Story by Hossana Isaac O.
{Hossy Mermaid Series}

Chapter 8
My shift was already over for the day, I was really exhausted and decided to go home straight
I actually live in a foster home because that’s the only accommodation I could find
I went and laid down to sleep immediately
I already had dinner from the beach
My hands began to burn again
“this is so frustrating” I muttered as I blew air on my hand though I knew it wouldn’t work
This new powers popped out recently
And I really don’t know what it is
I feel cursed
And with no one to confide in, I feel lonely
But what’s this fire?
I’m I like a fire bender?
I’m having this headache again
I rested my hand on my pillow and tried to sleep but it wasn’t forth coming
I began to feel really sad and at the verge of tears
“why is my life suddenly miserable? Why?” I said
I stood up and walked out of the home
It was really late but I still felt like going out
I walked to the beach and sat down on the sand
It was really chilly
I began to throw stones into the ocean
“hey” I heard a voice say to me
I turned but didn’t see anyone
“I’m right here” the voice said again
I looked into the water and saw someone swimming
“why are you swimming by this Time?” I asked the guy, though I couldn’t see his face immediately
“because I always swim” he replied
“okay, have fun” I said I turned to go
“Zeus, how’s that powers going?” he asked and I turned
“what? How did you know my name and what powers are you talking about?” I asked innocently, pretending as if I knew nothing about powers
“my name is Rick” he stated
“I don’t care about your name mister. And good night” I said and tried to go when he swam into the light
Wow he swims really fast
What the heck!
“why do you look exactly like me?” I asked in disbelief or maybe my mind is trying to play tricks on me
“Zeus, just come over let’s talk okay” he said
I was really speechless
“I know who you are. You’re not what you think you are” he stated
Maybe I should just listen to him
Besides, I’ve been asking for answers since, maybe whatever he has to say would make sense
I moved closer and sat facing him
But this is really awkward
It’s like I’m talking to myself because this guy looks exactly like me.

