BETROTHED : Episode 11 – 20


???She has supernatural powers???

????????Episode 19

The Fight

“Welcome home, Jason and Vanessa. Take a seat.” Mrs. Cohen

said, pointing to the two seats.

We both sat down. I looked at Jason and he shrugged.

“So, you might be wondering why you are home from school.” Mrs.

Cohen said.

I nodded.

“Well, I thought everyone that the Night of Engagement was pushed

forward, right?” she asked.

I nodded, knowing actually where this is going to be going.

“Well, it’s going to be in 2 days and sorry Vanessa I didn’t tell me. I

am starting to forget. But anyways, I thought that we could start

preparing for the Engagement.” Mrs. Cohen said, clapping at her brilliant idea.

My stomach twist. I know enough of Mrs. Cohen that when she

claps, it’s a bad thing.

“So, I was thinking that Jason,” she said, turning to him, “You should

follow your father. You should buy some suits with him and try it on. I

want you to look FAB!!!”

She grinned and closed her eye, inhaling deeply.

“As for you Vanessa, you would be following me and Jen. We can go

shopping, do facial and everything that a girl dreams of in one day.”

she said, flashing me her million dollar smile.

“Your father and I would be taking days off just to make your Night of

Engagement picture perfect.”

I smiled.

“Oh and how is Ballroom Dancing going?” Mrs. Cohen asked.

“Oh, it’s fine. I am learning a lot.” I said, hoping my voice doesn’t

sound as sarcastic as I hear it.

“Great. I want you guys to know all of the move. You guys will be

dancing in the spotlight like a happy couple.”

My jaw hung.


If I look calm on the outside, trust me, I am really screaming on the inside.

“But – ”

“No buts, it is firm and you guys will dance. If you guys haven’t

learned everything yet, I will make sure Bex is fired.” Mrs. Cohen said firming.

I quickly nodded.

“Starting tomorrow, we will be shopping all day.” Mrs. Cohen.

I groaned on the inside. One thing about me is that I hate shopping

and when I mean hate, I mean it with a capital H.

“Ok, dismiss.” Mrs. Cohen said, standing up to leave.

“Wait!” I said. I got up and walked up to her.

“Mrs. Cohen – ”

“Please, call me Maria, we are all in a family and soon your going to

be my daughter – in – law.” Mrs. Cohen said.

“Maria, yes Maria, is James home?” I asked.

“Oh, yes, he is probably in the library.”

I nodded, “Thanks.”

I ran up the stairs.

“Wait, excuse me?” I asked one of the many maidens that were

cleaning the spacious house.

“Yes, Mrs. Cohen?” she answers.

“It’s Vanessa Halt. And call me Vanessa.” I said.

“Yes, um, Vanessa?” she asked.

“Where is the library? Can you bring me to the library?” I asked.

She quickly nodded and led me to the library.

“James, James, EMERGENCY!!!” I said, bursting in the library.

“Yes?” he asked, looking up from the book.

I ran over to him and grabbed his arms.

“James!!!! You got to teach me the rest of the dance moves!!!! Hurry,

I don’t have time and the Night of Engagement is coming up!” I said,

panicking. I squeezed his hand.

“Well, come on.” he said, walking me the ballroom dancing room.

“James, James, what if I don’t learn everything?? What if in the

middle of the night, I forgot everything? And what if Mrs. Cohe – I

mean Maria gets mad at me? And what if I embarrass myself by

falling on my butt? I would be – ”

James chuckled.

“A fact is that you’re nervous.” James said, chuckling again.

I blushed, “Of course I am nervous. I am going to die if anything bad


“Well, then let’s make it perfect.” James said opening the door to the

ballroom dancing room.

“Ahh!” I screamed a little as I fell into James’s chest.

“Noooo!!” James said, laughing.

“What? That’s what you say. Back, side, side, back, back.” I repeated.

“No, I said, back, back,

side, together, back, back.” he said.

I groaned.

“I always get them mess up!!” I said, murmuring in frustration.

We have been in this room for as long as I could remember,

rehearsing the ballroom dancing steps over and over again. Nobody

came to distract us and the only sound in the room was the soft background music, James and me.

