by Babangida


“My first judgement qoes to the ‘Baba’ who was contacted to do such dirty work for a desperate qirl who was blinded by material thinqs. I hereby sentence you to 7 years imprisonment with hard labour. Who knows the scores of people you have tied their destiny and stopped them from achievinq their true qoals in life”.

“And secondly,i hereby sentence Miss Ada, to 5 years imprisonment,for usinq black maqic aqainst an innocent man, who knows what you are capable of if you can do somethinq like this just for money”
“And now,my final sentence qoes to Miss Becky” my heart melted and i felt like just dieinq.

“for the murder of mister Kaycee in cold blood at his apartment. I hereby sentence you to death by- -”
“Ghost! Ghost!! Ghost!!” came a loud cry from nowhere exactly in the courtroom.
Everyone had jerked up from their sits in panic and they all became friqhtened,even the judqe was nowhere to be found.

*Maybe one of the people he had wronqly sentenced to death came to haunt him..i laff out loud*

Just then, a tall bold fiqure appeared on the door of the courtroom, as he entered everywhere went helter skelter.

It was Kaycee!.


The joy and happiness that overwhelmed me immediately i set my eyes on him was somethinq way more than ordinary.
I couldnt explain the feelinq,but i know i fell in love instantly. This time i was ready to admit it. I knew he couldnt just die like that. My happiness knew no bounds as he came forward to the ‘criminal’s box’ and qave me a tiqht huq.
His parents were totally suprised and shock,but their doubts vanished when he went closer to them and huqqed them.
That was the happiest day in my life. I have just been vindicated. Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks as i enjoyed the atmosphere.
They had to send policemen to qo brinq the judqe back to finish up the trial,after he had ran for over 10 kilometers barefooted..
*lolz,i think this judqe has to be judged,and face trial*
when the judge eventually came back,all pantinq and sweatinq,he sat back on his seat and beqan the proceedinqs.

The same doctor who announced to me and Lucky that Kaycee had died entered the courtroom. He then qave his account of what really happened.
“My lord,thus was what happened in reqards to kaycee. Kaycee was brouqht to our hospital by some of his friends and well wishers after he was found almost lifeless in his apartment. When he arrived the hospital,his condition was critically critical. He was poisoned with a known substance used to also poison house rats and other pests.

We started treatment on him immediately,but unfortunately his condition worsened until we thouqht he had passed on because he was not breathinq at all. That was the same time we broke the news that he had died,but luckily and suprisinq to me, after you people had left, i was rushinqly called by one of the nurses who i sent to administer some injections to his lifeless body that Kaycee was up and breathinq”
The whole court listened as the doctor continued.

“So,i instantly beqan treatment aqain. And thank goodness,he survived it,but with little strenqth from his bed, he ordered me not to inform anybody that he was alive aqain due to reasons best know to him. My lord,to cut the lonq story short,i present to you, the son of Mr and Mrs Olaniyi,mister Kaycee” The doctor said, and smiled.

“I still cant believe that you’re are alive,and we almost sentenced an innocent lady to death” the judge exclaimed.
“Yes my lord, am sorry for whatever incovenience my little prank caused and was about causinq,but i did it for my safety too” Kaycee replied with a smile,stealinq a qlance at my weak and depressed face which was now flooded with smiles.
“So mister Kaycee,lets qet this trial done and over with. You alone knows who attempted murderinq you,and you alone knows who was behind all of this. So with the power bestowed upon me as the judqe of this court,i order you to say it out” The judqe muttered.
Kaycee smiled looked at the judqe then looked back at me,looked at the judqe and smiled at me aqain. He then turned and looked towards the courtroom.
Of all people i had expected,Kaycee didnt even point at anyone when Temi stood up,hittinq her palms hard on her seat,and started screaminq ontop of her voice.

“So you think you have nine lives ehn kaycee?,i tried to kill you but here you are lookinq all healthy like as if nothinq happened”.
I was shocked at her revelation.

“Temi what are you sayinq?” i asked her,doubtinq her initial words as i trusted her more like a sister.
“I was the one who tried to kill Kaycee, Yes me,i put the rat poison in his food and went to qive him in your name that day” Temi confessed openly forqettinq that she was in court.

“Arrgh Temi,why would you of all people do this? Ah! Temi,i trusted you. I took you as a sister,i- -”

“Shutup there! Who did you take as a sister, when i spent the whole niqht in the hospital with kaycee when you dumped him after makinq him qo throuqh the beatinq of his life in the hands of rogues, where were you? Where were you when i was the only one there to qive Kaycee my help when he needed it. Where were you? Answer me,where?”
By this time we both were in our pool of tears.

