?? Arranged Marriage??

??[Could this be love?]

??[Not meant to be]??

Author Fehimuan??

??An American Romance-Suspense Novel

??Brought to you by Author Fehimuan



What happens when two different rich families try to arrange a marriage for their children?

It doesn’t work that way….

There can’t be love…

She feels he’s pompous??

He feels she is not a wife material??

Myles Horace, the rich son of the Horace international company is a proud but intelligent fellow. He doesn’t want to get married but his parents finally forced him to date a girl named Ellen Quentin….

Ellen Quentin on the other hand is also a rich daughter of the Quentin’s Corporate Industries whose parents tried to fix a marriage with Myles.

Their first date ended up in a mess and Ellen imagined her life with him as a mess…??

After Myles Dad goes into coma, Ellen forces herself to marry him to save her company and Myles does the same but their marriage was a bummer not the one of true love.

Two Proud Peacocks ? under one roof. He won’t let her have her way and she won’t let him either…
??Read this love suspense novel by author fehimuan brought to you on your screen…


?? Arranged Marriage??

??[Could this be love?]

??[Not meant to be]??


??An American Romance-Suspense Novel

??Brought to you by Author Fehimuan

Episode One??

Myles’s POV???

Everything was torpsy- turvy… If what happened Skyler told me is true, I would be dmn hurt…

How could they arrange a marriage without telling me? ?

I tossed and turned on the bed thinking, I was already in love with Rita, how could they arrange a date for me with some girl I barely even know?

I heard a knock on the door..

”Its me your dad, can I come in?”. He said.

I quickly pretended to be asleep as the door slowly opened.

“Hello son”. Mr Horace frail hands touched me and I shrugged opening my eyes one by one.

“Good morning Dad”. I greeted with a yawn.

“Good morning, sorry I woke you up but there’s something we need to discuss urgently”.

He said and sat on my bed.??

“Yes dad and what’s that?”. I asked as Skyler walked in.

“Will you get out, can’t you see I’m talking to your elder brother”. Dad shouted and Skyler ran outside and jammed the door.

“Uh son, do you know the family of Mr Quentin?”. Dad began

“Yes, Patrick Quentin and his wife Lizzy Quentin”. I said trying to pretend like I didn’t know where he was approaching.?

“I suppose you know their daughter”. He said.

“Ohhh do they?”. I asked.??

Of course I knew that proud bch that splashed water on me for mistakenly touching her car.

He nodded. “She’s beautiful, rich, caring, self-determined, elegant…..”.

I cut in. “And proud”.

“Anyways, I have arranged a date for both of you with her parents consent”. He said and I stood up.

“He..ll No”. I screamed.

“Heaven Yes”. He replied.

“I can’t date or better still talk to that pompous ingrate, that peacock of the early nineties”. I said angrily and walked out of the room.

Mom stopped me on the way.

“What’s wrong?”. She asked.

“Ask your husband”. I replied and went to the parlor.
End of myles’s POV ??? ?

Ellen’s POV
“Cindy, are you sure of what you’re saying?”. I asked terribly shocked on the phone.

My joyous voice sounded pale instantly.

“Yes, you have a date with Myles Horace, future CEO of Horace international company”. She said happily and I hissed.

“Are you sure it’s me cause I’m not going on a date with a peacock, humans and peacocks don’t mingle”. I said.

“Are you not proud?”. Cindy asked jokingly but I didn’t find it funny…

“Cut the line”. I said angrily.
“Why?”. She asked surprised
“Cause if I do it myself, you’ll be put on voicemail”. I said and she laughed.

“I’ll call you later”. She said and cut the line

How can my parents fix a date for me with a proud animal as my boyfriend… God forbid… I repeat God forbid…

I said and went to the dinning table to have my breakfast.

“Good morning Dad”. I greeted and sat down as mom joined us. “Good morning Mom”.
“How was your night?”. She asked.
“The same mother… Lovely”. I said and dad smiled as the maid dished our food on different plates…

“Uhh, I’m sure you know that uhh …. You know that emmm.. infact… Uhhh… Even…. “. She kept shut immediately….??

“I’m sure you know that the Horace family has an handsome son”.. he asked

Handsome?… I want to marry someone as ugly so no one would compete with me….

“Noo I don’t”. I replied.

“Cut the pretence, I’m talking about Myles Horace”. He said ??
“What happened to him, is he dead?… Was he involved in an accident?… Did he die after rapping a teenager?”.. I asked as mom chuckled.

“Shut it”. Dad ordered and I became silent and took a sip of juice from my mug.

“You guys are having a date today”. He said and I stood up angrily.

“Well, I’m not interested”. I replied and walked into my room.??

To be continued

Are they not proud ??

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