Episode 73

Christiana dialled Jendyose number but she didn’t pick up. She insisted to call and began to get worried wondering where she kept her phone, and after 10 rings she picked up,
“Hello mommy, Christiana anxiously said.
“Christiana! Where have you been? Jendy shouted.

“Sorry mommy something Came up but I’ll be there tomorrow, She replied.
“What came up? I hope all is well? Jendy asked.

“Yes mommy, I’ll tell you everything when i get there besides I’m using someone phone to call you now, I lost mine, she replied.
“Oh you got me so worried when I kept calling but you didn’t pick up, Jendy said.

“I know mommy that’s why I called, Christy said.
“How’s my baby? Jendy asked.

“I’m fine nau, Christy replied.
“How’s Regina joor, Jendy said and Christy laughed.

“Grandma! Regina shouted inside and Jendy heard it.
“My baby! Common give my baby the phone now, Jendy said and Christy rolled her eyes and went in.

“Hello grandma, Regina said.
“My baby, I missed you so much but you disappointed grandma, Jendy said..

“Sorry grandma, some bad men took me away from mommy in the park, Regina said and Christiana heaved looking at her.
“Some bad men took you? Why? I mean who did that! Jendy shouted.

“Don’t worry grandma, they got me released today, Regina said.
“Give your mom the phone, Jendy said to her.

“Okay grandma, mommy, Regina said stretching the phone to Christy ears.
“Mom I didn’t want to tell you okay so you won’t worry, but we are all fine and tomorrow we will be there, Christy immediately said.

“Have they been caught? Jendy asked.
“Yes mom, she replied.

“Please come back safe to me if the capital is that dangerous, Jendy said.
“Mommy we will be there, please I have to go now i almost forgot I’m using someone phone, Christy said.

“Okay my dear, bye and take good care of yourself okay, Jendy said.
“Bye mom, Christy said and dropped the call.

“I’m so sorry I’ve used your airtime, Christy said to Mukasa.
“No its okay, he said getting the phone from her.

“So daddy will you come with us? Regina asked.
“No baby there’s a lot I need to do here, but I’ll come visit from time to time, he replied and gave her a glass of water.

“Thank you daddy, thank you mommy, Regina said.
“I can see your belle is filled, Christy said tickling her and Regina giggled.

“Mommy stop I want to poo, Regina said.
“What! I said it, oya come down, Christy said carrying her down……………


The hospital arrived and Bale was bundled into the bus they brought with them while Ochen followed leaving James uncle to his work in the station..

After a while, Bale was put to sleep and Ochen settled some things there and James met with him to help out.
“Let’s go, you’re tired already, James said.
“I feel like staying with him James, I don’t want to leave him, Ochen said.

“What! Do you want to break down too? There’s nothing you can do for him now whether you leave or stay, he’s not in his right senses so let them do their job, James said.
“I want to see if he will get calm when he wakes up, Ochen said.

“Please Ochen you need to rest and eat, first it was Christiana and her daughter, Now its Bale, stress ki lls my friend, James said touching him and he heaved.
“How is she? He asked.

“She’s fine and still in the hospital, and she’s going home tomorrow, James replied and he nodded and faced down.
“So won’t you love to spend some time with her before she leaves? James asked and Ochen looked at him.

“Is she not coming back to the capital? He asked.
“What’s left for her here? You? James asked and Ochen stood up from where he sat.

“Let’s go, Ochen said and James smiled knowing he has touched a spot.
“Better, James said following him behind.

Surprisingly Ochen drove home,
“I thought we were going to the hospital, James said looking at him.
“What’s left in the hospital? Ochen asked him coming out from the car.

“Christiana of course, James replied coming out too.
“You said she’s fine and she’s leaving tomorrow, my regards to her. And ermmm, you can help me give her stuffs to her, its in the car, Ochen said going in.

“Wait i don’t get it, what’s wrong with you? I thought you wanted seeing her, James asked.
“James please I want to rest my head, thank you, Ochen said.

“Okay okay fine, why not eat first, I prepared something for us, James said.
“I’m glad you’re beginning to have sense, thanks bro, Ochen said hitting him playfully…….


Evening came and James saw Ochen was not ready to see Christiana, he had no choice than to go see them.
“Uncle, Regina called out when he walked in.
“Yes baby, James said carrying her.

“Welcome, where’s Ochen? Christy asked.
“Emmm you see he’s very tired and stressed up, Bale went mad like really crazy, James replied.

“How is Ochen feeling now? Christy sadly asked.
“You should know him, he’s down, James replied and She nodded.

“How can I see him? She asked.
“He’s at home,are you going there? He asked.

“Yes, please take care of Regina I’ll be back, she replied.
“Mommy I’m coming with you, Regina said.

“No baby its late, but I’ll be back soon, Christy said pecking her and Mukasa walked in.
“Going out? He asked.

“Yes, but i won’t stay long, she replied him.
“Be careful alright, Mukasa said and she nodded and left the room.

She took a cab down there and knocked on the gate, she got in and saw Ochen lying down on the couch and she slowly walked up to him.
“Ochen, she called out and he opened his eyes and saw her.
“What are you doing here? He asked sitting up.

“You mean i can’t visit? She asked and sat beside him and he heaved saying nothing.
“Sorry about your brother, I know how much you care about him, she said and he looked at her.

“You really do know who i care about right? He asked.
“You care about your family and Friends, she replied.

“That’s interesting, he said and she gently took his hand.
“And me, she added.

“How do you know that? He asked.
“Because i can see and feel it, you’ve always been there for me and i appreciate, she replied..

“Is that so? Then why are you leaving? He asked.
“My mom, I need to be with her and see how i can fix back my life. I can’t be a burden to you even if you’re willing to help me, she replied.

“I never for once saw you as a burden, its okay if you want to see your mom, but you not coming back, that’s not fair, he said.
“Ochen……. “i need you Christiana, I love you, Ochen said and kssed her………..


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