Story by RANDY



I met the house empty as I slammed the door close.

Gosh, I need a hot bath and a good rest, I thought as I made for the bathroom.

I pulled off my clothe as I went under the shower and switched it on.
I felt relaxed as the waters touched my body.

The incident at Randy’s house pooped up in my brain.

He was shocked beyond human reasoning as he glared at me in the eyes.

I wasn’t afraid of who he was. Nobody calls me a sIut and goes without a damaged nose.

His face came into view inside my head. The bI.ood dripping from his nose made gave him an ev’l cute face.

I wonder how someone could be so cute.

“Assh, Maya, what’s wrong with you? “, I asked no one.

Is not like, Dante wasn’t handsome but why do I feel in his face? It was actually our first meeting.

I was angry at myself for closing my eyes when he pin few inches away from me.

I would have just ki¢ked below.

I took my aggression on my sponge as I scrubbed myself really hard that I thought my skin would peel off.

“Your dirty breath and eyes are what am scrubbing off my body!!!! “, I yelled as I dropped the sponge on the floor.

I half the wall as the event kept coming to my head.


But you should be happy you pvnched the mighty Randy who many was yet to meet physically, my inner voice said.

Yeah, she was actually right. I touched luxury and pvnched him, I thought as I smiled to myself.

“Why you smiling to yourself? “, I heard Dantes voice inside the bathroom.

I never knew he was back already.

“Noting, just remembered today’s incident “, I said as I turned to look at him smiling.

He was already in his under pants.

“Mind if you share with me? “,

He puIIed off his p.ants and walked into the shower.

My heart beat rapidly as he held me from behind. Dante knows how to set me 0n.

“I pvnched Almighty Randy on the nose”, I said as he turned me to him and kssed my neck.

“You are pulling my legs right? Are you serious for real? “, he said as he lips kssed my bbs before trailing up to my face.

“Yeah, I did it”,

He raised my Ieg and kept it on top of the WC.

I let out a m.oan as his flnger got inside me while our lips locked.

I felt his warm breath in between my bbs as he kssed me down to my hole.

He teased me, as his t®.ngue played with my ¢Iits.

This is dmn good.

He rose up and plastered ksses on my neck and he made for my e.arIobe.

“You are not ready for this Maya “, he whispered as he drew away from me.

Yes, I wasn’t ready. I was just lost in the plea.sure.

I hugged him with tears in my eyes. He didn’t use me.



“I can believe she pvnched you boss”, Lee ranted.

“Sir can you please stay still”, the nurse instructed.

I looked at her and she was trying to flirt with me. She had her bbs open and the clothe was short.

God, how I hate desperate holes.

“Out all of you. I need to think”, I ordered as everyone left.

I took up her file from my bed stand as I looked at her profile.

“Maya the tough girl. Am not loosing to you yet”, I said with a smirk.


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