AWKWARD NURSE : Season 3 Episode 11 – 20

Episode 14

Rachel’s pov.

Clara is not at work so I decided to use this opportunity to visit Ryan so I will know what to report to her. I arrived R.D. I ran up to Ryan’s room I saw a long line of 20 men in suits. Why not? He is Mr, Dervante’s son. They will surely protect him like gold. I walked in between those mean men with my I.D lifted up. Soon I got to his door. A guard opened the door. I walked in. Thousands of flowers flooded the room ,oh gosh is he sleeping beauty? I saw his personal assistant reading a novel at his right hand. Just then his mom walked in with Nuella I bowed. So Nuella is back she looks pretty. I waved at her, she smiled. His mum touched Ryan and she sat beside him and gently kissed his forehead wordlessly.
sir Ryan please wake up, I beg you.
Just then his dad walked in with Doctor Damon. Minutes later the minister of health walked in with another shareholder. Rachel what are you doing here? Ryan Is over safe. I walked out and Nuella’s guards stopped me . just then Nuella came to me

” I need to see Anna
” well she is at a.g.h.c
” Ok so I can meet her later right?
‘ yes sure
“Ok, I missed her.

I rushed out and ran to work. I’m sure Clara had already arrived. I wonder If she figured out a plan. Just now Clara walked in, thank God. she wore a black suit, a thick black suit. Her guards rushed up with her, I bowed.

” Rachel, let’s visit the research department
“yes madam.

Both of us walked in. Everybody bowed. Clara removed her suit jacket and I took it from her she grabbed a chair.

” good morning r.s.h” Clara said
” good morning madam” they echoed. Tristian’s voice echoing louder.
“we have have only one mission which we must carry out today and that is penetrating m.h.c.
” Ok Anna.” Chris said
” good, we are going to play this game the same way Malcolm played it.” Clara said
” which m.h.c’s branch are we targeting madam? ” Tristan asked.
” m.h.c –
“m.h.c in Los Angeles?
“we will have enough time to breach their security as we know Malcolm is very active” Ethan said
“well! i have the best hackers, Ethan you can corrupt the live feed right?” Clara asked calmly
“Yes, peace of cake.
“Ok ,once Chris is done hacking, we will send in a ready team.
“Ok madam… give me one hour” Chris said
“Ok… how much time do you need to corrupt the video Ethan?
” two hours
” so Tristan tell your trainees and others what to do .
” yes, I will handle things. You can trust me.
Clara stood up
“Ok ,see you guys in the next 3 hours.
She walked out and they bowed. I used that opportunity to talk to her

” uhmm madam
“tell me
I smiled ” well i think Ryan is going to get better soon ,he is well taken care of ”
Clara nodded. Not even a smile, wait? is this Anna or Clara?
” are you not happy madam?
” am glad Ryan is safe. I will be happier when he wakes up.
“Ok but Nuella is back. She wants to see you
” what kind of relationship did she share with Anna?”
” so since you have 3 hours, won’t you visit Ryan?

Just then her phone rang
” Yes , Mr. Kang Jong Hee, Anastasia here.
“Ok am coming out.

Clara walked out with her guards. Jake met her outside and they both left.

Jake’s pov

I looked at Clara for a while. She was looking out of the window. She must really miss Ryan. Don’t worry Clara if you win this war, am sure nothing will separate you from Ryan again. You are also fighting for your love.

” Kang Jong Hee. Do you trust that man?
“I trust the love and true relationship he shared with Anna when she was a kid.
“trusting Malcolm’s man can make you or break you Clara
“I know , but I still have Faith in him.
the reason Anna hadn’t won this war was because she fought alone but i won’t fight alone. I will get as much help as I need .
“nice, I hope you know Malcolm is a very smart man. A petty plan will never bring Malcolm down.
“I know Jake and i don’t have a petty plan for Malcolm , this case is very critical it needs to be handled with care. it is not only about bringing Malcolm down. It’s more than revenge
” I don’t know why, but i trust you so much.
” my meeting with Mr kang should be as secret as possible for his safety
“Ok madam.. that’s why am here
she nodded.
and we headed off.

