ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End


By Naomi Cindy B

“Reagan!!!!” Brandon screamed, rushing to hold her before she’ll fall

Sandra got the gvn and shot Brandon, Paxton removed the knlfe from Grayson’s neck and sh.oved it into his eyes

“Die!!!!” He yelled, driving it more into his eyes

Grayson has no strength left to scream and groan again, he wriggled for a moment before giving up

Reagan fell into Brandon’s arms and he sat on the ground with her head on his lap

“Reagan hold on…. Hold on a little bit ok?, Please” he pleaded

Reagan gasped for breath and that made her vomit bIood again

Her $hot chest is bIeeding seriously

“Brand… Brandon” she stuttered, tears rushed down her cheeks as she said that, she raised her hand to his face and smiled hurtfully

“I won’t regret dying, I got my revenge on …. On Zelda” she said

” No Reagan…you won’t die… you’ll be fine” he said, crying already too

She’s losing too much bIood

“Let’s get her to the hospital, nearest hospital!” May said loudly and impatiently

” No…I don’t want to go…. don’t waste your energy guys… I’m gonna go to a more peaceful place if I die” she replied

” Stop talking like fk!” May screamed in tears

” Brandon….. Brandon I know I shouldn’t be……. saying this but…..I love you, and I’m glad I did…till my last breath, you’re…the only man I….fell in love with…in my whole life…. dying in your arms is.. the greatest thing that has ever happened to me…it might sound weird…but today is my happiest day….I got to die in your arms I’m … I’m happy” she cried slowly

” Reagan…” Brandon sniffed

Reagan used all the strength in her body to tilt up and peck his cheek before going back down with a faint smile

“”May…. Paxton…. Sandra, Jones….I…. I’ll never forget you all …. I love you guys… and tell Nirvana that….I respect her a lot and my eyes are for her, I…..I’m gonna miss you all” she said and May fell on her knees

” Reagan don’t do this to me” she cried

“I’m sorry….it was nice crewing with you guys” Reagan said and smiled sadly before closing her eyes, she went limp immediately

“Reagan?,…. Reagan… Reagan!!!!!” Brandon screamed, pouring down his tears in handfuls everyone else let out their tears

She’s really gone, Reagan is gone, she’s no more

“Now I know your value….I know how much you mean to me…my childhood friend, the first female friend I knew, the best partner… Reagan” Brandon thought as he cried

” She was the best thing that happened to me…. Reagan!!” May screamed

” Reagan” Paxton muttered, crying slowly

Sandra held the ship body and cried slowly while Jones eyes are bIoody red

He’s trying his best not to cry but the tears crept out….


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

Same night, Preston hospitals**

“Her body has been embalmed” Heather said, coming out of the room

Everyone kept quiet, there’s nothing to say anyways,

“And Nirvana, she was given a large shot of sedatives and at this rate when she wakes up even with glasses she won’t be able to see so it means we’re performing her surgery immediately she wakes” Heather said sadly, inhaling loudly after that

” How’s Mateo doing?” Brandon asked

“He’s awake, he’ll be fine” she replied

“I need to see him” Brandon said

Heather led him to the ward and when he got there, he sat beside Mateo on the bed and Mateo tilted up

“You don’t look too good” he said

“You too” Brandon replied, smiling sadly

“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect your girlfriend, but I must confess, gvnshot wound is not a joke” he said with a sad smile too

” I’m sorry” Brandon said

“Sorry about Reagan” Mateo said

“It’s ok” Brandon replied

“Friends?, I mean tight one” Mateo said

“Crazy you” Brandon replied and hugged him tight

” Ouch!” Brandon whimpered when Mateo’s hand touched his back

“You’re strong, you had one shot before and you still took two more shots, I respect you” Mateo said

“It’s really not easy, I was at the path of death, I got lucky to be thrown back to life” he replied.


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

Next morning, Mateo’s ward**

“Are you ok now?” Heather asked after dressing the wound..

“You’re here, so I’m fine” he replied

She sat on a chair beside him and sighed

“I should be the one on that bed right now” she said

” But I’m glad I’m the one, I wouldn’t be able to bear seeing you down” he said

” Thanks for taking it in my place, thanks for saving me, thanks for everything” she said

” It’s ok, I’ve vowed to do anything possible for any lady I fall in love with, and since it’s you, then I don’t have a choice” he replied

” Mateo….

“Shhhh… don’t need to tell me anything right now, just keep it in mind that I love you so much” he interrupted, holding her hands gently then pecking them

“I love you” he said.


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End


” Did you call the hacker already?” Brandon asked Jones

“Yes, he’s working on it already, Zelda’s confession will soon be aired” Jones replied

” The cops will come for me soon’ he said

“Nirvana is awake” Sandra announced and Brandon rushed out of the hallway to Nirvana’s ward

“Brandy… where’s Brandy?” Nirvana kept asking, searching with her hands for him since she’s completely blind right now

“Calm down he’ll soon be here” Paxton replied, holding her

” Brandy….Is he ok?, Huh?, Is he ok?’ she said impatiently

“Nirvy” Brandon said, just coming into the ward

“Brandy, Brandy where are you” she said, searching with her hands

Brandon took few strides to her then hugged her tightly, holding her head to his chest

“Brandy …. Brandy I’m glad you’re safe, I’m glad you’re ok” she said, making the hug tighter but she can feel his wriggles against her body and can feel his back is patched

She broke the hug and found his face, holding it dearly

“You’re wounded….you…you got shot…. again?” She said

” Yeah, in two more places, but I’m ok now, you need to rest and go for your surgery ok?” He said

” How can you be ok when you have three gvnshot wounds on your back Brandy….you’re not ok I can feel it” she said, rubbing his cheeks

” Nirvy calm down I’m fine,what you need now is rest, rest for an hour and go for surgery” he said

” The donor has been given to another person right?, Did I get another?” She asked

” Yes you got another, Zelda and Grayson are down, I’ll tell you everything once you can see again, but for now just rest ok?, I’m right beside you, I won’t go anywhere” he said

Cops entered the ward immediately and Jones made signals at Brandon, he nodded

“Brandon Greg, you’re under arrest for unauthorized killings, murders, illegal drugs trade and lots more”

Nirvana hugged him again

” No, please don’t take him away…. don’t take my only hope away from me, please don’t!” She said, holding him tight

Brandon was handcuffed and Nirvana started crying when she touched his hand and felt the cuffs

“No…no don’t do this!, Brandy don’t leave me!, Don’t take him away!” She screamed in tears as he was forcefully taken from her

” He’ll be fine” Jones said, holding her but she broke free and started searching for the way with her hands

“I’m going with him, he can’t be alone I want to be by his side!, Brandy!!!”

” You need to rest and prepare for surgery, he’ll be fine” Paxton said, holding her to himself but she started kicking the air stubbornly with her legs

“Brandy I love you!!!, Don’t leave!!, Please don’t take him away from me!!!”

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 61 – The End

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