A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End

A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End

By Rejoice U Jason

?Chapter 33?


“Do you think I will let you have your way Zaki?” Chris asked

“What is wrong with you? Why won’t you let me carry out my plans?” Zaki asked still in pains

“I won’t let you carry out your evil plans. Let me warn you,steer clear from her. She deserves none of this. Look at how she is fighting for the sake of this kingdom. She deserves the throne. I’ll say it again,Stay away from her. I’ll let today’s incident slide but next time,you won’t be lucky” Chris said and walked away

Zaki knew his plan had failed already. Helen turned back and saw his heel

“Uncle you’re bleeding. They got you?” She asked

“Yes dear” He answered

“We need to force this people to retreat. King Remegius isn’t fighting fair. Now they’ve hurt you. They will pay. Wait here” She took him to a corner and went back

She passed a word through the crowd of her warriors and they acted on it

“We need to make them retreat. We can’t kill them all” She said to Prince Derrick

“Alright. Let’s do this” Prince Derrick said

She also passed the word to her father and he nodded. She gave the signal and her warriors charged at those of King Remegius all at once. Fear gripped them and some of them ran away while the rest surrendered along with their king.

Gatrish won

Helen looked at the floor filled with dead warriors. Majority of them were from Aram. They’ve won the war but she was sad over her dead warriors. Zulu was included. They weren’t much but she was still sad.

Prince Derrick came and hugged her

“It’s okay. They signed up for all these” He comforted her

“I know but I’m still sad. I can’t help it”

“It’s over now”

The king came to them

“Thank you Prince Derrick”

“It’s my pleasure your majesty”

The warriors shouted in victory

“Father,Uncle Zaki is hurt” Helen said

The king rushed to where Zaki was

“How did this happen?” He asked

“It’s a shock to me too. It was impromptu and I couldn’t dodge” Zaki lied

“We need to get you treated” Helen said

“I guess so” Zaki looked at Derrick

He knew the prince didn’t believe him but he didn’t care cause he was sure Helen won’t believe whatever the prince will say concerning him. He was also going to use this injury to his advantage

He was taken home and the royal family doctor came to attend to him. His heel was bandaged and he stayed at the palace.

Princess Tasha wasn’t in the kingdom when all these happened. She went for an appointment outside. She was to come back and help with the war but her flight was delayed. She hasn’t been able to come since then.

The war was a fierce one but Gatrish won at last. They all freshened up and the warriors were given food to eat. Queen Zara was happy her daughter,husband,soon to be son in law and Stanley were back alive. Except Zaki who got injured.

A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End



Mitchell and Valerie had gone to the supermarket to buy some provisions. While they were selecting the stuffs they need,Valerie couldn’t help but ask

“I’m sorry to ask again but why were you expelled from school? I didn’t get to hear it the day you explained to mother and father”

Mitchell sighed

“I stepped on the princess toes”


“You see,the princess came to our school in disguise. We all thought she was one of those poor men children and we maltreated her. I especially didn’t let her rest. And it was because of a guy and also the fact that I was jealous of her” Mitchell said putting a cereal box in the shopping basket

“Woah. Tell me more” Valerie said

“I did a lot of bad things to her but the worst I did was pushing her into the school pool”

Valerie gasped

“You really did that?” She asked

“Yes. I later found out she was the princess. I was so shocked. I tried begging but it fell on deaf ears. It’s not her fault though. I deserved whatever came to me” Mitchell said

“I have really learned something from this”

“Yes. You can’t judge people just by their experience. Also,don’t look down on poor people because you never can tell who is who. The poor man you maltreated today could be your helper tomorrow” Mitchell said

“Yes. You are right” Valerie smiled

They finished selecting and walked over to the cashier to pay. Mitchell was surprised to see Claire there.

Claire was equally surprised to see her

“OMG Claire what are you doing here?” Mitchell asked

“Well,after the whole expulsion drama,I decided to get a job before entering a new school” Claire explained

“Wow. That’s cool. I have been looking for something to do too but can’t find one”

“Maybe I will talk to my manager cause we are recently in need of a salesperson” Claire said

“I will truly appreciate that. Thank you”

“My pleasure. Sorry for the way we departed. There was no use biting each other’s throat when we should have admitted our wrongs” Claire said

“You are right. I am sorry too”

“It’s no problem. It’s all in the past now. So is this your sister?” Claire pointed at Valerie

“Yes she is”

“She is really beautiful”

“Thank you” Valerie said

“And crazy too” Mitchell added and they laughed

“How about Ella?” Claire asked and started packaging their stuff after payment

“She told me she wanted to try her possible best and make Chris like her but it isn’t working”

“She hasn’t gotten over her feelings yet? Wow! She must truly love him. Do you know how psyched she was when she was his date for the dinner party?”

“I just pray he loves her back” Mitchell said

“Time will tell” Claire finally packed it and handed it over to them

“Thank you. We’ll see later then” Mitchell smiled

“Same here bestie” Claire smiled back

Mitchell held Valerie’s hand and they left.

A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End


Olivia had come to look for him but couldn’t find him. She didn’t know he was injured. She called him on phone

?Hello Zaki,where are you?…She asked after the call went through

?I am at the palace. I got injured since you refused to help me

?I didn’t refuse to help you. I just didn’t hear what you said

?No problem. I have another plan

?Okay tell me

?I will tell you when I’m back

?Okay. Till you come back

She hung up the call and smirked

“Zaki,you haven’t seen anything yet. I will make sure I frustrate your life till you wish for death and I kill you slowly” She muttered

She was about leaving when she heard someone clapping. She turned back and saw a man in black with sun shades. He was tall and very handsome too.

He finally stopped clapping and removed his sun shades

“Hello pretty lady nice to meet you. My name is Sam and you are?”

“Olivia” She answered

“I must commend you for your tremendous acting” He said

“Acting? I don’t get you?”

“Oh…I meant the act you’re putting on for Zaki. Pretending to be his friend and plotting his downfall at same time”

She gasped

“H…How did you know that?”

“I’ve been watching you. But don’t worry,your secret is safe with me”

“I don’t trust you” She snapped

“You have no choice but to cause I have a lot of evidence against both of you. I know you’re doing all these for the sake of the princess So,if you don’t want to go down with him,you better trust me”

“Is that a threat?”

“No pretty. It’s a suggestion. So do you trust me?” He asked

She thinks for a while

“Yes I trust you”

“Good. Now get in the car” He said


“I thought you said you trusted me”


“Get in. I’m not armed. I’m harmless. I only need your help” He said

She hesitated for a while before entering the car

He entered too

“So what do you need my help with?” She asked

“I need your help exposing Zaki. I am a spy sent to monitor his movements. We need many proof to show the royal family that he is evil and I need your help with that” He said

“What kind of help am I supposed to render?” She asked

“You’re the closest person to him now. I want you to record all your conversations with him. Help me with this and maybe the king might reward you by lifting your banishment”

“How did you know I was banished?”

“Like I said,I’m a spy. So are you going to help?”

She sighed reluctantly

“Yes I will do it” She smiled

“Thanks” He smiled back

A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 31 – The End

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