AWKWARD NURSE : Season 3 Episode 1 – 10

Episode 4

I woke up the next morning ….
Ryan was no longer by my side on the bed. I sat on the bed and looked in the mirror …. Lols what an authentic mask so original… just then Ryan served me he placed the food on the bed. I smiled if he will care for me as Anna then I will just be Anna. Clara told him to go maybe he really left.

” thank you
” Anna what are you doing today
“oh I will visit dad
” ok
” what about you
” well I have surgery
” good luck.
he smiled i ate the food fully and he carefully moved my hair into my ears so it won’t disturb my food. The way Ryan takes care of Anna he doesn’t even talk about Clara… I smiled tearfully and finished the coffee.
” are you okay now
” mm
he moved the tray and faced me on the bed.
” can I tell you something
” tell me
” I want to love you now
” what!!
“this is beautiful and we can make this work…I want to have you as a wife. I will surely wed you. I want to give you all the rights you deserve. let’s make this work….I love you

Should i smile or cry? Ryan wants to accept Anna but what about me? It’s alright I will never let him find out who I am. It is for the best, for the merger. for Anna’s happiness. I will just continue acting like Anna and when Anna returns i will peacefully leave him alone.
I looked up to him and smiled in tears. He kissed my lips and it pained my heart cos my Ryan just kissed Anna. He brushed his fingers to my hair and deepened the kiss. Ok I feel this kiss is going somewhere………….
” uhmmm your phone is ringing Ryan
” omg I am late for surgery
” oh bath quickly
he moved out and I cried into my Palm. Ryan left me ,he moved on from Clara. He doesn’t talk about me , he doesn’t even recognize my voice or my body,he wanted to make love to Anna just now.. I wiped my tears and walked into the room shower. Ryan must be in the guest room shower. Clara concentrate on your mission don’t get weak Ryan is not the reason you came here i bathed and rushed out. I pulled out the the towel i feel so much pain because of Ryan I can’t believe he forgot who I am. i wore a gown

Ryan walked in and helped me zip up my gown ..I am looking casual today i just want to visit Anna’s dad. I packed my hair.

” Ryan i will leave now
” no goodbye kiss
” oh! I gently kissed his cheek. Ryan I don’t want you to be intimate with Anna am getting jealous..don’t request for kisses and romance it is painful that you forgot Clara. I stormed out and met Rachel.

” madam Mr Grande is expecting you
” I scheduled your meeting with Mr Dervantes.
Rachel bowed and opened the car i sat in quietly. Can I do this ?


Malcolm’s pov

Yes my team B is the team I use to carry out my secret dirty works. It is made up of 5 members, my daughter Lucinda, myself, Nathan, Kinsley and Aurora. My humble servants.

” ok sir what is the aim of this meeting ” Nathan asked
” after Anna defeated us, I told you all to go home and create a perfect means through which I can pull Anna out forever. What did you get
” sir i have a brilliant idea ” Aurora said
” tell me
” what if we frame a.g.h.c for doing drugs? Narcotics (cocaine)
” how will we prove it?” Lucinda asked
“We will push drugs into a.g.h.c secretly, inject patients with drugs, change some drugs into coke .then when we finally sue them to court there will be evidence. government will close down all branches of a.g.h.c .

” nice plan but which of a.g.h c hospitals are we hitting?” I asked
” only A.G.H.C – Lucinda” she said
” that’s a.g.h.c in Los Angeles” King asked
” yes ” she said
” this plan can’t work ” Lucinda said
” why” Aurora asked
” don’t forget that a.g.h.c has a computerized research department where they watch the everyday activities of each of their branches from morning to 11pm. through live video… and don’t forget that the same video previews in Anna’s office non stop . a big part of her office wall is made of a glass screen and she watches the same daily activities happening in all branches like she is present there so how will we push drugs, inject drugs and smart Anna won’t see it?

” that’s true Lucinda ” I said
” Lucinda we can always hack in and blackout the live video from Los Angeles,they will think it’s network and before they resolve it we are done pushing the drugs cos we will be fast.” Aurora said

“You don’t know how a.g.h.c works. if a suspicious blackout happens, Anna will travel to Los Angeles herself so she won’t miss any activity. That’s how active she is. That was why we could only penetrated India when she went to visit Ryan .but once Anna is on seat nothing will pass her by.”Lucinda said
” I have the best idea ” king said
” ok
” Anna might be smart but she is not a computer system. We will carefully corrupt the video” he said
” how?
“I will hack in to a.g.h.c satellite connection. Then I will stop them from getting the live video from Los Angeles.
” if you pause it they…
” I won’t pause it. I will feed them the past videos, even in Anna’s office. They will think they are watching the real live feed of the hospital they won’t know they are watching past activities. We will use that opportunity to move the drugs.” he said
” wow nice plan but someone as smart as Anna or Chris will find out that the video is past. You don’t know that girl” Lucinda said
” Anna is smart I know but figuring out the difference in the video is not an easy task. I will make sure I send a past video that will match the present day both in atmosphere, even if it is snowing I will make it match. it will take high smartness and concentration to notice the fakeness” he said

” and Anna can’t concentrate now cos she is busy looking after her dad. She has not gone to work today. All we need is two days…. if Anna can be carried away for two days our plan will be a success ” Aurora said.
” well! We better start now that Anna missed work…. we will send the fake video today…king, start the hacking” I said
” yes sir .
” dad I pray Anna doesn’t notice this if she does it will backfire on us” Lucinda said
” fear not my dear. I have a feeling Anna would miss work for a some days.

