ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60


By Naomi Cindy B

“You going somewhere?” She asked

” Yes, I’m going to the hideout, I need to plan tomorrow’s party with the rest” he replied

” And you’re planning to drop me off at Farrell’s place without going with me, I’m part of the team Brandy, don’t try to slice me out” she replied seriously

” Your eyes….your glasses might fall off try to understand, it won’t be a joke tommorow” he replied

” I’ll use different glasses with strap that can be attached to my hair unnoticed, I’m going with you guys no arguments” she replied stubbornly

” Why are you always stubborn” he replied

” Cos I wanna be” she replied

” Will you just listen to me for once?, Please?” He said and tried to hold her but she stepped back

” I’m going with you, ok?” She said and went in, entering the bathroom immediately

She took her bath and came out after some minutes to dress up

“I’ll wait in the living room, go prepare too darling” she said and pecked him before leaving the room

” How can she be so recalcitrant” Brandon wondered, entering the bathroom too

He finished up and dressed up then came out too

“I’m done” he said

“Let’s move” she replied and led the way out of the house, and that’s when he noticed that she wore a short gown for the first time

It’s a pink short gown but it’s free and she looks cute in it

“I love what you’re wearing, when did you get it?” He asked

She looked back with a smile and flaunted her hair before answering

“Since long ago, Farrell got it for me, she has same type same color, we have a lot of clothes we bought together” she replied

” You two are pretty close” he said as they both got into the car

” Sure, my bestie, Jamison is not close the way she is” she replied

Brandon started the drive and like he said earlier, he branched at a restaurant where they ate

“You ate just little, this is different from the real you” Brandon said when Nirvana dropped the fork after eating just little from the rice

“I’m on a diet, I need to eat less” she replied, standing with him

“You’ll become shorter and smaller” he teased and she smiled

” I’ll look cuter like that” she replied

They continued their journey and soon they got to the hideout

Paxton is there with them already

“These sudden meetings is slowing down the museum activities” he said

” Shut up, you have close to ten workers” Brandon replied

” Fk you” Paxton replied

” Museum dad” Nirvana said

” Small daughter” Paxton replied

” So Jones, what’s the plan?” Brandon asked, settling down with everyone in the big living room

“Everyone must go in with a date so I think I’ll go with Sandra, Reagan will go with Paxton, you and Nirvana, May will be one of the servers, she’ll just knock one of the waiters out and steal the uniform then gain entry” Jones replied

“The bo mbs and gvns I supplied to the cartel are all of inferior quality, they won’t be effective for long” Reagan said

” He’ll know you might wanna do that, he’ll order another batch” Nirvana said

” I know, and that’s why I made a deal with our supplier, I gave him cool cash and he agreed that if Zelda sends for another supply, he’ll supply inferior quality” Reagan replied

” Did you see a possible example of how the underground casino will be?” Brandon asked

” No, and that’s why we have to be really careful, no one knows what’s gonna happen” Sandra replied

” What about our weapons?” Brandon asked

“It’s ready” May replied and stood

She tapped Paxton. “Let’s go get em” she said and led the way to the room

Paxton followed her and they got the two big wooden boxes out of the room

“You carried that?, Are you even a girl?’ Paxton said and May smiled shortly

“Don’t underestimate me” she said

They got back to the room and placed them on the floor then opened them

Brandon started checking them out.

Gvns, arrows and bows, flame bombs, knlves, $words and lots more

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60

He picked a gvn and shot at the chair Paxton is sitting on

“Don are you ¢razy!” He said, getting up from the chair

” Coward” Brandon said and smiled shortly

“Dkhead” Paxton replied

“They’re from where?” He asked

“China” Jones replied

” Cool, and the disguise you talked about won’t be necessary anymore, I’m going against him, not with him” Brandon

” I understand” Jones replied

” Have you guys been training?” He asked

” Of course boss, we’re more than ready for tommorow” Jones said

” Get your outfits ready, don’t wear anything too tight so it won’t be an hindrance when the time comes to ¢ombat” he said

” Sure” Sandra said and Berry came crying from the room

“Gosh, her cries irritates my ears” May murmured

“So you don’t have plans to give birth” Paxton said

“Stay away from me” May replied and Paxton chuckled

” Hey cute little thing” Brandon said and Berry still won’t stop till Jones carried her

“It’s ok, why the tears” he said, petting her gently

” Gradually becoming a father” Brandon said

“Not that bad” Jones replied and Sandra smiled.


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60

The Vikings cartel**

” Throw away the supply Reagan got and get me another supply before dusk” Zelda said, sitting down confusedly, a part of him is scared about tommorow while another part is trying to be bold

Scared because Brandon is a gentle devl, he’s not predictable and he can’t even predict what’ll happen tommorow or what Brandon will do especially now that he has mad Reagan and crazy May

He threw away the wine on his table frustratedly

” That child must not be the one to end me, and I can’t possibly end tommorow, it’s Impossible” he said with determination then sat again

He thought of not going but he thought otherwise the Stone and Brandon will think of him as a coward and he hates that so he’s definitely going


He walked out of his mansion to the training ground where his guys and ladies are training

“The ladies should file out” he said and seven ladies stepped forward

” Come_” he waved his hand to one of them and she walked up to him

” Yes boss”

” You’ll be my partner tomorrow night, you’re following me to the party” he said

” Yes Lord Zelda” she said happily

“Six guys” he said and six stepped forward

” You’ll be the partners of the remaining six girls to the party tommorow, if you guys mess up you’re dead” he said and they all nodded

” Yes boss”

” Start training separately the twelve of you…, you should follow me” he said to his partner and she followed behind till they’re out of sight.


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60

Evening, Brandon’s house**

“My dress will soon arrive and I’m sure you’ll like it, it’s a red gown, slitted on both sides so I’ll be able to attack while wearing it” Nirvana said

” I hope so” Brandon replied and his stomach made funny noises

” Hunger?, We can’t order again for dinner, I’ll cook” she said

“Are you kidding me?, Noodles again?, I’m not interested” he replied

” No, I’ll make pasta puttanesca, you’ll like it I swear” she winked and entered the kitchen

” Let’s see” Brandon said lightened a cigarette, he smoked to while away time and soon, a sweet smelling aroma filled the air, replacing the cigarette smell

“Hmmn!” He inhaled the aroma

“Smells nice” he muttered

After a while, Nirvana came out and announced that food is ready

He went to the dinning and sat patiently and she brought out the dished food, it looks ostentatious and just too appetizing

“Dish yours and let’s eat together” he said

“No, I wanna watch you eat” she smiled, sitting in front of him

” Have you tasted it?” He asked

“No I want you to be the first one to taste it” she replied

” Oh” he said and picked the fork

She folded her hand as he dived the fork slowly into the dish, then he slowly brought it to his mouth and chewed on it slowly but suddenly stopped

“It tastes too good right?, It’s my first time of cooking the dish” she smiled

” Make it your last time you murderer” Brandon replied and rushed to stand then ran to the nearest restroom

“What?, Why?” Nirvana said, tasting the food herself but she spit it out immediately and gulped down water

“Did I really….cook this” she said to herself

It lacks salt and the pasta is not close to soft, the ingredients did not penetrate, it just stayed on the body of the pasta

“Brandy darling I’m sorry!!..” she said, rushing to the restroom where Brandon is vomiting the little he has swallowed…

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60

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