Episode 63


Alyssa’s father trusted Ford. He was his best friend.

That thought keeps echoing throughout my head.

Not that I’m actually considering taking that deal with him…but it’s good to know that if I did…he would uphold his end.

I’m not taking that deal, but I do have to figure out a way to deal with this whole Alyssa situation. I’m ecstatic to know I’ll be waking up beside her every morning, but I still have to work out how I’m going to keep her from finding out about DeLuca.

I figure, the best way to go about it will be to tell Tyrone and Ricardo not to bring up DeLuca’s name in front of Alyssa. I’ll just tell them it’s because I don’t want to scare her with the truth regarding who DeLuca is, so it’s best we don’t mention his name.

Tyrone will probably remind me that he’s been completely honest with Shelby about everything, but I’ll just tell him I’m not ready to do that with Alyssa.

He’ll tell me I’m wrong, then we’ll share another Doctor Phil moment…and it will be fine.

I hope.

As far as DeLuca himself goes…I’m going to ask Ricardo to set up a meeting with DeLuca for me next week. A face to face sit down.

I’m going to be honest with him and lay everything out on the line. I was going to tell him about Ford trying to recruit me to mu rder him…but after Alyssa told me that her dad trusted him, I don’t think I should go that route.

Besides, if anything happened to Ford and Alyssa found out it was my fault…I know a small part of her would be upset.

I won’t do that to her.

I’ll just take my chances with DeLuca. I’ve still got the fact that I’m his best fighter as my bargaining chip.

I head into the kitchen and watch Alyssa sitting at the counter while Momma fixes her something to eat. She has her Finnley’s t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Tyrone has a fi ght tonight, so we’ll be heading to the club soon. He likes to get there a few hours early in order to center himself.

She gives me a smile when I enter the room. I walk over to her, bend down and kss her soft lips. “Hey, baby. Going to work soon?”

She stretches her arms above her head and yawns. “Yeah. I’m exhausted but it’s the least I can do. Shane’s been great about me taking off.”

Momma makes a face, and I know she thinks it’s too soon for her to be going back.

I honestly hate the fact that she’s going in tonight as well, but I can’t stop her. I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “Drink plenty of juice, and don’t leave your cup out anywhere. I’ll be by the bar with the guys after Tyrone’s fight ends. I can help you man it if you’re still exhausted when I get there.”

“I’ll be fine, but thank you,” she says while Momma hands her a sandwich. Alyssa looks up from her grilled cheese and her eyes open wide. “I almost forgot it was Saturday and there’s a fight tonight.”

Tyrone walks in the kitchen then, his expression tight. “Yup.”

His demeanor is a little off right now and I’m not sure what to make of it. He’s always a little nervous before a fight, but he usually gets a handle on it by using his sense of humor.

Before I have time to call him on it, Alyssa hops off the stool and runs over to him. Then, surprising everyone, she flings her arms around his neck. “Please be careful,” she whispers. “Please.”

Jesus, watching my fight really did a number on her.

Momma fans her face and Tyrone closes his eyes. “I’ll be okay, Alyssa.”

The fact that he’s not making a joke right now puts me on edge.

“And after I kick his as s, I’ll be celebrating by getting another alpha male piercing,” he says.

Momma covers her ears and I laugh, feeling the weight in my chest dissipate.

Alyssa smacks him on the chest and chuckles before walking away. “I just don’t get it,” she says to Momma while rummaging through her purse.

“Get what, sugar?”

“The fi ghting. It’s scary, Momma. If you should be convincing anyone to quit their job—” She points at Tyrone and me. ”It’s those two. They’re crazy for putting themselves through that.”

Momma gives her a weird look. “Trust me, I would if I could. But you know it’s all De—”

“Dinero,” I shout, as everyone turns to face me. “Cause you know, it’s all about the Benjamin’s, baby.”

Three sets of eyes stare at me like I’ve lost my mind. Luckily, Tyrone comes to my defense by putting an arm around my neck. “Come on, Biggie. It’s almost 7, my fight starts at 9:45.”

