By Melody


” We are here.” Emperor said, pulling the door open to May’s new office.

He switched on the light to the room and the environment got lively instantly.

May walked in like a slow surveyor, marveling around the furnishings.

” This…this is my office?” She asked, greatly stunned.

Emperor gave an alluring smirk in reply and walked in sexily with his hands in his pocket.

” A secretary…needs the most of the most places.” He said like a noble gentlemen.

May palmed her lips, speechless.

She thought this kind of suite were meant for only powerful and notable people like the boss himself.

She began to wonder why Emperor was treating her strangely. This was odd to her especially because she’s just knowing him for the first time.

She noticed he talked to her almost very carefully and his eyes was always gazing deeply into her’s when he talked.

He smiled alot ending with a smirk and he was always so nice.

May bit her lips hard. She wished liam could treat her that way too even if it was just two minute.

” This is my office right?” She asked.

” Yes, Ms Cole. This is your office, as of now.” He said and may palmed her face in disbelief.

She failed to belief that she would be sitting here all day long in what seemed like a small paradise.

Maybe her new work wouldn’t be so bad afterall.

” Oh, thank you Mr Emperor. I promise to be dedicated to my work.” She said, holding Emperor’s wrist.

” You are welcome, Ms cole” He said and stretched out his hands to shake her.

May naively brought out her arm to shake him and she could feel hot chills rush down her spine.

His fierce and cold hands brushed on hers and caused a sort of wierd friction making her freeze .

Her body got stiffed for a while until he disengaged from his handshake. She lowered her face from him nervously.

” You can start your first duty this minute, I have other things to take care of.” He said and made to turn around.

May stared at his retreating broad backs and she could only smile widely at herself.

Such a young charming man. He made her feel so loved today than any other time in her life.

She walked up to her seat and finally looked around, still in awe.



Liam stood by his window, staring out into space. He was lost in his thought, thinking about his rival Emperor.

He was wondering why he hadn’t heard much from him this days. Perhaps, he could be planning something drastic behind his backs.

He sighed and palmed the wall, running his fingers into his hair.

He would definitely search for a good plan and hit on him before the idiot takes over, he thought.

Suddenly, he felt a feminine hand roll around his large body making him shiver slightly.

No woman had ever touched him in such manner before and it drove him completely nuts.

” Mitchell?” He called her name cause she was the only one who could do have tripped into his office.

” Blue bell.” She giggled behind his backs. He dropped her hands and turned around lazily, flashing his drop-dead gorgeous face at her.

” What came over you recently?” He asked and she pouted her lips.

” Bluebell. The more you keep rejecting me, the more I feel like proving to you that i want you damn bad”

” This is sophisticated, Mitchell. You know I’m married.” He said.

” Married?” She raised her brow at him in mimcry.

” Let me just pretend i have a wife for now.” He rolled his eyes in disgust and she smiled in return

” You don’t love her. You don’t need to be considerate about her. Love me for me.”

” I don’t do love to women.” He shut his eyes, sucking in his breath tiredly.

This girl was something. She was much bigger than the fight he had for Emperor.

Mitchell held her waist.

” Fine. Prove to me by tearing this pic of you both.” she said and brought out a pic from her pocket.

The picture represented Liam and his wife together on a car trip.

” Where did you get this from?” Liam asked, looking at the paper with wide eyes.

” The file you gave me this morning, I saw it inbetween it. Seems your girl put it in there” She said, folding her arms on her chest.

Liam stared at the pics and instantly, he palmed his eyes touching his head in pain.

Anytime, he tried to remember stuff his brain had forgotten, it caused a sharp pain in his head.

” Tear it now.” Mitchell told him fiercely.

He stared at her face and back at the picture. He knew he never would need the picture so there was no essence of keeping them.

Before he could even think twice, the paper slashed into two by his own hands.

He dropped the picture to the floor and curled his tongue to a side of his mouth.

He suddenly felt a hint of guilt for no reason.

” Happy now?” He asked.

She smiled and palmed his chest.

