AFRAID TO LOVE: Episode 81-90

Afraid to Love

Episode 90

He almost laughed, but he stopped himself from doing so. He could detect astonishment and fear in her voice. Had she not gotten over that day’s event? A smile creased his face. “I’m very sorry calling you at this late hour, but I urgently need to talk to you.”

The sound of a slight cough could be heard over the phone. “What’s this about, sir?” she asked.

“I want you to tell me everything you know about the vists Ernest Turner made to the office.”

“He always came for Miss Theodore, sir.”

“Did you know what his visits meant?”

“I don’t, sir. But he was always cold and cranky. I don’t get it, but i usually had an eerie feeling whenever I saw him.”

This was it. He was slowly getting there. “You heard any of their conversations?”

“I did not. She taught me never to eavesdrop. I never did. But I heard voices, though. It wasn’t clear, but I could feel tremor in her voice whenever she spoke with him, like she was never comfortable in his presence.” She paused for a little while. “What’s this all about, sir?”

“You’d get to know, soon. Um, do you have an idea, what transpired between your boss and a strange lady? Purity hit her.”

He could hear her giggling over the phone. That incident must have been funny. He caught himself wishing to have been there when Purity had slapped her. Now that he thought about it, Tricia, sure deserved that slap.

“Um…. I heard the lady accidentally colided with Miss Theodore. She did not apologise, they kinda exchanged words and she got what she’d called for.”

“They didn’t bicker?”

“Um….. I don’t think so. It didn’t take much time, just for a while.”

Then, they must not have argued concerning him. Why did Tricia go there? Only she could supply the answer. “Thank you for cooperating. Have a great night.” Jeremy quickly disconnected the call. He was done and that was that. He wouldn’t let her say one more word. He was in no mood to satisfy the curiosity of anyone. He needed to satisfy his. “Did you get everything?”

“Everything,” Darren confidently responded with a smile on his face.

“Now, we’ve got enough evidence to hold ’em down.” Allan was happy and proud of the fact that he had helped.

“We don’t know where she is. We still don’t.” He was getting angry. If Darren hadn’t been so stupid, as he called it, Purity would have been out of Ernest’s hands. He had not yet fully forgiven Darren for what he did. He had a reason, didn’t he? “Why did you do it?” he asked, facing Darren.

He had been waiting for this. He knew he’d ask. He’d know why he blew their cover up and let Ernest see them. Now, he’d tell them everything. He tried reading the meaning of Jeremy’s stare. He could not decipher what he was thinking. He understood, better not to infuriate him. “There’s a reason,” he breathed out.

“What’s the d–n reason?” Jeremy shot at him.

Allan took him by the shoulder, “Yelling at him won’t get him to talk. Why don’t you settle down and listen to what he has to say?”

“He has a wristwatch on,” Darren began. “Its something I’ve noticed-”

“Everyone has a watch on,” Allan taunted, chuckling. “I have one, too.” He raised his left arm for them to see it.

Darren snorted and shot Allan a warning look. He wasn’t gonna let his friend get to him. “There was something different about it. Its metallic, very rare and expensive. That watch is so important to this case,” he paused, reading their expressions.

They were eager to hear more. He smriked and continued. “The tape we watched showed us a masked man taking away Purity Theodore. We can prove it was Ernest.”

“How?” Jeremy asked. His anger had cooled off.

“He’s always wearing the watch. Its exactly the same.”

Allan recalled something. “He had it on! I definitely saw it.”

“That’s true. He made a mistake. It must be part of him that’s difficult to let go off. Well, that night I spoke with him, I tactfully placed a tracking device on his watch. Its so tiny that he can’t notice it.”

“That’s why……. that’s why you let him see us.” Allan blurted out.

Darren nodded. “Recently, I’ve been studying his movements on my cellphone. I know his every move and I have goodnews,” he smiled triumphantly.

“What?” Jeremy’s hope lit up.

“I know where Purity Theodore is.”



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