I give Alyssa a kss and hug Momma goodbye since she won’t be attending the fi ght tonight.

As soon as Tyrone and I walk out into the hallway his eyes are on me. “Either my music has really started rubbing off on you, or you’re hiding something,” he says.

“What’s the matter?” I deflect. “You don’t want to be the Puffy Daddy to my Biggie?”

He snorts. “Uh-uh. Nice try. Something’s off with you. And you know I’m not gonna quit until you tell me, so you might as well save me the trouble and spill it.”

“I can’t.”

“Jackson,” he insists.

We walk out the apartment complex doors. “Look, I just need you to do me a favor and never mention DeLuca’s name in front of Alyssa.”

“What? Why? I mean, it’s not like we talk about him all that much anyway, but he is the reason our lives are the way they are right now.” He pauses. “Sht, she doesn’t know you’re involved with DeLuca…does she?”

I shake my head and avert my gaze.

“I thought you told her everything that night?”

I rub the back of my neck. “I told her that I was a mur derer, yes. But I never told her that I’m tied up with DeLuca or that he’s the reason I’m free.”

He looks at me incredulously. “She never asked why or how you’re free?”

Oh, she asked. Right before she fell asleep after making love that night. “I told her I got acquitted because of self-defense,” I say. “Trust me, Tyrone. I have my reasons. I wish I didn’t have to lie. It’s just the way it has to be right now.”

He thinks about this for a moment. “Can I ask you a few more questions?”

“You can ask, but I might not be able to answer them directly.”

He rubs his chin. “First and foremost…does this have to do with her safety?”


“Does it have anything to do with the FBI?”

I’m about to ask how he knows that, but then he says, “The night you were drunk, you said something about her having an FBI sugar daddy. So, I assume he’s got something to do with it?”

I shake my head. “No. He doesn’t. And he was never her sugar daddy, I was just being a drunk as s.”

“Oh, I know. I was there, remember? Okay, I have one more question.”


He gives me a look and I know he’s about to crack the case. “If you were working for any other mob boss…would you tell her the truth about everything then?”

I give him a small nod.

“Sht,” he says. “Alyssa’s got one h’ll of a history, doesn’t she?”

“I can’t tell you, Tyrone. I wish I could. But it’s for her own safety that she doesn’t find out about DeLuca.”

“You don’t have to tell me, Jackson. I read you loud and clear, brother. I’m just worried now. I have no clue what her story is—” He pauses and starts listing things on his fingers. “But just knowing that her daddy was mur dered, it’s got something to do with the feds, and DeLuca himself is involved. Not to mention, the fact that she can’t know about us working for him—”

“And he can’t know about her,” I interject.

“And the plot thickens,” he whispers.

“You’ve got the most important pieces, Tyrone. I just can’t be the one to put them together for you because it’s not my place to.”

He nods. “I understand.”

“You still okay with her moving in?”

He waves a hand. “Yeah. She loves you, Jackson. And I know you love her.” He closes his eyes. “Sometimes you do whatever you can for the woman you love.”

We walk into the club and he looks around. His eyes zero in on the cage. “And to answer your question. I’d be Biggie.” He snorts. “Especially tonight.”

“Tonight? Why?”

He puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles. “See? Now if you really were a hip-hop fan and liked that song, you would get it.”

I raise an eyebrow and he gives me a small laugh. “Don’t give me that look, it’s nothing. I was just making a crack about the album that song was featured on is all.”

Then he pulls me in for a hug, which is rare for him to do here in the middle of the club. “You’re my best friend, Jackson.”

I hug him back and tell him the same, but an unsettling feeling washes over me. I’m about to question him about why he’s acting so weird, but Ricardo shows up and they decide to do some last minute training.

Because apparently….they just got word that Tyrone’s opponent for tonight got switched.

That only makes this feeling in the pit of my stomach worse.

One things for sure…I’m finding out the name of that album.


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2 thoughts on “BLAME IT ON THE PAIN : EPISODE 61 – 70”

  1. ”I take care of what’s mine and what I love. Don’t you ever forget that.”

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