(Search for Love?)

Written by: Authoress Ricky

Listen to Someone You loved by Lewis Calpidi and thank me later ?.

?? Episode Eighteen??

? ZEKE’S ?

I groaned as my alarm rang for a new day. After last night I find it hard to sleep because I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

I don’t know why I was even staring at her like that but all I know is I’m just taking responsibility of her because she is Clara Nanny.

‘No she is more than that’ Subconscious again!!.
I brushed my teeth and did my normal morning routine before picking up my bag pack and exited my room.

I was almost at the living room when I had a sound of people laughing and talking and I know it either Camila trying to be funny or Zack and Zoey pulling each other leg.

I took the last step and my fist clenched when I saw Jackson touching her cheek with his hand.
What wrong with her or she doesn’t understand English or something?.

Did he really fall in love with her?. This is the first time Jackson actually is in love with someone and I don’t want to hinder that but she is mine no matter what.

“Good morning”I sit down and Camila stop talking immediately she sighted and just eat her food quietly and I dish mine and the table became quiet as fk.

They don’t like my presence or what? because just before I walk in here they were laughing, entertaining each other.

I each quietly and I don’t know why I kept stealing a glance of her and I think she did too.
“What wrong with you too”Zack asked as he look from Camila to me.

“Nothing”Camila replied with a fake smile.
“You kept quiet immediately he walk in and you both kept stealing glance of each other”Zoey added and I just ignore them and kept eating.

Have I ever made mention of this that Camila is a great cook and her cooking skills are amazing.
I thought all this billionaire daughter are always rude and lazy but she is an exception.

“I have watched something like this in a movie and what actually cause if”Zack tried recollecting someone.

“They accidentally kiss”Zoey added and Zack gasped and Camila and I exchange weird look.

“Hey comm’n man you don’t have to be like that just apologize or probably just say the word”
“I love you”Zack and Zoey said in unison and they laugh.

“Am off”Jackson angrily drop the fork on the table and pick his bag pack before existing the table.

Camila tried following him but I stop her.
“And where do you think you are going”I raised my brow tentatively and she sit back with her eye following Jackson till he left.

“You guys should sought things out between each other”Zack pat my shoulder and he exited with Zoey and now I’m left with Camila.

After a minute and nobody is ready to talk I raised my head a bit to get a clearer view of her and notice are thumbs were moving on her lips.

I remembered last night having the urge to kss her but I don’t want her noticing my vulnerability.

“I warned you not to allow anyone touch you”I scowled so I can stop thinking about it.

“Huh”She dropped her hand off her lips Immediately.
“Don’t pretend like you didn’t allow Jack touch your cheeks just now”I fired at her.
“Zeke”she called sweetly and that really affected me.

“This is all a fake thing why are you taking it serious”She replied.
“Don’t test my possessiveness Camila, I mean it or………”I replied and drop my cutlery before picking up my bag pack.

I was almost at the door when I notice she isn’t following me.
“Aren’t you going to school”I asks and she quickly pick her bag pack and follow me.


I contacted Jayden and he told me Andrew had a tight security home and the only way is to throw up a party and make him come then finish him up.

I want Camila to be there too because it would feel so good to know she is definitely mine at the end.

I threw my phone on the bed angrily after she told me Zeke won’t allow her come. I think Zeke should have been the first person I should eliminate but no need for the rush.

I have plans too.

I dress up for School after uploading the party flier on the group chat and everyone seems to be excited about it.

I drove into the school and scan the park to confirm if Zeke is in school but when I couldn’t find it I sit on my car bonnet and await for him.

Since Camila can’t attend the party because of Zeke then Zeke must come to the party for Camila to be present.

He drove in not too long and immediately he stopped the car Camila alighted and ran away from him.

What’s wrong with her? Did he do anything wrong to her. I suddenly because angry as I clench my fist.

“Hey dude”I waved at him but he choose to ignore me and kept doing what I seriously don’t know; Seriously I’m meant to be mad but I chose to let go.

“What’s up with you”I asked again and he raised his head up then back to his backpacks.
“Am fking talking to you”I hit my hand on the car bonnet.

“Hitting my Car costs alot you should mind what you do with your hand”he replied and I clench my fist together.

“There is a party at my house, I seriously need Camila presence so you better bring her there”I scowled before walking away.

That guy got gut so much….It won’t take me a sec to finish him but I want a gradual process that would leave no sign.

My phone rang and I checked the Caller ID…..”A private number?”I pick it up and place the phone on my ear.


? Are you even up for the task I gave you *Angry*

Omg………Why is Gomez Calling me himself.

?Am sorry sir but things……..*Got interrupted.

?You are busy having good time when you are meant to kill those b@stard

?Am sorry sir

?15 days or I will kill you myself *He hang up and it was like my heart skip a bit.

Why is this man Stressing me or did he think I’m doing all this for him alone?.
I smirk before I sighted Camila at her Locker side but she walk away after she sighted me.

“Huh…. That weird”I turn to saw the annoying guy coming.

Is that why Camila couldn’t come close to me?.

“Hi Zeke”a sweet female voice called and……

?? Authoress Ricky ??

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