” I won’t be happy until you…Try some other techniques. Like…divorcing her completely since you don’t love her.” She smiled eviIy, taking his necktie in her tip.

” I’m not a fool, Mitchell. I definitely know where you are heading to.” He smiled.

He placed her inbetween his table, with his hands trapping her.

” I think divorcing her will be better than keeping her in my home for no good reason.” He said and she smiled once again.

This time, purely eviIish.

” That’s my Good boy.” She pinched his chin looking up at him.

She hoped if he could actually go for a divorce with the little brat, she would be able to come closer to him and he would finally get to love this gorgeous deviI.




May walked into Emperor’s office to start a daily report.

Before then, she had rehearsed on how to speak with her boss without being nervous.

The moment she saw his face and his ink dark Asian hair, she totally lost her confidence and her shoulders fell.

” You can drop the papers.” He told her and she stared at him loosely.

” Did i do something wrong?” She asked and He stood up, tieing up his hair into a ponytail.

” I need to take you somewhere.” He said, moving out from his seat.

” Somewhere?” She asked. This was just her first day at work and he was already taking her ” Somewhere” .

She wondered where he was taking her as she followed him behind.

The corridors were wide and spectacular taking away the feeling of fear from her system.

Soon, they arrived at the company’s veranda.

You could glance down the tall height of the skyscraper and at the beautiful world from this very spot.

” This is where i spend my free time just to relax my head.” He said leaning on the handrails and the breeze blew on his face gorgeously.

” It’s so nice.” She smiled. They remained calm for a while just succumbing to the thoughf of this awkward situation.

A man in suit walked up to them with two glass of red wine and May kindly took one, sipping it in one gulp.

” So you are May cole?” He asked to confirm and she nodded with her full lips.

” The name sound a little familiar. Guess i haven’t heard that name for decades now.” He laughed.

” Really?. But how did you know my name in the first place?” She asked, coming to join him on the rails.

He looked at her eyes and May lost focus on both eyes instantly.

” I can’t really remember or point the actual scene. But i know you are quite familiar.” He said.

” Oh.” She mused, staring into her empty glass of wine.

” Tell me about yourself?” She asked and bit the edge of the cup nervously. Did she just ask that sort of question.

She looked up at him and saw that he was smirking again.

” How about you tell me about yourself first?” He said.

” i don’t know much about myself, tho. I’m currently married and I’m a secretary. That’s all” She said and he throated a chuckle.

He intentionally looked towards her finger direction and found her ring.

His mood suddenly shifted a bit and May could notice it. She looked down, a bit perplexed.

” Okay, My turn.” He smiled.

” Don’t have to say much, tho. But there’s something you should know about me which is one reason i brought you up here.” He said.

” What’s that?” May walked closer in order to hear him more clearly.

He coughed to clear his throat a little lighter.

” i grew up in an orphanage with my best friend. After some years, we got adpoted by the same couple as luck could make it on us. I was the bad guy and he was the good guy.

And our father passed his property to him since he believes he’s more responsible than me, but, My mom insisted on giving it to me since I’m older and much matured.

I never took the company stuff seriously then. Like i wasn’t even prepared or worried that my best friend took all the properties. But right now, it is one of the most important things that i needed.

I have a rival against him and i plan to finish him at the end of this game.” He said and May gaped down her jaw.

She knew this man was capable of klling without no mercy.

” This shouldn’t cause you guys to fight. It could be really dangerous.” She said.

He pinched her chin and smiled.

” I brought you up here so that you could advise me in a better way, Ms cole” He said.

” Please don’t hurt your best friend.” She told him with pleading eyes.

” You don’t understand a thing, Cherry. You are pure and innocent like a lamb, You don’t actually know what i mean. I wish you understand me” He smiled and she lowered her gaze.

He leaned away from the handrail and threw his hands into his pocket.

” That all i wanted to say, I’ll see you after work closes for the day.” He said and she heaved a sigh.

With this, she already knew that their’s was fire on the mountain.


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