MEANT TO BE: Chapter 31-40

(being Elva)

Chapter 32

Zeemah writes?

? Mig’s POV?

I sat on the couch still sipping my coffee after they left.
“Mig” I heard Daisy called and turned.

“I saw this at fleur’s doorstep,it seems she forgot it in a hurry” Daisy said stretching some files to me”
“Ohhh…yeah” I said and took it from her…”she will have it if she’s back” I said dropping it on the couch beside me.

“I overheard her telling Elva she’s gonna need it at work today” Daisy said.
“Really?” I said.
“Yes…you should try to catch up with them and give it to her,she needs it” Daisy said and i wondered when she started caring about Fleur.

I dropped my coffee on the table, slipped on my foot wear ,picked the files and hurried out of the house.
I should be able to meet them,they left just now.
I $wore under my breath at the attention i was getting, that’s one of the reasons i don’t like stepping out of the house.
I walked on till i got to the hospital..

I entered and met two nurses at the reception.
“Good morning” I greeted.
“God! Are you human?” One of the nurses with green hair asked with surprise and i smiled.

“You are more than good looking” The second nurse said..
“You should go into modelling”
*Yeah that’s my dream*
“I’m very much available for a side chick” Nurse greenie winked and i smiled.

“Thanks,i will get back to you” I lied.
“Really?” She asked excitedly.
“Yeah… Please show me the way to Fleur’s office” I said.
“OMG! you are Nurse Fleur’s brother?” They asked and i nodded.

“I really need to get closer to nurse Fleur” Nurse greenie said .

“They just signed in just now,pass through that corridor..the fourth door on your left” The second nurse said and i nodded.

“Okay thanks” I said and walked towards the corridor..I entered the corridor and began walking counting the doors inwardly..

My legs stopped moving at the sight in front of me …I heart shatter..

With that guy..B..en.. In a kss.
I fought the urge to march forward and hit the guy with a deadly punch.

I don’t even know where the tears came from,i just realized it when it rolled down my cheeks.
I feel heartbroken.
Angry! Jealous! Mad! Crazy!

Have they been doing this for long?
I turned and walked away with a sore heart trying to control myself.

?Elva’s POV?

About yeste..” I was saying but i was surprisingly shut with a kss.

On the lips!
From Ben!!


I stood still in shock…still not able to digress what’s happening.
Ben kssing me?
I know he likes me but..kssing me without my permission is..way too extreme.

What the h.eck..

I pushed him away roughly,using my palm to clean my lips….But just then i saw the back frame of someone.

I can never mistake that back for anyone’s else,even in the dark.

It’s Mig’s back.
What’s he doing here?
He must have seen what this j.erk did.
What a mess !!

“Ben are you out of your mind,why would you do that?” I asked angrily.
“I’m sorry” He said.
“Sorry huh? After you kissed me without notice. What was that huh? I asked pissed.
“I thought you would like it” He said.
“Like what?” I asked irritatedly…his lips was just cold and numb, can’t even be compared to Mig’s.
“Don’t ever try this again okay?” I said.
“But…” He was saying.
“Shut up” I yelled..

“And starting from today,i won’t go with you for lunch again,the cook’s meal is starting to get better so i will just stick to it,and let this be the last time you come to my office except for professional purpose..

let’s only be exchanging greetings from today” I said in the calmest way i could before walking away.

To h.ell with him!

I entered the ward and the children rushed to greet me,i forced a smile.
“Good morning Cuties” I said.
“Good morning Elva” They said in unison.

“You didn’t come back yesterday” Mitch said.

“Nurse Fleur told us you went home”

“Why did you leave us after promising to come back soon”

“That was unfair” … They all said as i walked to my desk,they also walked to their beds and sat down eagerly waiting for my answer.

I sat and dropped my bag on the desk.
“I’m very sorry hunny bunnies” I said and they smiled..
“I had to rush home for something personal and important,i hope I’m forgiven?” I asked.
“Yes Elva” They chorused.
“Thanks sweeties…so i hope you all did your home work?” I asked.

“Yes Elva” .

“It was so easy”

“I like it”..

“Okay then..Mitch go round and collect the note books” I said and she smiled, standing up to start the task.
“We will start class after breakfast” I said.
“That reminds me…the cook’s lunch and dinner tasted even better than the breakfast” Dan said.
“Yes” They chipped in.
“Wow..Today’s breakfast is gonna be delicious” I said.
“Yes can’t wait” Mitch said.

She submitted all the assignments to me and walked back to play with others.
The cook came in with their breakfast and i saw a smile lit up their faces.


I served them round and also dished out mine.
“Yummy” I said and they all nodded, obviously enjoying their breakfast.

I can’t seem to get what happened earlier out of my mind..I just have to pretend all is well for the children’s sake.


?Daisy’s POV?

“Yes!” I squealed excitedly.
My plan worked.
I know Mig is gonna see Ben kssing Elva,i actually planned it with Ben but i didn’t tell him about Mig’s part,i just told him to kss her.

I have to use that to my advantage,this is the right time to go search for the underground passage.

I flipped open my iPod and clicked on the map,i started following it’s direction.
It seems twisted…I don’t think anyone can find the underground passage without a map.

I smiled as i climbed the last stairs in the underground passage.

I saw the door and my smile led to a grin.
It’s completely covered in dust.
I walked towards it and twist the knob but the door didn’t bulge..
I tried it again… severally but it couldn’t open.

I sighed and gazed up, frustrated when i saw some number buttons attached to the door. needs a code!

I have to put a call through Boss.

?Hi Boss.
?Hello Daisy… how’s the mission going?
?Boss I’ve found the secret passage and right now I’m at the door,but it requires a code.

? does but do not bother will tell Mike to try to hack into it now.

?Ok boss.
?Just stay put..the code will be sent to your iPod now” He said and disconnected the call.

I stood there, my eyes scanning everywhere.
Who would have thought there is a secret underground passage in this house.
G©sh,this place is so dirty, filled with cobwebs and dust.
I busied myself with my iPod expecting the code.

Few minutes later,i received a message.
I opened it and smiled.

Boss just sent the code.

? 2289074

I shifted closer to the door and began punching in the code…I stopped when i suddenly heard heavy footsteps coming to my direction.

Who is that?
Mig shouldn’t be back this goon.
The footsteps grew louder and heavier.
I froze and my IPod slipped from my hand when i saw a shadow on the wall looking so huge..

A mon..ster?

I raised my head in fright and saw a..a..wolf.

“Nooooooo” I screamed loudly before everything blacked out.

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