Clara’s pov

Minutes later, I arrived Anna’s house. So pretty. I walked out and everybody bowed.

” where is my father
” he is having a health section with the doctor
” ok.
No work today. Mr. Grndes’ health comes first. I walked up and a maid opened the door to Anna’s room. Everything was beautiful. I looked around. This is paradise on earth. I looked into the mirror and remembered Ryan’s advances. i fought them off. Minutes later someone knocked

” your dad is out
” where is Tonia
” she’s with him at the dinning table
” good

I walked out and there Anna’s dad sat. He looks weak. He is being poisoned for sure but how? I took a chair
“my jewel
“it seems the doctor doesn’t know what is wrong with me ..I am tired. I want to get better
“You will get better father I assure you… just then food was served. Tonia picked her fork.
” Tonia how are you?” i said
” am fine , won’t I be , after the public embarrassment you gave me just because I wanted to help you manage your shares.
” I am sorry Hon, we are family, let’s eat as one… why did the maid serve the white rice differently. I used one hand to carry Mr. Grandes food. I kept it in the tray then I took Tonia’s plate of food from her.

” Anna what are you doing?” Tonia asked
” dad the goddess said for peace to come in a family must eat as one. So we will all eat from your plate dad after that we will move to mine and Tonia’s. I smiled at Tonia
” anything for you Anna. I carefully took my plate and collected a little food from dad’s plate Tonia did too very comfortably and so did dad. I watched Tonia eat her food smiling , i watched dad eat and I ate a little soon we were done. Good if his food is being poisoned then we will all fall ill. The maids cleared the table and Tonia rushed up. Dad drank his water and I pushed his wheel chair

” Anna I hate being like this
” dad this is a promise. You will get better ,trust me
he smiled and. I pushed him into his room…I don’t feel anything. I am sure the food was clean. Dad laid on his bed.
I sat waiting on him, I want to know how this sickness works ..

After a while he held his heart

” dad
” I can’t …
” he can’t talk….. i can hear his heartbeat. What’s wrong. It can’t be poisoning I ate what he ate. …. what is wrong with him. Anna is a doctor right? I ran into her room and took a syringe, I took all I needed to collect a blood sample . I careful collected his blood sample and stormed out .I met Rachel

” Rachel
” madam
“go to a.g.h.c give this to Ethan tell him to carry out an electrocardiogram (ECG) test. I want to find out if he was poisoned or not
” yes madam.

I rushed in he still held his heart
” dad why are you not moving your legs
” I feel my bones melting .. I feel nothing, I am dying
” no you can’t die. Not while I am alive. I will take care of you.

I called Ethan. He should be done by now the machine is automatic.

” are you done
” yes it’s poisoning. The person was poisoned
“is it dangerous
” yes .
I dropped my phone and put it on speaker i turned him to lie well on his back with his knees on the floor at his side. I extended his arm nearest to me at a right angle to his body with his palm facing up. i folded the order arm so the back of his hand rests on his cheek then I held him in that position. It is called the recovery position. it dissolves poisons fast power.

” Ethan tell me
” according to this test the poison is too much in his blood. Only grace kept him if he takes it again he will die .
” you don’t know the poison
“how he took it

I pulled him up

” dad spit out anything that comes into your mouth
“but I
” do it , come on
he spat out and spat out again. His heart relaxed. He took a deep breath.
I gently touched his legs. He screamed in pain.
” dad! How does it feel
” pain …like it’s melting
” what kind of poison dissolves the bones and muscles? It is Strychnine oh my God … no cure but i can flush it out

I stormed out and ran into Anna’s room I came back and sedated him to sleep…I can save him now but I am scared. How do I make sure he doesn’t take it again. i wrote a list of the drugs. I need and handed it to Rachel outside she rushed to the hospital. Minutes later she returned with the drugs.

I took a drip and filled it with drugs ,only tissue and system flushing and washing drugs. I will wash out everything. After a while I injected the drip. He is still sleeping soundly well. He will sleep for a very long time.
I timed the drip ok. it will take a lot of time since it is slow… I organised everything then I walked out and locked the door. Until I find out how you took that poison today Mr. Grande am sorry but you will be trapped here. I need to make sure you do not take it again .

I locked the door well and took the key. Tonia rushed out

” Anna are you drunk?
” Tonia I don’t exchange words with animals
” but how could you lock a sick man up. What if he dies in there.
” Tonia that’s not your problem. Concentrate on your specialty which is stealing shares. I stormed out. Now I wanna watch them poison him again. I promise before I open that door I must have found out how he was poisoned God help me I don’t have time. Soon the drip will dry out. I checked my time.

I walked out Rachel was back
” madam where to
I arrived. Ryan walked out and hugged me
” are you tired
I nodded.
he carried me up into his arms and I smiled he took me into the shower ..
he went to the bath tub and set the water it became foamy.
” up Hon” he said
I raised both hands up and he pulled up my gown from under. I moved my hair. He held my waist lightly from behind then his scratched his thumb and removed his hand.

” it’s warm bath
” ok
i waited for him to walk out but he leaned on the wall and picked his phone

” Anna have you spoken to Mr Dervantes
” not yet …I will call him tomorrow.
” ok.
he walked out and I locked the door. I pulled off the mask. Wow finally .I can only be myself behind closed doors. I poured water on my face. Anna being you is not really funny… I just watch the man i love take care of you… he doesn’t even mention my name… it’s all good. I washed my face again.

Ryan’s pov

omg! I forgot to give her a towel. I hastily pulled open the bathroom door..

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