BUT HE NEVER NOTICED: Episode 31 To The End

?But he never noticed ?

Written by Bella writes ???

CHAPTER 33??????

“So what are you going to do,Are you going to leave willingly or forcefully?”Dave asked breaking the sudden silence

“Let go of me first!”She said to Nick and he did let her go

“Wow,I never thought that The two hunks in success high will be your guard”She said starring at me

“They don’t have to guard me,When it comes to you,I can defend myself”I replied

“This is not over though! I will make sure I…….”She couldn’t finish her word because Dave dragged her off

I stood watching her being pulled off by Dave, These past few years hasn’t made her change,I wonder how their father will be too,I thought to myself

“Are you okay?”Nick asked and I stared at him,I had totally forgot that he was here with me

“Yes,I am”I replied starring at him

“are you sure?”He asked as he held my cheek

“Yes I am,You don’t have to……”I said moving away from him

“You really are bent on avoiding me right?”He asked

“Am I avoiding you?”I asked

“You know you are and you that that alone drives me crazy”He said holding my hand

“I really didn’t notice and besides shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend?”I asked as I pulled my hand away

“Stop talking about Stella each time we are both having a conversation”

“But it’s a must that we talk about her,She is the one in your life,Your girlfriend,So please Nick let’s just end this conversation here”I said and quickly walked off.

I made it to the rest room and luckily there was no one there.

I stood starring at the mirror breathing in deeply

Just then the door opened and Stella walked in with her friends

She had a smile on her face but on seeing me the smile vanished

“Out of all the place,Why did I have to run into you here?”She asked starring at me angrily

“If you are worried about seeing me here,I will leave”I said moving past her but she stopped me by holding my hand

“I will only say this once Alexia,Leave my boy friend alone,I don’t know what you have done to have Dave wrapped around your fingers but I won’t let that happen with my Nick”She said

“If you are that scared,Then I suggest that you keep a close eyes on him”I replied and her hold tightned

“I mean it Alexia,Nick belongs to me and I won’t let a thing like you take him from me”She said

Pushing off her hand I turned to stare at her “Why! Do I smell fear in you or you are that desperate not to lose Nick”I asked

“Don’t mess with me!”She warned

“No! You and Nick shouldn’t mess with me,I have no intention of taking Nick from you and please do a good job by keeping him close to you,I have a hard time trying to get him off my back”I said and gave her a cruel smile before walking out of the rest room.

I didn’t mean what I said but I wanted to hurt Stella,Wanted to make her feel uneasy about her darling boy friend.

If only Nick will show me in some manner or in a big way that he really loves me,Then I might start to believe him.

I was so deep in thought that I didn’t notice Dave until he stopped me by putting an arm around me

“Where did you go to?”He asked

“Well I was in the rest room”I replied

“I was quite worried,I had had a hard getting that Isabel off my back”He said

“Oh! Did she insult you or she …….”

“Nothing of the sort ,She wouldn’t dare after all am the well loved Dave,You know that every one loves me”He said

“Let me guess,Isabel is also amongst those who loves you right!”

“Well not really and if she does then I don’t need her love or any one else,I want a certain girl love and I hope that some day I can get it”He said looking at me seriously

“Shouldn’t we go back to the others,They might be wondering why we are taking long”I said quickly moving out of his hold

“hello once again to you all,I am mark,Your host for the program that will be taking place in this villa,Just to give you a heads up, Apart from the school competition that will be taking place,There will also be a lot of fun games that we will participate in” A man who Stood on the stage said to us all.

I wasnt quite listening because I was watching Alexia and the others

She was chatting with Mary and Jennifer,Seems like the ordeal with Isabel is now well forgotten.

“Hey! What do you keep staring at,Just focus”Stella said making me to look at her

“Have I told you that you look so hand some today”Stella said wrapping her arm around mine

” You haven’t and I hope you don’t”I said gently

The time has come for me to break it off with Stella,I was reluctant to do so because I didn’t want to break her heart or cause her pain,After all I pursued her and made her fall me but I can’t chose to stay with some one I don’t love while I lose the one I love,I thought as I starred at Alexia again.

This time she was talking Dave and he was telling her some thing that made her smile

I felt so jealous and angry,One thing i am sure of is that Alexia feels some thing for me though she tries to tell me other wise and pushes me away but if am not careful I might just lose it all to Dave.

“Why don’t we all do some thing intertesting guys”Mark our host said

“We pick ourselves in five pairs each “He added and quickly every one began to pick each other

I wanted to go Alexia but Stella firm hold on me stopped me

I ended up being paired with Stella and her friends and when I looked at Alexia and the rest,They had also formed a group

“Now two pairs of group will face each other, A line had been made in the hall, The group that manages to pull the other over the line wins” He said

I didn’t feel like participating but I had to and I wouldn’t let Dave take all the credit,I thought.

While the other group did theirs,It finally got to our turn and luck had to have it that it will surely be Nick and Stella group that we compete with.

Nick got in the front,Like wise Dave,I stood behind Dave while the rest piled behind me

I held onto Dave waist reluctantly but he took my hand and wrapped it around him properly

“If we must win,You have to hold properly” He said and I nodded

Once the game instructor asked us to start,We began to pull,It was a strong battle and we pulled for a while,I kept on wondering who might win.

I didn’t know how it happen, Maybe it was a fall back from us or a slip from Dave, All I knew was that we dragged past the line by Nick team .

We all stumbled on the floor and when I say we all,I Also mean Nick team members

I knew that I didn’t fall on the floor because the thing I was laying on wasn’t the ground but some one itself

I looked up only to see that it was Nick,I had fallen on Nick……..

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