Story by RANDY



“What’s happening here mom? “, Randy asked his mom who was busy crying.

“What the h’ll is happening here mom? “, he asked again with his voice a bit high.

I dont blame him though. He doesn’t know anything. But that doesn’t stop me from making him useless.

Maya just saved you today if not you would be d.ead by now, I said internally.

“You bring down your dmn voice here Mr man “, I warned.

“And you are you by the way?, what are you even doing inside here? “, he asked.

I wanted to pvnch him on the face but Lee’s hand on my shoulder stopped me.

“You talk to your senior brothers with respect Kim-Tan. Or mom didn’t you tell him he had senior brothers? “, Lee asked as the bch cried the more.

Her tears moved me but then I remembered what I and Lee suffered. What we went through to survive and that harden my heart the mom.

Randy was now speechless. In a flash he was holding Lee on the collar while Lee struggled to release from his grip.

“Who the h’ll are you? “, he asked Lee.

I never knew he had such strength.

I sighted a syringe on MAYA’S bedside and reached for it.

“Don’t. I will talk “, the woman stated when she saw me.

“Kim-Tan please “, his mother begged as Randy left Lee.

“So strong. Never knew you had such strength but Maya’s ki¢k got you bedridden? “, Lee asked in mockery.



I cried. I never knew that such day gonna come. I didn’t even know the three were alive.

I missed the three of them so much.

“Mom”, Randy called.

Twenty years ago, I met their father. I mean Lee, Larry and Mayas dad.

He was a widower as his first wife d!ed immediately after the birth of Maya.

Then I also had Randy from my American boss whose wife threatened to kll and my baby if I let her husband know.

That was when I met their father. He need a mother to take care of his children and I need a man to protect I andy baby, so it didn’t take time before we started to mend our broken hearts.

He was a loving and caring multi billionaire who took my son as his and I took his as mine but disaster came to destroy what we already succeeded in mending.

Everything started when I couldn’t give in but my husband wanted more babies so we had to adpot a baby girl who gonna keep Maya company since the house was already full of males.

And that adopted child grew to be Celine.

The all grew up to be lovely children except Celine. She started with division and never obeyed me. Then she was only thirteen same as Maya and Randy.

I went for shopping with my husband with Maya and Randy. Before we could get home, Larry, Lee and Celine where nowhere to be found.

We looked everywhere for the three but couldn’t find them. The cops searched but didn’t find them.

It was like fate was against us as the next day my American boss came for me. Till his de.ath, he never told me who told him about Randy.

MAYA’S dad let me leave but I never wanted to go coz I have got to be fond of him but I have to leave for the sake of Randy.

I could still remember that sorrowful scene as Maya refused to let go of Randy as well as Randy never wanted to let go.

It was a sorrowful day which I prayed never to occur ever again.

I left with my boss for America and that same day, I heard Maya and her dad d!ed in a f!re out break on their house.


Randy was crying when I was done.

“Liar. You Lair. Celine heard you telling dad to take us three to an orphanage “, that was Lee.

What’s he talking about.

“What? I never did such”, I fired.

I have had enough of all this. How could he accuse me of such. I loved them equally.

“You did. Celine can testify ”

“Actually she didn’t. It was all planned by me”, Celine said walking into the ward.

I never said Celine d!ed. Some people are already talking rubbish.


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