“Ok, then I will say them out loud.” he said.

“A 1, a 2, a 1, 2, 3, 4, Back, back, side, together, back, back.” James said.

I squealed and clapped my hands.

“I DID IT!!!” I said, jumping up and down.

“I did it, I did it, I did it, yay, I did it!” I said.

James laughed.

“Ok, now let’s try it if I don’t say the words.”

I breath.

“I got it, I got it, don’t worry.” I said.

James laughed.

“Ok, a 1, a 2, a 1, 2, 3, 4.”

Back, back, side, bac –

“Nooo, wro – ”

“Ahh – ”


I jumped as a door flew open and banged on the white, marble wall. I

fell on James and used him as my support, but the bad news was

that James lost his balance too.

. . . And the super bad news was that I kssed James when I landed,

just as Jason saw us on the floor.

My heart pounded and my throat felt dry. My used my very last

muscle to push me away from James’s lips.

My stomach dropped and I felt like I was about to throat up. I looked up at Jason.

His face was full of disbelief, anger and annoyance. Without another word, he left.

I slapped myself mentally.

I turned back to James, not looking up.

“James, listen, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I am sooo sorry, please forgive

me. I know I am very clumsy, I’m sorry. Sorry, really. I’msoosorry,

I’msoosorry, I’msoosorry, I’msoosorr – ” I started.

James chuckled, shaking his head.

“It’s ok, I get it. Now go see Jason, he doesn’t seem happy.” Jason said, smiling.

I let out a big breath that I was holding.

“I’m sorry, thank you.” I murmured, blushing as I walked out of the room.

I walked to our room and found him sitting on a chair.

“Listen, Jason, it’s not really want it looks like. It was an accident – ”

“Are you trying to do that to piss me off? What’s your problem?” he

shouted, standing up.

Instantly, my blood boiled and I clenched my fist.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you yelling? And I said

‘listen’. Why can’t you just let me explain?!” I shouted back at him.

“Because I don’t want to hear your stupid excuse on why that

happen! You always try to come up with an excuse!” he said.

Now I was furious.

“Excuse me!? This is the only time this ever happened and it’s not an

excuse. You don’t even fcking know me, so you can stop talking for

me! That’s the reason why I don’t want to be married! And why are

you so freaking jealous, it was an accident!” I shouted.

“It – ”

“Well, I don’t want to hear your excuse too! And you know that

stupid, ugly promise ring you gave me?” I rip the ring out of my finger

and showed him, “I don’t want it! You know why? Because I know

that you will never make me happy and I WILL NEVER give a fck

about that fcking ring.”

I walked over to the window seat and I did the only thing that made

me satisfied; I threw the promise ring into the forest and turned

around before it fell onto the wet Earth ground.

I smirked. That made me feel a whole lot better.

Jason mouth hanged, but I didn’t care.

“You know how much – ”

“Ask me if I give a fck about it!” I said, “And let me ask you, do you

know how much my love costs? More than you can afford and I don’t

like you because of your money, your royalty or any of your sh!t!

You’re mad, right? Well, good, I want you to be.”

“You heartless btch.”

This was the very first time I’ve ever heard Jason cursed before. But

I was too busy fighting with him that I didn’t care.

“You jealous b@stard. I don’t even know why all of the girls like you.

You know nothing but to buy girl’s heart with your money.” I said, coldly.

“I can’t believe that I’m mate with a heartless, selfish btch like you. It

makes me regret my life.” he said and left the room before saying anything.

I can’t believe that I mate to a heartless, selfish bitch like you. It

makes me regret my life. . . It makes me regret my life. . . It makes me regret my life.

Those words repeated in my mind and my heart felt like it was

being stabbed and twisted everytime my mind repeats it.

Before I knew it, one of my tears fell.

I spent all night in bed, crying until I feel like no more tears could come out.

That cold and empty atmosphere in the room, knowing that Jason is

not in the room sleeping. That whole night he didn’t ever enter to the room.

One part of me wants to run into Jason’s arms and apologize for everything I said.

But another part of me tells me that I was right and that he was being an a$$h0le.

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