her, carrying her up.

She looked so much like her mom but came at the wrong timing.

I looked at the baby boy too and smiled even more cos staring at him now,I knew I’ve found myself a son.

A son I’m gonna go away with and never come back.

I was sorry to have promised her she was gonna see her son again.

I knew it was a lie….I knew she would never see him again.

Finally I can have a son of own despite my damaged w0mb.

Darla woke up and bre@stfeed them while I helped her and brought some provisions for herself.

Two hours later, I offered to go with the baby boy so I could proceed with the adoption.

Without any suspects,Darla accepted although with tears.

She kssed her son over and over again before letting us go.

Once I was out of the apartment,I made a call.

?June…..yeah,I’m ready to leave the country now. Please..make it quick. I don’t want to be here tommorow morning.”

?You already got what you wanted?”

?Yeah. I’m with a baby right now. A boy and the mother willingly gave him to me. Isn’t it all that matters?

I don’t want her to find me here cos of the questions she might ask. Please…make it snappy.”

I hanged up the call and took a cab straight back to the hospital to pick my things.

? Darla ?

I’ve been trying Ariel’s line like forever and it wasn’t going through.

So I decided to go see her at the hospital.

She promised to keep me updated about my son but I haven’t heard anything from her she it was already midday.

I wrapped my new baby in a shawl and carried her out.

I knew it was dangerous to expose her outside already but I was just too curious and restless.

In no time I got to the hospital and met another nurse in duty.

Ariel was no where in sight.

“Please….can you help me tell Ariel I’m waiting outside?” I asked after greeting.

The nurse stared at me. “You mean nurse Ariel?” She asked.

I nodded.

“Oh…I’m not sure she’s gonna come. She was supposed to be on duty last night but she was no where to be found.

And also,her things are gone too. I don’t know but I think she resigned.”

My heart stopped immediately. What’s the meaning of that?

No… what’s happening here?

I looked at the nurse with fright all over my face. “Please… explain whet you mean by that! Where is Ariel?” I asked more louder.

The nurse was alarmed as she stared at me. “Are you alright? Nurse Ariel left already. I don’t think she’s coming back.”

I stood there like a statue. What’s going on right now? Did Ariel left with my son… without letting me Know where he’s gonna be??

I’m never gonna see my son again? No thus is not happening!!


Do you guys think Darla was stupid??

What’s gonna happen next?

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