They already finished with Abbie’s pedicure and she was on her way to Alex when she bumped on someone.

Turned out to be Della and Beauty..

“Well.. Well.. Well if it’s isn’t the cheap backstabbing friend” Beauty scoffed

“Areum?” Abbie said and raised a brow.

“Don’t Areum me slvt!! I asked you to help me get Alex but you went ahead and dated him.. Well,, I’m tired of even pretending I like you in the first place coz I never did…

Keep your Alex to yourself but remember this,, I’ll never forgive you!!” Beauty said it to her face.

“Beauty..” Abbie’s face turned to a heartbroken one and Beauty smirked but the smirk fell when Abbie suddenly bursted out in laughter..

She laughed for a good 2 minutes before regaining herself.

“Well I know you’ll hold this grudge till your death coz everybody knows elephants do not forget” Abbie smirked

Beauty’s eyes widened. Did she just call her elephant??

“Well FYI, I knew about all these and how you suddenly became best friends with Blaire and this laptog beside you but I just decided to play dumb,,, since that’s the only language you understand” Abbie smirked

“Me? Dumb? How dare you!!” Beauty made to sI.ap her but Alma caught it before it could touch Abbie.

“You know, you should really watch where you place this bony thing of yours” Alma said.

“Also, eat well and gain weight so that you’ll start looking like human being and less of a skeleton..then you can come and compete with us” Whitney said.

“Beauty (scoffs). Were your parents blind before naming you that coz you look like the Chinese I wrote with my left hand… Completely meaningless” Estella smirked..

“Imagine being half as beautiful like us… Yeah keep imagining” Zoey winked.

By that time, Beauty was fuming greatly. She badly wanted to slap them but she knows she’s no match so she turned and left.

Della followed her.

The girls suddenly bursted out in laughter..

“We’re sick in the brain” Estella laughed.

“Omg! Check the news guys,,” Zoey gasped.

They did so and their eyes widened..


“Fk… I wasn’t expecting this” Abbie said shockingly.

“Heart” Alex and the rest walked to them.

“Did you see the news” Abbie went to him and he nodded then sighed.

“Blaire’s mom passed away… It says the burial will be held tomorrow” Alex said.

“That’s really sad.. I feel bad for her” Abbie pouted.

Bryce just looked at them without saying a word. Since Alex is his brother that means Don is none other than Marshall and for unknown reasons wants to use Alex and Abbie.

“Should I tell him the truth?” Bryce thought.



Tyler walked in Don’s office and locked the door.

“Have a seat” Marshall said and Tyler sat down..

“Tomorrow is the day… I hope you remember the plan?” Marshall said and Tyler nodded.

“You didn’t tell anything to my son right?” Marshall asked and Tyler nodded.

“Good, tomorrow we execute the plan as said.. Remember, don’t kill Alex.. He’s still useful to me” Marshall said and Tyler nodded.

Lucas who was eavesdropping on them frowned and folded his fists angrily then left the premise.

Almost immediately, Tyler came out of the office and went his way


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