A WIFE FOR THE PRINCE: Episode 21-The End

? A Wife For
The Prince ?

?(The girl in my dreams )?

Episode 24

By Simrah Saeed

? Alyssa ?

Sxually what?
I turned almost immediately only to see Emily in tears.

She was sxually a$$aulted by her maid? How come she didn’t tell either the king or queen?

I stood there watching her cry and unable to move my legs for some minutes.

I regained my composure running towards her practically engulfed her in a hug.

I might not know what she went through but I can feel the p@in.

She didn’t push me away nor move away as she allowed me hug her while she cry on my shoulder.

Why will her personal maid a$$ault her sxually?

” It’s okay, stop crying ” I consoled her patting her back lightly.

Humph! I guess that’s why she hates commoners? She doesn’t trust anyone for the fear of being hurt again.
I would do same if I was in her shoe!

G0sh! This really annoys me, a five year old girl! What the h.ell? I wish I can see that stupid maid and beat the h.ell out of her.

And where could she be? I am very certain she doesn’t work here in the palace anymore.

She released herself from the hug and I handed her a nearest hankie but the tears wouldn’t stop flowing down .
She might have really been hurt!

I thought as much, something might have happened to her to make her behave like she hates commoners.

” I…. I… I ” she tried talking but couldn’t because of the tears.

I am glad she’s trying to open up, that will help her a lot. The burden and pain she’s been carrying since childhood will be gone off her shoulders

” It’s okay if you don’t want to say it but remember I am always here for you, I am really sorry for what happened ” the said sincerely.

I can’t imagine being a$$aulted ! It’s worse than the heartbreak Raphael gave me .

She stared at me for a while before shaking her head.

” I will speak” she replied breathing out while I nodded.

I held her hand squeezing it lightly to encourage her.

” I was five when it all started ” she paused and I felt her grip on my hand tightened fearfully.

” Innah was my personal maid, I loved her more than I ever did for my family. She was my best friend, that I thought till the day she began to showing me the real person she was ”

A tear escaped her eyes which I wiped away with my thumb.

” She began making s*xual advances towards me at such a young age, sometimes she fngers me ”

” when I cry and threatened to tell my parents about it, she uses a memory wipe to wipe everything away at that moment ”

” it was a temporal memory loss, I thought she was going to stop as time goes on but it only worsen, it continued till I was 13 ”

” It got to a point she began threatening to kill my sisters and I if he ever get to tell anyone ”

” Mum trusted her with me, she allow her take me out anytime Innah wishes without any guard with us ”

” She will take me to one of her friend’s house,they will both take advantage of me and I couldn’t say anything ”

” I couldn’t say anything for the fear of being killed, she was among a gangster and I believe she could truly kill me and my sisters ”

” It got worse when I turned 11, then gave me out to many men as a young girl. They will have me and pay her ”

” I lost my Innocence, my dignity and my self confidence Alyssa ”

” She was my maid, a commoner. She made me who I am today, I have pistanthrophobia today because of her ”

” I find it hard to trust anyone especially commoners with the fear of history repeating itself ”

I didn’t know I was crying till a tear fell down on my thigh, she went through all this? At a very young age?

Rage burn through me, I wish I will see that idi0t and kill her. How could she have done all this to a little girl?

Made her a sx toy and a tool to generate money. Who does that? Is she Lucifer’s wife?

I engulfed her in a hug again with both of us crying really hard. I have never cried this hard in a long time.

She’s really gone through a lot! I don’t blame her for being who she is today.

” I am really sorry you went through all this Emily, I promise to help you get over everything. Not everyone is like her, I am not like her, other commoners are not like her. She’s a dev!l’s wife who deserve to burn in h.ell ”

” I promise you Emily, you will be fine again ”

She sniffed nodding her head while hugging me back tightly.

I didn’t pull back and I allow her cry, sometimes crying makes us feel better and give us inner peace too.

” Where’s she?” I blurted out before I could stop myself from asking. I need to know where that btch is, I don’t care if she’s old or not. I will teach her a lesson she will never forget in a hurry.

” Dead ” huh? Dead?

” What happened to her?” I asked still patting her back. We were still in that hugging position.

” I don’t really know, we saw her lying dead on the road. I guess God fought for me ”

Oh! My heart did a happy dance at that information.
I am very happy she’s dead!

” I am really sorry Emily, like I said. I promise to help you get better, to forget the old memories and move ahead, whatever happened doesn’t make you different, it shows that you are strong to have survived all that ”

She breathed out wiping away her tears when the door burst open.
Ah! Melanie! Can’t this little girl knock?