We’re at the shore
Rick is speaking with Zeus but we have to wait till he’s convinced before we show ourselves out to him
“hey” Liliana said as she tapped my shoulder
“hey” I replied
“are you nervous?” she asked
I breathed in heavily
“Maybe I’m nervous. Nervous about the mission. What if we fail? What if Kintora kills us all? What if this just doesn’t work out? I’m so scared” I stated and sighed again
“you can also look at the positive side. What if Kintora falls and dies?. What if the whole of Scalia is free from evil? What if we succeed and have a lovely life afterwards? What if you and Zeus.. You know, get married and have kids of your own. Then you’ll be called mummy” she said and I laughed
“you’re so sweet” I said and hugged her
“I love you” I said to her and we laughed
“I love you too” she replied and we swam around laughing
“hey, the Zeus wants to see you” Gavin asked without much interest
Well ever since we found out about Zeus, he’s been unenthusiastic
Just because two people will be more handsome than him
We actually laughed and teased him
Liliana and I swam up and saw the two at the shore
I sighed and swam towards them
“Brianna, is that really you?” he asked standing up
“yes” I replied calmly
He smiled and entered into the water
“he moved towards me and hugged me
“Zeus, I hope you’re not mad at me?” I asked gently
He unlocked and looked into my eyes
“mad? This is great! How can I be mad at you? When all my life I wanted to know who I truly am. And you helped me. How can I be mad at you” he stated and I smiled and hugged him again
“I’m sorry I burnt the school” he said and I laughed
“remember when the school froze up? Liliana caused it” I said and he laughed
“I guess I’m not the only villain” he said jokingly
“love birds…. No sorry… Love fishes” Liliana said and we laughed
“half fish. Have human” I said and Zeus pecked my cheek
We held hands
“mother wants you to come down” she said
“I’d like to see your tail” Zeus said to me
“me too. I bet you’ll be more handsome” I said
“okay, let’s go now” Rick said and dived in
“ready?” I said and he nodded
We swam towards the deep part and dived in
“whoaaa” he exclaimed when we got underwater
“awesome right?” Rick asked
“so awesome” Zeus replied
I smiled as I looked at his tail
Light blue
So cute
Queen Kintora
I’m having a very bad feeling
My system is so weak
This isn’t a good omen
“Zaire, I have a bad feeling” I stated
“what is it?” she asked
“something’s not right.” I replied
“does this have to do with the twins that we haven’t found?” she asked
“maybe” I replied
She sighed and took her enchanted objects
She made a divination and sighed sadly
“I see death” she stated and my heart dropped
I feel really great
I’ve finally found myself
This is the time I’ve been waiting for all my life
Being with people like me
And now they’re going to help me realize my powers because they said fire wasn’t the only one
Her death is inevitable
It can’t be stopped
Whoever is planning to bring her down has the ancient diamond which can bring down all evil
There’s no way she’s going to survive
And I’m also scared because whoever is after Kintora is also after me
I must do something fast
Even if I can’t save her, I have to save myself
“Zaire” the queen called out again
“yes your highness” I replied
“do you believe in reincarnation” she asked
“yes I do, why’d you ask?” I asked
“can you make me reincarnate?” she asked again
“Hmmm, there’s a chance” I replied thinking
Maybe it could work
It should work
“do anything you can to bring me back” she stated and I nodded and swam away
There’s a place in the ocean that has a particular atmosphere
That place is capable of dark magic
And I heard that if you swim to the ocean floor and take the sand down there, then you openly proclaim something on it after some enchantments then whoever touches the sand afterwards whatever being proclaimed will come on him
That place is after the dark waters
Just directly behind it
I’ll leave tomorrow morning and will get there at night
After I help her, I’ll elope to a different ocean and be safe
I’ll never work for her again, even in her next life
In three days, we will move to the castle and confront the queen
Liliana and Brianna will take the lead and knock out all guards
Rick and Zeus power can turn the stones back to living creatures
I will hold the diamond but when we reach the queen, the twin girls will activate it and it will make her lose all her powers
And unfortunately, she will die
I’m getting weaker and weaker
Zaire left early this morning and she’ll be back in the evening
I know all hope is lost
But I still don’t know what is responsible for my downfall
Or is it just time for me to die?
I need to know the power behind this
Could it be the twins that I couldn’t detect?
I need to see Rick
“oh no! Mother wants to see me” I announced and got on my fins
“how did you know?” Zeus asked
“knowledge” I replied
Liliana stood up too
“be careful. Especially around that witch” she stated and I smiled
I really like Liliana
We’ve got almost the same powers
I also control water and ice
And she also has a little knowledge
“Zaire, she’s no match for me” I boasted and they laughed
“let me see you off” she said and swam towards me
“bye Rick” Brianna stated
“see ya” Gavin said
“bye guys” I replied and held Liliana’s hand then we swam away
“you look exactly like Zeus” she stated
“I guess I do. But its a good thing that you guys changed his face. Or the guards would find out about him” I replied
“that would real bad” she replied
“well, you have to stop here. The guards shouldn’t see you with me” I said and stood in front of her
“okay then” she replied
I moved closer and kissed her cheek, lingering for about a minute
I disengaged and smiled at her surprised expression
“bye” I said and swam away with a grin
I sighted the dark waters ahead of me
I grinned evilly and swam there
I entered in and could feel pure evil
No plans grew around
The waters were void of fishes and even the soil was dark
I, who even likes evil can’t stand this atmosphere
I quickly swam out and sighed in relief when I saw the pure red sand ahead
As if it was originally white sand and that it was soiled with blood
I swam there in a hurry
I stepped on the red sand with my tail and scooped up some
I began to mutter inaudible words while staring at it
Then I brought out a special oil which cannot mix with the water
I poured it on the sand in my hand and it immediately turned white
I smiled and transferred the sand into the oil can and turned
I began to swim away to Scalia
I was so glad when news came to me that Zaire was back
I swam from my chambers to hers
“welcome back Zaire” I hailed
“thank you, please sit down” she replied and I did
“how was the journey?” I asked eagerly, awaiting the news
“it was okay. And I have good news” she replied
“it worked?” I asked impatiently
She nodded and brought out a little can
I stood up excitedly
I took the can and looked at it
“it will be released tomorrow morning and whosoever has contact with it will be unfortunate” she replied and I smiled
Mission accomplished
We waged towards the castle
I was in the middle with Gavin
Zeus and Rick were behind me looking identical
Liliana and Brianna were before me looking the same
Other people wowed at them
And some pitied them because they thought Kintora would kill them
But some who recognized the prince were in awe
As guards tried to make us stop, the twins were fighting against them
While the ones at the back were releasing the cursed citizens
The dungeon was also opening up
Finally we got to her
She was waiting for us
We exchanged harsh words and she charged towards us
We entered into a combat
But we overpowered her because we were much
The girls activated the diamond and the light shone towards her
She screamed and swam out swiftly
We quickly followed her
“she’s getting away” Brianna screamed
“don’t worry she still won’t survive it” I screamed out
She swam to the back of the castle and collapsed
Rick and Zeus swam to her
She groaned and abruptly struck out
Her powers hit Brianna and she screamed and fell into a sandy part
Suddenly the queen began to laugh
She then slowly stopped laughing and screamed then she finally fell
I ran to Brianna
“are you okay?” I asked
“yes… Yes” she mumbled
I brought her out and Zeus carried her
Rick went to his mother
He shook his head sadly
She was already gone
Something isn’t right
Where is Zaire?
And this fight went too easy
It wasn’t tough at all
What’s going on?
I heard Zeus screaming
I looked back and saw him bleeding seriously across his face
Brianna stood up with red eyes
“did you really think you could defeat me that easily. Ha ha ha ha ha. Think again” she said and lifted up her hand and the diamond was in it

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