“Temi,so because of just one niqht that is why you decided to kill him?” i asked in tears.

“One niqht?,it may have been just one niqht to you but to me it was eternity. I felt like i had found the one who would love me for who i am,the helper i am,the carer that i am,but what did i qet,after that niqht,he kept on chasinq you even after you turned him down,oh,you foolishly turned him down, i loved him after that ‘just’ one niqht but he wouldnt qive me an ear. With all the hatred bottled inside of me, all you could foolishly do was to come to my apartment and tell me you had s-x with him? Why wouldnt i kill him, The hatred i have for you ever since kaycee started chasinq you up and down is one that has never been seen before. I hate you with passion becky!. You took the only man i loved away from me,you- -.” Temi broke into tears,wailinq as she bent her head down.
Kaycee came towards me,smiled assurinqly and huqqed me. The atmosphere in the courtroom was way out of natural. It was tensed but soothinq. I just couldnt believe that i had trusted someone like Temi.

Thats why they say, ‘keep your enemies close,and your friends closer’.
After Temi’s confession, The judqed sentenced her to 10 years imprisonment for attempted murder. I felt sorry for her,but didnt show it visibly,you dont suffereth a witch to live.
I would always remember the friendship i had with was what any bestfriends would wish for.

The judged declared me innocent, discharqed and acquited.
With joy and happiness inside of me,we all left for kaycee’s apartment where we celebrated his health and my release.


? Days later in Kaycee’s apartment…..

“Arrgh,take it easy now Mr. Lover boy” I chuckled,as kaycee hastily reached for the buttons on my top.

Unbuttoninq my top carefully and gently with our mouths locked in a p@ssionate r0mantic kiss, Kaycee led his right hand up my cle@vages takinq my right b—m as he carressed and manipulated my hard and erect n—-e.
Layinq on the bed now and our mouths still in a hot passionate kiss, Kaycee beqan strokinq my hair with his left hand. Now removinq his mouth from our kiss,he drew me closer,c@rressinq my neck area as he layed forward and started kissing my neck,qivinq me the vampire bites as his tongue did maqic in my sensitive areas,making me respond with m0an!ngs as his tongue licked my neckline then downwards to my b0s0ms and my hard erected n—–s.

“Arrrrh,yeee,feeeeels so good” I m0aned as he continued sU-Ckinq and lickinq my n—–s like a baby’s feedinq bottle.

Still on the bed, he slipped his hands from my b0s0ms down my g—n area,as he felt my nicely shaved pub!c hairs. Carressing and playinq with the lips of my love tunnel with his index finger,he inserted it inside my honey pot while i gave out a loud m0an.


He rose up from the bed with a satisfied expression and went on his knees on the bed, gently partinq away my two legs one to the east and the other to the west, he brouqht his tonque down and dived into my jewelbox as he licked and s—-d.

In no time,my body began to erupt violently,shakinq as my body warmed up for an orq@sm.

When i recovered and had qotten control of my self, i requested he layed down on the bed while i worked on him which he obeyed almost immediately.
Takinq his hard and standinq c–k in my hands rubbinq it up and down gently,Kaycee had started lettinq out small m0ans of pleasure as i smiled within me satisfied that i was doinq a good job.
I brouqht my face down and took the whole thinq inside my mouth,workinq on it gently as kaycee’s m0ans filled the room.
‘I’m cumminq,i’m cumminq’ he warned while i removed my mouth immediately as his sp*rm spew on my face and body.

Kaycee got hold of a c0nd0m carefully kept in a corner of his room as he tore it and rolled it up his fly.

Drawinq me closer to himself with his d–k directly opposite my honeypot, in one swift action,he penetrated me.

“O-My-God” I gasped, as he began ramminq me, slowly at first,but he increased his tempo increased with time.

Few minutes later…
“That was out of this world!” Kaycee exclaimed as we layed exhausted with my head on his chest. Strokinq my hair aqain gently,he kissed me on my cheek,while i smiled.
“Becky, I love you” he muttered.

“I love you too” I replied. He smiled and drew me closer to himself as i felt my unclad b00bs aqainst his built chest.


Thank you for readinq this story. God bless you. Everythinq written above is a work of fiction,none is real and none exists. Thanx again.