(Search for Love?)

Written by: Authoress Ricky

?? Episode Seven??

Listen to: Turn around by OST while reading this episode and thank me later ?


“Is my name a answer to my question or you are one of those girls fans now that won’t let me rest”he fired at me.

Wasn’t he listening to our conversation? how come I didn’t notice someone is in the class? Or is it because it so dark in here?.

“How long have you been here”he took his eye from me to Cassie then back at me.
“Did you hear anything”Cassie seems to be lost but when he pointed at the headset he probably take everywhere I sigh in relief.

“We are sorry”I bow and left the class pulling Cassie with me.
“What just happened there”She asked.
“I don’t know”I started making my way to the bathroom to get my makeup fixed and the wig that must be in a wrong place now.

“Doesn’t he recognize you as his sister nanny or you’ve been lying to me”She shot at me.
“I told you he is just to cold- hearted and the deal is I shouldn’t act like I know them in school”I replied fixing my wig in the front if the mirror.

“Are you really sure he didn’t hear anything”She asked.

“Of course can’t you see his head had been buried into the desk and his headset is probably too loud for him to hear”I adjusted my skirt and Cassie follow back to my next class before we separated since we are having different classes.

I enter the class and scan around and my eye met Andrew expecting my heart to skip a bit but no! he and a girl her eating each other face.

Gross!! his this what Andrew meant by we need to break up?.

I took a sit very far away from them, they stop immediately the teacher walk in and we all pay rapt attention to the lecture.

The bell finally ring aloud for the day is over and I was able because it hurt seeing Andrew with someone else the tears were gathering up but I fight it.

I don’t want to be labelled the crying baby in the class.
“What wrong with you”Cassie walk up to me as we walk through the busy hallway to the park were I guess my ride is.

“I saw Andrew”I replied and she scoff.
“So?”she shrug.
“He already move one”the tears I was holding roll down but I wipe it quick so it won’t ruin my face.

“That son of a bastard”Cassie cuss.
“But how do you know he already moved on in this a day?”I asked.
“He was kssing a girl at my English class today”I replied.

“It okay”She pat my back.
“That guy doesn’t deserve your tears neither your heart”She said and we finally got to the park.

“We is giving you a ride home”She smile and I turn to my head what I was seeing.

Jackson was sitting on his car punching something into his phone.

Zack and Zoey where discussing about something and Zeke probably in the car because I can’t see him.
“I have to go with Zeke we need to pick up her sister”I replied.

“Okay see you tomorrow”She hug me before waving at Zack who clearly didn’t see her.

“Hey Camila”Jackson got down from the car and wrap his hand round my shoulder and I don’t know how that attract attention but people are already murmuring things.

Are we still in high school or what all this?
“Do you want to come with me since Clara is staying with our aunt and she already pick her up”he asked and I look at Zeke car then back at him.

Sincerely I would prefer a ride with Zeke who sincerely won’t care about my mood and I can go with my uninterrupted thought.

“Okay”I was about to enter the car when Zeke came out and walk to us.

“Get into the car”he ordered.
“We are going for Clara”he replied.

“But Clara is with Aunt”Jackson interfere.
he look at Jackson for a while before dragging me out of Jackson car and pull to me to his own car and shut the door before going to the driver seat.

“I can sit at the back”I muttered.
“Am your boss I give orders”he stated and drive off.

As usual it was damn to awkward in his car and I’m just few inches away from him and I don’t know why am always like this around him.

“He is dangerous”I remember Cassie word and just stop staring at him but at the road now.
Freshman party!!!.

“Can I asked a question”I stuttered but he gave no reply. “Can I go to the freshman party since Clara isn’t around”I continued.

He didn’t even reply instead he kept driving and I just shut up since he wasn’t replying.

He drove into the compound and I alighted immediately he parked.

I went to my room straight, the other guys are back since their car are outside. I change into something casual and brush my hair before going downstairs to prepare something for everyone.

“Hey”Jackson walk Into the kitchen and sit on the counter.
“What are you preparing”he asked.
“Lasagna”I replied pouring the Vegetables into the oil.

“Wow smell nice”he smiled and I return one before continuing.
“Are you coming with us to the party tonight”he asked.
“Zeke didn’t give me the permission”I replied.

“What the fk is wrong with Zeke”he frown.
“It okay I can just stay home”I replied.
“No”he replied shortly.
“I will talk to him”he walked out of the kitchen and I concentrated on my food making.
?? Authoress Ricky ??

It been over an hour after having dinner with them that was clearly silent except from Jackson who had force me into a conversation I don’t want to be.

“So who do you clearly like among the four of us”Jackson asked and I almost choked on my food.

Is this guy giving me a death wish? When I look around everyone was staring at me clearly waiting for a reply.

“I haven’t thought about that before”I replied and I could see disappointment on their faces except from Zeke”

“Okay who is the best so far”Jack asked again.
What’s up with this guy?
“Hmm……..”I look round the table and my eye landed on Zeke.

Did he just smirk!!???
So he has another face except from frowning?.

“Can you pick already”Zack asked and Zoey hit him.

“Don’t expect her to pick you she is clearly going to pick Zeke like those girls fans do”Zoey said and Zack laugh.

“he look pretty tired because he couldn’t stay in class just because they won’t let him rest poor Zeke”Zack joked and Zoey laugh.

Was that the reason he was in that empty Classroom?. he look pretty tired but that handsome face isn’t saying anything instead he just continue eating ignoring his clown brothers.

“What are you thinking, just choose”Zoey bring me out of my thought.

“Jackson”I said and Zack spill out his food.

Zeke eye met mine for the first time and Zoey drop his fork while Jackson just walk up to me and gave me a tight hug.

“Am okay”Zeke stood up and left the dinning room Immediately.

“You are coming to the party”Jackson said and Zack and Zoey just watch the both of us.

Why is Zeke overreacting?

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