AWKWARD NURSE : SEASON 2 Episode 1 – 10

Episode 2

Clara’s p.o.v

I can’t believe this, Sir Ryan said he loves me too, he said he is in love with me.I stared deep into his eyes
” it’s true Clara, i love you too.
” Ryan”, i said in tears and he wiped them
” come on now. Let’s go home Clara. Stop running from me, i might die.
I smiled and he took my hands as we entered the car and took off.
I just kept staring in his face. He’s mine. He loves me too..I wonder how it feels to be loved by him. Soon we arrived home
I don’t know what to say neither does he have anything to say but he still have a girlfriend. He might like me too but what if he can’t choose me?
Crazy thoughts ran down my head I let go of his hands and gently bowed
” what do we do Clara?
I know exactly what he means.
” well sir Ryan it is ok that you love me too but you can’t date me because you are with Anna and I’m just…., well, I’m just me..I totally get it at least I’m glad I told you how I feel, I’m okay I will be fine. I came too late. It’s too late to love you now.
I gently bowed again out of tears. This hurts. I tried rushing out when he dragged me back. He held my hands tight, then he pulled me over and hugged me
” I am not letting you go Clara. I need you.”, he said and my heart melted.
He dragged me into his room and I sat on his bed .
I smiled so happily and he smiled too. I sat on his bed and he looked into my eyes while arranging my singlet well. Finally he withdrew his hands.
” Clara I don’t love Anna anymore ever since you stole my heart you totally blocked her out .. I only feel responsible towards her
I nodded gently and he moved my hair
“Clara I can’t break up with Anna over the phone. Not Anna but I will surely end it when we return home, i promise!.
I nodded
” Clara I still need you so badly.. I want to feel you with me Clara. I want to hold you and love you too. I want more. So will you accept my love Clara? Will you let me love you while Anna is still here?”,he lifted his phone, is Anna in his phone? I smiled and hugged him. That is my own yes. He hugged me deeply and I wrapped my fingers around him,” yes!! My dream just came true. I held him tight. Few minutes later he picked his towel and rushed into the shower so I ran into my room. I instantly called Diana on phone and fell to my pillow.
” Diana I’m so happy
” why?
” sir Ryan loves me too and he asked me out
” what did you say?
” I said yes silly girl
” Clara Anna is back …she is stronger now.. she is walking perfectly now. She Is finally strong and you just said yes to her man
” Diana Ryan will break up with Anna soon .
” Good! So until then you will be his half girlfriend.
” what?
” no s*x Clara
“is she drunk
” I’m serious Clara
” but you know I’m tired of being a v!rgin
” Clara!!!
” no s*x
” why Diana
” Clara you have not had a boyfriend before. You are not used to all this. So you need to control your own emotion. You have to limit the closeness until Ryan is truly yours, even until he marries you. What if he is just attracted to your beauty and he just want only s*x? What will you do when he dumps you and goes back to Anna? Clara their love story is so grand …I am not saying Ryan can’t love you. I’m just saying let him prove it.
” what does s*x have to do with all this.
” well if you control the emotion, it won’t pain you much when Ryan dumps you. So don’t give your all Clara.
” ok fine bedtime. You win.
” yes I know. I’m happy for you Clara.
I smiled and dropped the call. Oh Diana you are a game spoiler. Just then someone knocked I opened up it was sir Ryan. He walked in with my food I smiled. I’m still getting used to being someone’s girlfriend but it’s very sweet.
I smiled … what do girlfriends do.
he sat on the bed.
“Clara I really love you .no matter what happens never ever forget that.
I nodded as he fed me. I can’t believe he is feeding me. He carefully wiped the stuffs on my lips ..mmmmmm making me want to hug him. I smiled as he fed me again. Soon he was done. He touched my hair and kissed my forehead and i smiled against his neck ..sweet.
he carried me on his back and picked the empty plate I held him tight. He dropped the plate in the kitchen and held my hands as he brought me down. We both walked out. We strolled round the suite looking at each other
” Clara I wanna ask you something
” yes ask me oppa
” do you really love health records in a burning fire
I laughed out
” no I love sir Ryan
he smiled and held my hands tight. We sat on the pavement and I sat beside him. He carefully weaved my hair.
” Clara! i might not deserve this but I want to spend the rest of my life with you
I smiled happily, sir Ryan is mine
” sir Ryan, you are mine
” yes I’m yours
he hugged me from the back. Just then his phone rang. It’s Anna. He picked up.
” Anna
” my love I saw what you did, thanks
” you are welcome Anna
” Ryan I went home. I want to change our couch to white and I want to change our room paint too and I changed our bed too and sacked the old cook
” Anna you walk now?
” yes my love , i am really getting better
” I’m happy Anna.
” me too, I’m too busy setting the hospital right these days. So I will call you.
” ok Anna
” Ryan I love you.
I gently looked down on hearing this. Ryan lifted my face and kissed my cheek soundlessly then he said to me “I love you so much .
I smiled
Anna chuckled
” ok Ryan see ya.
she dropped the call . she thinks the” I love u ” was for her. What if Ryan is not really mine? What if I wake up one morning and Ryan is back to Anna? Oh no I might commit suicide. I am a bad friend, i’m helping Ryan cheat..Anna is my sleeping beauty but I’m trying to own her man. What if she can’t leave him for me?I placed my fingers on his shoulders
” Ryan promise me that you will never leave me. Promise me that you will love me forever.
He kissed my forehead again and nodded
“Clara I will never leave you even if I move I will still come back to you. Clara i can’t live without you.
I smiled I’m finally satisfied but still scared. He walked me back inside and we sat on a couch.
” I’m exhausted for searching for my heartbeat down the street” he said
” Ryan I’m sorry I ran away
” Clara you won’t ever run again
” I won’t I promise
Anna, my sleeping beauty. What do I do? Please don’t hate me Anna.
I turned and slipped myself deeper into sir Ryan’s arms chuckling softly.
I don’t know why I feel so emotional and so teary. My tears streamed down .
” i love you so much Ryan …i really do.
I looked into his eyes and he whispered I love you too…

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