“Hey isn’t Diego damn cool earlier?” Pinky asked applying lipstick on her lips.

“Beats me…I totally fell for him all over again!!” Rima gushed washing her hands.

“Sure teacher if that’s what you want’ ohhh he sounds soo sexy!!! I really wanna hear him call my name with that sexy voice of his”

“But he always stays away from girls…only Verna is the only one close him.”

“They are siblings after all…”

“Do you think they’re dating? Remember they aren’t blood related”

“What nonsense are you spewing? Verna likes Jade everyone knows that”

“Ah right?”

“To be with Diego you’ll have to get close to Verna first that’s the only way”

“Verna is hard to get along with that explains why Diego has no girl except her in his life”

“Hey there’s one…Kimberly”

“Yeah right? She also likes him”

“But Diego can’t ever like her never”

“You seem so sure”

“Hey Diego isn’t into girls like her…I overhead this but he’s into cute girls”

“Cute?? Diego??”

“Trust me…so I planned on acting cute from now on”

“You think that’ll work”

“I bet it will…let’s go we’ll be late for class”

“Uh..” Both went outside and Kimberly stepped out of one of the stalls.

“Cute?” She mumbles to herself


“Do you think she heard?”

“She probably does…let’s go”

“Let’s go…” The girls giggled to themselves leaving.



“you really did a great job reconstructing his face didn’t you?”

“I’m surprised also…I mean how did this happened I only remember pvnching him once” Jay said.

“JAYDEN HENSHAW!!”The principal slam his hand on the desk making him flinched.

“He started it first…if he hadn’t said awful things then I wouldn’t have gotten so angry..and also he could just have hit me back it’s not like he couldn’t…is he a baby? How pathetic”

“Can you listen to yourself right now? Uh?”

“Mr principal don’t shout too much…we all know it’s bad for your throat”

“Is this the time to worry about MY THROAT!! you beat up a fellow human being like you”

“You may it sound like a big deal…Mr principal this happens among kids of our age these days…i must be htting puberty…you can’t totally blame me.” Jay said while the principal rubs the back of his neck.

“Mr principal he threatened to kll me…are you just going to overlook that?” Diego said making the principal clears his throat.

“Did…did you really said that?”

“I only said that on impulse…I was angry and…I just spew rubbish” Jay defended.

“I’m just a fragile guy who can’t even hurt a fly…how can I kll someone?” He added.

“I guess you can’t hurt a fly but can damage your fellow student face…call your parents here tomorrow I need to have a word with them”

“Oh no no Mr principal…Mom would really kll me if she heard of this”

“You should have thought of that first before getting into a fight…go out you’re dismissed” The principal said. Diego bowed then smirk at Jay before leaving the office.

“Mr principal…” Jay called pleadingly.

“Out this instant!!”



Jayden was on his way back to class when Kimberly suddenly attacked him. Before he could say jerk Kimberly block his nose with stinky socks.

Jay tried to get her off but she was already clung to him that he could not.

“How dare you beat him up uh! You really love annoying me don’t you?” Kimberly gritted as Jay keeps on struggling to get her off.

Onda rushed into the class her eyes searching for jade. The students looks at her in digust but she didn’t mind that. She spotted him at the back and rushes over.

Immediately she saw the position he was in she kept her face down unable to look at him.

A girl was sitting on his laps rubbing his chest and he keeps brushing her hair.

“Ja…ja…de can I…see you for…a mo…ment?” She stutters.

“What the h’ll! Hey who are you? Why are you disrupting us!” The girl stood from his lap poking her shoulder.

“Cordelia stop!”Jade ordered standing up.

“Onda…what’s the problem?”

“It’s…it’s Jay….Kim heard about what he did and she’s…angry…you need to stop her…I can’t” She replied.

“What? Then I shouldn’t be standing here…let’s go”

“Babe wait!” Cordelia held him back.

“What about me?” She asked.

“We can always continue later…got to go” He gave her a quick kss and Onda took her eyes away.

“Let’s go” He said taking her hand and leaving the class with her.

Luckily they found them and jade quickly seperate them.

Jay started breathing heavily.

“Jade…I think…I’m dying…I’m no more breathing oxygen” He said gasping for breath.

“Kim that’s enough” Jade said holding Jay who clutch to him like a little child.

“You don’t tell me what to do! I have to give that lout some senses so he could stop interfering in my life!”

“Hey I was only looking out for you…that guy isn’t the one you have no idea what he thinks of you”

“Whatever I do with him is none of your business can’t you just get it! It’s my life not yours!”

“I was only worried about you!”

“Keep that cause it does me nothing good!” Kim snapped walking out of there angrily.

“Kiki…” Onda called running after her.

“Hey are you okay?” Jade asked worried.

“That was h’ll…I almost died”

“What do you do again now?”

“Hey I was only looking out for her…she won’t even listen to my explanation…is that jerk that important to her? More than me she had knew for years?”

“You know how Kim is…she’s probably angry you’re ruining her chances with him”

“Ahh whatever…hey can I clash at your place tonight? I think I’m really gonna get klled if I go home” he said while Jade sighs.


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