ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60


By Naomi Cindy B

Surprisingly, it was Nirvana pointing her gvn at the river side , she was the one who shot

Everyone turned to the river and shockingly it’s Zelda

He got sh ot on his left chest and he’s slowly falling into the river

Like someone in a slow mo, he fell heavily into the water

They all rushed there but he has sunk, the river is so big so seeing the bottom from the top is Impossible

“Sht!” Reagan said

“Why did you shoot him why!, This is not the type of de ath I want for him just give me a reason why you shot him, why did you sho ot him!” Brandon yelled at Nirvana and Immediately regretted it

Despite the fact that she has changed from the fragile Nirvana to strong, he can still see her slight shiver when he yelled

“He wanted to shoot at you but I saw him first and was faster, that’s why I did the first thing that came to my mind, I just tried to protect you” she replied slowly

Brandon jumped into the water immediately and everyone gasped

“He’ll be fine,he can swim any river” Reagan said

Brandon came back after a long time and reported that he couldn’t find Zelda’s body

“He’s not dead” he said

“He’s coming back for us, we should be prepared, he’s a devl when wounded” Reagan said

” So what do we do?” Sandra asked

” Let’s get out of here first, it’ll soon blow up” Brandon replied and led the way out

They all followed behind while Nirvana is the last in line, following quietly

They left the place, stepping on bodies till they completely got out

They drove away same way they drove there and went straight to The Vikings cartel, not even a single soul is there

“Another evidence that he’s still alive” Brandon said

” What’s the next step?, Stone is dead, Zelda escaped” Sandra asked

” There’s nothing to be done, let’s just prepare for anything, he might come back anytime” Jones said

” That’s true, you guys should go back to the hideout but be careful, I’ll send a doctor to treat your wounds” Brandon said

” Yes boss” May replied with the rest

They left in separate cars and throughout the drive home, Nirvana never spoke a word to Brandon

When they got home Nirvana entered the bathroom for a shower while Brandon stood by the window and started smoking

Nirvana came out of the bathroom and the smell of cigarette has filled the room

She held her nose and went to him, took the cigarette from him and threw it on the ground before marching it

“You puffed it with me back then” he said

“That’s because I wanted to act cool and tough, not because I liked it, I don’t like smoke” she replied and started wiping water off her body with a smaller towel

Brandon took another cigarette and tried to lighten it but she took it again and threw it out through the window

“I said I don’t like smoke!, I’ve been tolerating it since forever but it’s high time I speak up cos I can’t die in silence” she said seriously and returned to the closet

She searched for something to wear to bed and when she found one, she put it on, removing his towel in front of him before putting it on

She climbed the bed and turned her back on him

Brandon understood why she’s like this, he yelled at her earlier and has been thinking of ways to apologise but he’s also aware that getting her attention isn’t easy

He went to her and sat beside her on the bed

He noticed small wounds on her arms and legs, he touched her arm but she shifted away from him

“Let’s get your wounds treated” he said

“Go continue smoking” she replied without looking at him.

” Please..” he said pleadingly

“I don’t want to, leave me alone” she said

“I’m sorry for yelling at you, I just wasn’t thinking” he said

She remained silent

” I’m truly sorry Nirvana…ok if you want me to stop smoking I’ll try to do that, just look at me ok?” He said, touching her arm but she shifted away

“Go take your bath and sleep” she said

“I can’t sleep knowing you’re still mad at me and for the fact that you have bruises on your body, just let me treat your wounds please….. I’ll just treat it and nothing more” he said and she slowly sat up

He quickly got the first aid box and rubbed her wounded areas with sterile cotton soaked with methylated spirit

She winced in pains as that continued and Brandon slowed down

“Sorry” he said

He rubbed the wounds with an antibiotic cream and then he noticed a small cut on her right cheek, he rubbed it also and found a small patch to patch it with

He finished watching and kept staring at her, not letting her face go

“I’m sorry” he said in a whisper

“It’s ok” she replied

“Stop trying to pretend when I know you more than anything, you’re still mad at me Nirvana” he said

“It’s really really ok now, I need to get used to your yelling, I can do it” she said

” No I promise not the ever yell at you again ok?, I promise, please just stop being silent” he said, rubbing her cheeks fondly

She held his hands and smiled

” Promise me that you’ll stop smoking no matter what it takes, you’re a doctor and you’re aware that it’s a bad practice, you smoke too much, if you won’t stop then lessen the rate at which you smoke” she said

