ARRANGED MARRIAGE: Episode 11 to 20

?? Arranged Marriage??

??[Could this be love?]

??[Not meant to be]??


??An American Romance-Suspense Novel??

??Brought to you by Author Fehimuan??

Episode 14

ARRANGED MARRIAGE: Episode 11 to 20.
Ellen’s POV
“Ellen, Ellen”. He called me as I stood outside the cell smiling.

“Now you’re begging me right”. I said and laughed. “No, you’re begging me, you embarrassed me at the church, you made my name appear in the newspaper like a criminal and now you’re begging me”. I said with tears.
“Please”. He begged.

“Fine, Rita’s dropped the case”. I said and he smiled.
“I knew it”. He said.
The cell was opened and he came out laughing….

“Few seconds ago, you were crying like a baby saying please, now you’re laughing… Do you realize she set you up?”. I asked.
“The things to be moved in the new house has been completed”. Cindy said coming to me with some documents.

“Ohhh thanks”. I replied.
“What house?”. He asked.
“Well, your father was discharged yesterday and he said you shouldn’t come to his house for any reason so he bought us a house in Texas”. I said and he frowned.
“How many people are living there?”. He asked.

“Just me and you”. I replied and he almost screamed.
“I’m even wondering why I’m talking to you, after you shamelessly slept with your staff Rita”. I said and left angrily.
End of Ellen’s POV
Myles’s POV.
The drive to Texas was boring, I was glued to my phone cheeking my activities and reading my favourite novel by an African Author who writes American books..
“What are you doing?”. Cindy asked.

“Do you know Author Fehimuan?”. I asked and took a sip of the juice in my glass.
“Of course I know him, I heard he lives in London now”. Cindy asked.
“Yes, he’s so talented”. I replied.

“Ellen, your face is looking sullen, what’s wrong?”. Cindy asked.
“Nothing, just thinking”. She replied.

It was time to suffer her, thank God Cindy wasn’t going to live with us, I would certainly kill Ellen if she misbehaves as my wife.
End of Myles’s POV

Cindy’s POV.
They don’t know how much they love each other!
They don’t know how much their hearts yields for each other!.

Because they’re immature
The real truth is that they don’t know that they’re in love.

Ellen is proud.. Myles is absolutely too proud
How could he show his true colours at their wedding and now the whole world knows that it was an Arranged Marriage.
“I need to tell your guys something”. I said and cleared my throat.
“And what’s that?”. Ellen and Myles said at the same time.??
I chuckled

“You guys are destined for each other”. I said and they coughed at the same time.
“What did you say?”. Ellen asked

“I know that this marriage was arranged but you guys can make it work”. I said.??
“I can’t love Ellen, she’s too proud, bossy and just want to have her way”. He said and I chuckled.

“And you?… You get easily deceived”. She said.
“Do you think it’s over?”. He asked.???
“I’m going to revenge on Rita for killing my child”. He said.

End of Cindy’s POV

Rita’s POV
“Aaarrgghhhhh”. I threw the things on the glass table down frustrated.
“What’s wrong?”. Brody came in and held me.

“Let me be”. I screamed??
I was totally frustrated… My plans didn’t work, now they’re going to Texas happily married uh… No I won’t back down without a fight.

I picked my phone from the chair and dialed Scorpion’s number.

“Hello Scorpion”. I said ??
“You know what to do, kill them”. I ordered.

End of Rita’s POV.

Ellen’s POV

Myles poured the drink on his hair.???
“Waoohh”. He accepted the dare… I said in my mind
“Truth and dare”. Cindy said
“Truth”. I said.
“Do you love Myles?”. Cindy asked.
I was dumbfounded…

“Kind of”. I replied.
“I choose dare”. He said
“I dare you to kiss Ellen”.
The car came to a stop.
“What’s wrong?”. I asked the driver.
“A car has blocked us with guns”. He replied and my heart beat..

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