Emily smiled faintly at her trying to make sure Mela doesn’t notice she’s been crying.

” What are you doing here Mela? You didn’t hear anything right?” I asked raising an eyebrow while she paused staring from both Emily and I.

What’s she thinking?

” I am just wondering how you two are seated comfortably and talking like two best friends and no, I didn’t eavesdrop on your conversation ”

She replied before she started coming towards us.

Really? I never thought I will ever sit and discuss with Emily too.

” Are you okay sis?, Seems you’ve been crying and Aunt Lissa? What happened? you both eyes looks puffy” she asked.

G0sh! This girl is so observant!

” We are both fine beautiful princess, so tell us why you are here ” I said before she could speak further.

She giggled and jumped up.

” I searched everywhere for you aunt Lissa but I couldn’t find you so I decided to check sis Emily’s room and luckily for me, I found you ” she replied excitedly

Why will she be looking for me all over the palace?

” Any problem? ” I asked.

” Ah! Not at all, I came to inform you that my beloved brother want you downstairs in 30seconds and yes, we are going right away ”

She jumped up, grabbed my hand and dragging me with her out of Emily’s room .

Why will the prince want to see me?

” Alyssa?” Emily called.
We both paused and I turned to her.

” Thank you ” she said.
All I could do was passing her a genuine smile.

” Wow! That’s new, my sister just said thank you! I will come back to that later but for now, we need to get going ” she said before she continued dragging me with her.


Zoey’s POV

I sighed loudly as I massage Miles back. I just have to accept my fate.

” Hmm ” he moanèd while I rolled my eyes. He hasn’t shouted or try to kill me since the last time it happened.

He said he’s ready to change for me, what do I have to do? Maybe with time, I will develop feelings for him

” I love the way you do it pretty, it makes me feel so relaxed ” he said

” I am glad you like it ” I replied smiling faintly, I can’t really tell if it’s fake or real.

” Yeah and I to compensate you, I will take you to wherever you want. Just name it ”

My face lit up as I heard that. Only God knows how obsessed I am with shopping, I will love to go shopping.

” Really?” I asked clearly excited.

” Yes pretty, just name it ”

There was no need to think but at that moment, a thought crossed my mind.

Will it get him angry? Since he no longer gets mad at me like always, maybe I should give it a try.

” I don’t want to go anywhere, can I ask for something in return? ” I paused and bit my lower lips and patted my lips slightly to make me look cute.

I know he’s watching me through the mirror.

” For now, I will grant any request you make. I promise ”

” Promise?” I asked and he nodded.

I clasp my hands together looking for a way to put it.

” And you won’t get mad at me?” I asked, I seriously don’t want to die now.

” I promised never to raise my hands on you again Zoey and I am not going against it anytime soon ”

Hmm! Very great!

” Okay”

” You know you’ve made a lot of money that will be enough for you for the rest of your life right?” I asked. He just nodded but didn’t say anything.

” Uhmm ….”

” Speak pretty, I don’t bite ” he chuckled at how nervous I look.

” I was thinking if you can quit this work you do Miles, killing people is not the best way to make money. Please quit it let’s start a new life somewhere else ”

” Remember you promised to grant whatever I say ”


? Alyssa ?

I saw Prince Ryan seated patiently waiting as we descend the stairs.

He look so beautiful, handsome is an understatement right now.

He was seated wearing a fitted t-shirt and jeans trouser.
Her look freaking hot in it.

The moment he saw us, he stood up. I quickly look away in embarrassment. I can’t have him see that I was secretly admiring him.

” Here we are bro, I brought her as you requested. Can I take my leave now?” Mela said politely while Prince Ryan stared widely at her.

” M…Mela ..I …”

” What bro? Aren’t you the one asked me to call her?” She giggled

I glanced at Ryan to see him staring at me. Okay! What are they saying?

Mela turned to me taking my hands in hers excitedly.

” I believe you know how my brother is Aunt Lissa, he’s a very shy type ”

She paused and grin while Prince Ryan stared at her.

The only thing he had said since I came here was Mela.

” My beloved big brother here told me he wants to take you on a date but he’s shy to tell you so bro, I just did that on your behalf, you won’t turn him down right Aunt Lissa?”

” Then you two are good to go ” she pushed me towards Prince Ryan and I landed in his arm.

I was too shocked to pull back, did he really want to take me on a date?


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