” I’ll try, for you I’ll try ok?” He said and she nodded

“I love you” she said and hugged him first

“I love you more little mother”

“Treat your wounds too” she said

” I didn’t get wounded” he said and she broke the hug then checked out his whole body

There’s truly not even a small scratch on his body

“Now I know you’re a pro, how can you come out of that lion’s den without any wound” she said surprisingly

” I’m still the boss” he said

” Stop the cockiness” she replied and stood, he entered the bathroom and took a shower then came out in only his towel

“That looks tempting” Nirvana said

“Turn away, don’t stare” he replied with a wink

” No” she said and jumped on him from the bed

” Stop being a monkey” he said

“About your dad…” She said

” Are you scared?” He asked

” It’s normal to be scared but I’m trying not to be, the fact that no one knows where he is and that he might pop out anytime is scaring me” she said

Brandon brushed her hair with his fingers gently

” I’m here , I’ll protect you” he said

“I know, I trust you….but I’m scared for you, you….

“Shhh, Nirvana stop worrying about me I’ll be fine, you’ll be fine, Zelda’s come back might be bIoody but trust me it’s his bIood that’s getting spilled” he said assuredly

” I hope so” she replied, coming down from his arms

“So stop worrying… Little girlfriend” he said and she blushed

He pulled her closer and pecked her.


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60


“Be gentle” Sandra said as Heather treated her wound

“Brandon is full of surprises, I was expecting him to call me tomorrow but he called tonight and told me to come here with Mateo to treat you and some others” Heather said

” I’m glad I saw you again” Sandra said

“Me too, you won’t know how heartbroken I got when Brandon told me the secret” Heather said

” I know right?, Sold to build an hospital” Sandra laughed

“But I’m just glad you’re fine” Heather said and hugged her for the uptenth time today, fighting back her tears

“My baby is sleeping already, you’ll see her when you come tomorrow” Sandra said.

” I’m not going home tonight, I’ll stay here with you” Heather said

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60

” This is an hideout and anything can happen anytime especially now that we’re expecting Zelda anytime, it’s not safe” Sandra said

” I don’t care, I just want to stay with you” Heather replied


” Stop trying to persuade me cos you know I won’t change my mind” Heather interrupted and Sandra smiled as she continued treating her wounds

“You turned a fighter overnight” Heather said

“I know right?” Sandra laughed

Mateo has finished treating May, he’s on Paxton already

“You should be punished for wounding yourself this much, you own a museum,must you fight?”. Mateo said

” I’ll have to cut off your mouth if you continue like this” Paxton replied and Mateo knowingly pressed the wool hard on the wound

“Aarrgh!!!, Mateo just wait till it heals up I’ll skin you alive” Paxton said

” Weakling” May said

” I’m trying my best to stay away from you so do the same and stop meddling” Paxton said and May smiled

” Shouting like a baby just because you’re getting treated, how immature” May said, walking away

” Come back here!, Mateo stop the treatment I need to teach someone a lesson how dare she address me as immature” Paxton said, trying to stand but Mateo pressed the wound again

“Aaarrrrgg!!!!” Paxton screamed.


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60

Nirvana is shifting back slowly and Zelda is following her with a wicked smile on his face

There’s a river behind her and she kept shifting till she’s stepping on the water

“Spare me, spare me don’t end my life please” she pleaded

” You think you’ll plant a bvllet on my chest and go scot free?” Zelda said and laughed loudly

” I’m sorry please spare me!!” Nirvana pleaded intently, stylishly dipping her hand into her belt strap to bring out her gvn

She drew out her gvn and made to $hoot but it ran out of bvllets already, she kept trying but it’s all abortive

“And now you’re trying to do same thing?, No doubt you’re dying…. right now” Zelda said and kicked the gvn from her hand

It fell into the water and her glasses followed, darkness replaced the light and she became blind

“Help!, Help!!…help!!!” She scre amed but was replied with a gvnshot

Zelda $hot her in the right ey e and she fell in the water….

No!!!, My eyes!!!!, My eyes!!!!, My eyes!!!” She screamed, waking up to life.

It has been a dream

Brandon woke up and held her as she continued struggling with no one

It took a lot of time before he was able to hold her in place

“It’s ok, it’s ok I’m here, calm down baby, calm down” he said, hugging her

She’s sweating and her whole body is shaking

” Zelda is coming back for me….” She cried.

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 51 – 60

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