Lia’s pov

Finally the house is filled with maids. It was so boring before. My night in Liam’s room was sweet but you see i need to go and get my stuffs. The maids are back so my work starts. I walked out to Liam in the living room

” uhmm sir
“tell me
” well I am going home so I can carry my stuffs
” don’t worry ,I will buy new ones
“No I really want to get those
” fine… come back early.

I nodded and wore my cap well

Liam’s pov

I will buy new ones? Really. I can’t believe I am getting fond of this girl. I hope she isn’t going to get those kind of clothes she normally wear…. how can she live in my house looking like a pop star?

I entered my car and headed to the boutique.. my favorite boutique.

” Jace, I need female clothes
” more like the ones Kendal bought
“No decent clothes. Wait! Kendal bought clothes?
“yes up to 1mill something with some gold accessories
” and of course she didn’t pay
“no isn’t she your girlfriend? I took the money from your credit card.
” Ok just get me female clothes. Hmm! Clothes that cover well. I don’t even know if she will accept it.

Minutes later, he packed up my booth and i headed home . I met the head maid
” Lia is not yet back
now I don’t have her phone number.
I sat facing my file. She better return soon.

Rachel’s pov

Finally Clara returned to a.g.h.c just in time. I wonder what Mr. Kang had to say.
We both rushed into the research department.

” how was your meeting with Mr. Kang my lady?
“it was fine

Her guard opened the door to the research department. Clara sat down with both legs on the table using her phone… is this girl serious?

” Chris what’s your report?
‘ successful Anna ,I hacked in.
” good , Ethan send in the team.
” I already spoke to their Head.
” Ok , m.h.c should not notice this difference. The team is a 3-man committee and they will implant drugs in m.h.c. just like Malcolm did with us.
” Ok madam, we have full assurance that this plan will work cos m.h.c – has low security compared to m.h.c. here in New york” Zachary said
” Ok…I will be in my office waiting for feedback.” Clara said
“it’s under control ” Tristan said.
Clara walked out. Mmmmm why such a petty plan? Well let’s watch

Malcolm’s pov.

Kang Jong Hee just walked in. He crossed paths with the officer who was leaving. Chief prosecutor Han. I gave him some Info to give his district head and luckily I got a positive response.

” Malcolm
” Kang! How are you doing?
” Anastasia threatened me. What do you think Anna can do?
” I don’t know but i know Anna is very smart
” yes she is and i will always be ahead of her
“what do you mean?
” Anna’s three days, I want it reduced to one day after today. if Anna doesn’t secure a.g.h.c from the law . a.g.h.c won’t be locked down but it will operate as m.h.c’s property. She has only today. I will make sure of that.
” I already got a meeting scheduled with the prosecution. Trust my know Anna keeps forgetting that I have agents and hands in the prosecution. My success will shock her. I will make sure the law allow her only today. After today I will take it all.
” well let’s watch and hope

Just then my mole in a.g.h.c research department walked in.
I trust Jong Hee but i don’t trust anyone.

” Kang! Give me 30 minutes
he stood up and walked out, I turned to Tristan
” Tristan?
” sir
” do you bring good news
” yes …Anna plans to hit you back the same way you hit her
” hahahahaha how?
” as we speak now, she is about penetrating m.h.c -l.
” what?
” yes ….this video you are watching are past videos.
” thank you. Call Aurora when you walk out.

Tristan walked out.

Anna is a dummy. I thought she was smart. After so many years in business she doesn’t know when to place revenge aside. What a silly girl!

Aurora walked in
” Aurora this videos are past videos, tighten the security at m.h.c.-l
” done. Lucinda is handling.
” good
” Anna Is just doing what we expected and I thought she was smart . instead of thinking like a business tycoon by finding a way to secure a.g.h.c first, she left her company in the middle of fire and started attacking us. What a childish plan!
” Anna is not as smart as we thought.
” hmmmm i just hope Anna is not ahead of us cos Anna is too smart to make a childish move like this
” mmmmmmm time will tell.
Aurora walked out and I leaned back smiling.

” Anna you don’t know my plan for you. keep throwing stones. I pity you. Keep fighting me but before you are done ruining m.h.c -l, a.g.h.c must have been long gone dummy !!

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