A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End

A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End

By Rejoice U Jason

?Chapter 32?

?”Hello Sam, I need your help”

?Good evening Prince Derrick. How may I help you?

?I want you to spy on Zaki,King Darius brother

?What happened my prince?

?I don’t trust him. I think he wants to harm Princess Helen

?That is not good at all

?Yes. So I want you to monitor his movements,record his conversations and forward them to me starting now

?Okay my prince


Jaden hung up the call

“So what is the next step?” Stanley asked

“We wait for him. Apparently,my wife to be is blinded by trust and can’t think for now” Jaden said matter of factly

“I noticed that too but she has you to help her”

“No Stanley,She has us. Let’s go” Jaden held him and they left

Tomorrow was going to be a long day for them.

A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End



Zaki called Olivia immediately he left the palace and asked her to wait for him in his house. He got to the house and met Olivia in front of his door

Since he tried getting rid of her,she has been extra vigilant and doesn’t want to take chances

“Won’t you go in?” He asked coming towards her

“No I’m okay outside here. I was actually busy when you called” Olivia said


“You sounded angry over the phone. What’s the matter?” She asked

“This is so exasperating. I tried killing the princess today but the plan backfired and I almost got caught” Zaki said

“You tried killing the princess and you didn’t inform me? I have the feeling that you don’t trust me Zaki” She snapped

“I didn’t need you then”

“Oh really? So now that you need me,you now called me right?”

“No Olivia. Don’t take it the wrong way. I was…its okay. I’m sorry. I promise to inform you next time”

“So what’s the way forward now?” She asked

“Getting her to stay at the middle of the battle” Zaki replied

“Okay then. Let’s anticipate for tomorrow. I’ll be on my way now”

“Okay. Till tomorrow”

Olivia smiled and stepped out of the gate then her phone rang.

She moved aside and received the call

?Hello Marie

?Hey Olivia,how are you?

?I am fine. How are you faring over there?

?Fine but I’m worried about you Olivia

?Come on Marie. I am fine. You don’t need to worry

?I can’t help it. Zaki is a very dangerous man

?I know Zaki is dangerous and I’m well prepared for whatever tricks he has up his sleeve. Tomorrow is the war and he has planned on killing the princess but I’m going to stop him

?Okay. Good luck and please be safe

?I will

?I have missed you alot

?I miss you too Marie. Don’t worry,I will be back once my mission is accomplished

?Okay. Love you

?Love you too

Olivia hung up the call and left.

Unknown to her,someone overheard her conversation and curved his lips into a smirk.

A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End


Helen came out of her room in tge middle of the night to take some water when she came face to face with Zaki

She gasped

“Uncle Zaki,what are you doing here by this time?” She asked nervously

“I came to finish what I started” He smirked

Helen looked down at his hand and saw a knife

She moved back and he followed

“What are you doing?” She asked

“Can’t you see? I came to finish you off once and for all”

“Why Uncle? I didn’t do anything”

“You took what belonged to me” He yelled at her

“I don’t get you. Guards!!! Guards!!!!”

“Oh shut up. They can’t hear you”

“Please uncle,let’s settle this amicably”

“Too late niece” He said and stabbed her with the knife

Helen gasped and woke up. She was already covered in sweat. She touched her belly and nothing was there. She sighed in relief

“Ahh it was just a dream. Thank God” She sat for a while thinking

What kind of a dream is this?

Could what the man said be true? If yes,then why would Zaki want to kill her after all the love he had shown her?

So many thoughts ran through her head and she started having headache

She wanted to go and take water but changed her mind when she remembered the nightmare she just had.

She then remembered that Kira always left a glass if water on the table beside her bed. She reached for the water and took some. She then made a decision to be cautious of Zaki from now on till she clear her doubts.

A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End



Chris was on his way to the head’s office. He wanted to get out of school. He was already a graduate but had to come back to College to carry out the mission Zaki sent him on. But,now that he has quit and the princess no longer has his time,he has to go now.

The office was open and he entered

“Good morning Mr Thomas” Chris greeted

“Morning Chris. Hope you had a good night rest?” Mr Thomas asked with a smile

“Yes I did. May I sit down?”

“Yes. Sit down please”

Chris sat down

“So Chris,what can I do for you today?” Mr Thomas asked

“Sir,I humbly request to drop out of school”


“I have achieved what I came for”

“What did you come for?”

“It’s personal sir. I’m actually a graduate and I don’t see any reason to stay here any longer” Chris explained

“You are a graduate? Any evidence?” Mr Thomas asked

“Yes” Chris handed over some of his university certificates to the man.

Mr Thomas went through it and nodded

“They are okay. Alright,I’ll sign a letter for you then you take it to the king for final signing. After that,you’re good to go”

“Thank you sir” Chris smiled

“You’re welcome” Mr Thomas smiled back before Chris left.

He needs to prepare for the war too. He is also from Gatrish and hates King Remegius. He wants to help out in the war especially with Zaki on the princess trail.

A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End



The warriors of Zulu headed by Prince Derrick came together with that if Gatrish headed by Princess Helen. They were prepared for whatever King Remegius had up his sleeves.

They came to the borders and met Aram’s warriors there.

“Are you ready?” Prince Derrick asked Helen

“I was born ready” Helen said

Her father stood at the front while they left Queen Zara at home. Although she was a warrior herself but the king refused her from following them. Zaki was also present

The trumpet sounded and the battle began. Prince Derrick never let her off his sight. He made sure she didn’t go to the middle. Aram had the upper hand at first but Gatrish took over later. With Zulu by their side,Aram had no chance

“Fight alongside me Helen” Zaki told her

She remembered the dream she had

“No uncle. I’m okay with Prince Derrick for now” She replied and Derrick smiled

None could lay hands on either her or Derrick. Zaki tried his best to make her go to the middle but the men he sent were taken down by Derrick and Stanley.

Zaki was vexed

“Olivia do something” He ordered when she came close to him

“What did you say? I’m not hearing you” She smiled and moved away

“I’ll have to do it myself then” He drew his sword and snuck over to Helen.

He wanted to raise the sword but something a sword pierced his heel and he winced in pain

He turned back to see who struck him and his eyes widened in shock


A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End

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