Episode 7

The next morning Christiania woke up with the sound of the gate, she sat up cleaning her eyes and saw it was morning already.

“Oh God! She shouted and hurriedly took the table covers to return where she carried them.

Her employer opened up and was so surprised to see her coming out from the back,
“This early? She asked.
“Yes ma’am, Christy replied.

“Did you sleep well? She asked.
“No.. Yes ma’am, Christy replied cleaning her eyes.

“But you are still on the same dress you wore to work yesterday, that isn’t decent for a place like this and you know it, she said and she looked at herself.
“Sorry ma, just that I have no other clothes to wear, Christy replied.

“You don’t have clothes to wear? Beside where did you sleep last night? She asked.
“Here ma, at the back. I didn’t have any place to go and I’m sorry, Christy said and she was just looking at her.

“Come in, she said opening the door and asked Christiana to sit down.
“What happened? She asked and Christiana carefully told her everything.

“How old are you? She asked.
“Will be 15 soon, Christy replied.

“No mother on earth will be happy Christiana, what came over you to believe the bullshit of marriage at your age when you are to study! You messed up girl, She said and Christy bowed her head.

“I know ma’am and I can’t still explain what I was thinking. But will you accept I go ahead for the abortion to get my life back to normal? Christy asked.

“I won’t tell you to do that, but are you willing to keep the baby? Remember it will demand sacrifice, she replied.
“Ma’am I already love my baby, though its a big mistake but I don’t want to do it, Christy said and she heaved.

“You need to go home, she said.
“I tried ma, but my mom doesn’t want to see me, Christy said.

“I understand, I’ll take you home if you will agree to stay with me. I just want to help, she said.
“Really ma? Christy asked about to get up.

“Yes, I am a mother myself and I have 2 males, she replied.
“Thank you so much ma, thank you, Christy happily said.

“You’re welcome, I’ll hurry and take you home so you’ll have a shower and change up. Let’s go, the woman said getting up and they left together.

They arrived home and met no one at home,
“Ma what about your children? Christy asked.
“In school, they are twins and 19 years of age, you’ll see them when they get back, she replied.

“Wow ma, and your husband? Christy asked..
“He doesn’t base here, he visits once in a while though we are no longer married. This will be your room, Clean up while I’ll find something for you to wear, the woman said showing her a room and left.

Christiana looked around happily and fell on the bed,
“Not too bad, I finally have a place to sleep, she said………..


In the evening they came back together and opened up,
“Welcome mom, a guy who was in the sitting room greeted.

“Thank you Bale, Dembe replied and he was looking at Christiana.
“Good evening, Christy greeted..

“Welcome, he replied and the other came out.
“Welcome mom, Ochen greeted.

“Thanks son. Ermm she is Christiana and she will be staying with us, Dembe said introducing Christiana.
“Really mom? You can just bring in anyone to stay without letting us know? Bale asked.

“She has no place to stay son and I want to help, Dembe replied.
“I don’t understand, when did our house become a refugees camp? Bale asked.

“Stop it Bale, you heard it yourself she only wants to help and you are to accept that and welcome our guest, Ochen came in.

“Ohhh that’s so thoughtful of you brother. Welcome our honorable guest, please make yourself comfortable, Bale said giving Christiana a hug while she stood confused and he went in.

“Sorry about that Christiana, Ochen said.
“Its okay and he’s right, Christy said.

“Alright have you guys eaten? Or should I keep back this delicious meal I preserved for I and Christiana? Dembe asked and Ochen laughed.
“Mom please we are hungry, book us also in your meal please, he replied.

“Well I’ll think about it, Dembe said smiling.
“I’ll prepare the table then, Christiana said.

“I haven’t finished thinking yet, Dembe said.
“Thank you Christiana, I’ll help you, Ochen said and Dembe laughed……….


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