CHILDHOOD CRUSH : Episode 1 – 10

?Childhood Crush?

?Written by Authoress Kamara

Episode 6

?Elsa POV?
I smiled remembering Bryan. How nice he was to me, how he defended me from Mason.

“My baby is smiling”. My Mum mocked.


“I thought you said you had a worst day but why are you smiling right now?”.

Kyle’s words immediately flashed through my mind and Gabriella’s words rang in my ears. Gosh!! I’m so scared, i really don’t want to make enemies with Sapphire, Kimberly and their crew.

“Mum, i wanna go back with you to Las Vegas”.

She stood up. “Nope, you wanted to come back here and now you are back”.

“But Mum, attending SpringCity Senior High seems challenging already”. I pleaded.


I cut her off. “Mum please”.

Then Tristan walked back into living holding a bowl of cereals.

“Whats going on?”. He asked eating.

“Your sister says she wanna move back to Las Vegas”.

“No way Mum”. Tristan disagreed. “I love my new school and there was this girl at school who I think is pretty hot”.

I rolled my eyes. “Every girl is pretty hot to you”.

“That still doesn’t mean I’ll move back to Las Vegas”.

“You’ve always wanted to come back to Las Vegas, what happened?”. My Mum asked.

“Her crush rejected her”. Tristan answered.

“Tristan!!”. I shouted angrily.

He shrugged. “What? Its the truth. Kyle Vegas rejected your love”.

“He doesn’t even know I’m in love with him and he clearly do not know I exist”. I said sadly.

“Baby, that doesn’t mean your high school life can’t be cool”. My Mum assured me.

“Mum’s right. Forget Kyle and focus on that dude who was waiting for you earlier”.

“His name is Bryan”.

“Problem solved. You are staying in SpringCity”. My Mum said.

We heard a horn outside.

“Thats the cab driver”. My mum said.

“But Mum”. I argued.

“You are only staying for a year. Thats all”.

I sighed. “Fine. We’ll stay over at the smith’s residence”.

Mum smiled. “Thats my Elsa”.

“Mum, wait. What about our belongings?”.

“I already parked your things there earlier this morning so you just need to drive your brother there”. My Mum explained. “And remember, behave”.

We followed Mum out the door and watched as she got into the cab with her belongings. We bade her goodbye and the cab drove off.

I turned to Tristan. “Get into the car and lets go to Beverly’s house”.

He got into the car, i went back to the house and made sure everything was locked before I took my backpack and went back to the car getting in.

“Why is your face like that?”.

I looked sideways to see Tristan still shoving his mouth with cereals.

“You just had to carry the cereals”. I said sarcastically.

“Stop trying to avoid the question”.

I rested back on the carseat. “I only came back to SpringCity for Kyle and it seems like thats never gonna happen”.

He furrowed his eyebrows. “Why?”.

“For starters, he already has a girlfriend. Sapphire Yates”. I explained. “And he kinda hates me now”.

“He never liked you before”. He added.

“Are you even helping?”.

“I’m trying to drill some sense into you”.

I scoffed. “I’m older than you, you know that right?”.

He rolled his eyes. “With just two years”.

“Well two years ain’t a joke, dumbs”.

I put the key in the ignition starting the car, revved up the engine and drove off.

We eventually arrived at the smith’s residence not less than 20 minutes. I parked by a curb and Tristan got down immediately. I turned off the engine and stepped out locking the car.

“I don’t remember their house looking all fancy”. Tristan said.

I rolled my eyes. “Thats because its renovated. Come on, lets go”.

Tristan stopped. “What if they don’t like me? You know, i’m pretty annoying”.

I laughed. “Finally you admit it but don’t worry, they will like you”.

He frowned. “What makes you think that?”.

“Beverly is an only child and also the only girl and I think they like the idea of having a boy around”. I explained.

He heaved a sigh of relief. “Okay fine lets go in”.

I ruffled his hair. “My younger brother is scared, how sweet”.

He removed my hand. “Stop it, Elsie”.

We walked to the door.

“Ring the doorbell”. I told him.

“You ring it”.

I rolled my eyes and rang the doorbell.

The door opened immediately revealing Beverly’s Mum. Mary.

“Elsa, you are here. Come in”. She said.

Tristan and I went in still holding our backpacks.

“Your Mum told me that you’ll be here”. She said as we entered. “Make yourself at home”.

Minutes later we were shown our rooms.

I glanced around and my new fresh room, it seemed like my own sanctuary. I was expecting to stay in the same room with Beverly but I guess no.

The door opened.

“Hi Mary”.

She had instructed us to call her by her first name not Mrs. Smith.

“Elsa, here is the last of your stuff your Mum dropped over”. She placed a duffel bag on the bed.

“Thank you”. I said politely.

“I’ll just go ahead”. She said but didn’t move.

I glanced at her. “Do you need anything?”.

She sat on the bed. “Elsa. Can we talk?”.

I smiled. “Sure of course. I can listen”.

“How was school?”. She asked looking at me.

“School was so not good for me”. I replied sincerely.

She chuckled. “Really? Didn’t you have the whole bumping into a guy thing?”.

I stared at her weirdly. “What is that?”.

“Like you know in movies, the boy bumps into the new girl, he picks her books and boom they fall in love”. She said dramatically.

I remembered Bryan immediately. He had helped me pick my books that Sapphire threw on the floor and he also defended me from Mason. Gosh!! Why is Bryan on my mind? Stop it Elsa.

“I guess that happened to me”. I said shyly.

She laughed. “Was he cute?”.

“Maybe yeah he was”. I answered blushing.

“Beverly never tells me things like this. At least not anymore”. She said suddenly.

I was surprised because while growing up, Beverly and I were really close to our Mums who were also best friends. Beverly always told her Mum everything but maybe she changed like for real.

“Did something happened between both of you?”.

“No she just stopped talking to me. Its like she became distant all of a sudden”.

“Wow”. I said simply.

She sighed. “Did you notice anything about Beverly?”.

I was taken aback. “Well I didn’t”.

“Its just that Beverly seems different now”.

“Maybe its because she’s all grown up”. I suggested.

“I’m a mother and I know Beverly”. Her Mum said.

I paused. “Why do you think she’s different?”.

“She’s more withdrawn and rarely says anything concerning school”.

“Withdrawn?”. I asked confused.

Beverly is never like that, she’s a talkative.
Probably something happened perhaps.

“Mum”. I heard Beverly’s voice.

“I should go”. Mary stood up and left.

I sat on the bed pondering on what Beverly’s Mum said. Beverly did act weird in school with the way she was around Kimberly and Co.

Probably because she wants to be a cheerleader but there could be more. I mean after all Beverly wanted to come home with me but Kyle asked her to stay and she did but why?

Something is wrong somewhere but I can’t place my finger on it. I’ll ask Gabriella in school tomorrow, she’s the one who seems to know what Kyle and Sapphire are capable of doing.

I heard a knock on the door. Could it be Mary or maybe Beverly.

“Come in”. I said.

The door opened and Tristan came in holding his skateboard.

I sighed. “What now?”.

“Is your friend okay?”. He asked leaning on the door.

I crossed my arms. “What are you talking about?”.

“For starters, she said I looked cute and I took it as a compliment__”.

I cut him off. “Just get to the point”.

“She asked me if I consider her beautiful and hot”.

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