CRUSHING ON YOU : Chapter 41 – 50

Chapter 50?

Authoress Berry Julie?


I parked the car at Linda’s garage apartment and got down

Adjusted my wear and dried the little tears in my eyes

I don’t know why I’m so hurt hearing those words from my mum

But I’m not going to believe her one bit

Someone who has to mind and heart to sell off her baby no matter the reason is not worthy to be called a mamma

I opened the door and walked in towards her room where I met her on call but she ended it once she saw me

“Hey babe” she smiles at me


“You didn’t tell me you’re coming over,and why are you looking weird” she tell me but I just sighed

“Can I sit?

“Yeah sure, go on and sit down”

“Hmm” I hummed at her and sat down dropping my bag

“Are you okay?

“Isn’t it obvious that I’m not? I snapped at her

“Hey! What happened..if it’s for Amily I told you to leave her, I’ll handle her” she tells me

“I know Linda but it’s not about her but my mom”

“Your mum?

“I don’t just know Linda but for the very first time since I know her she just stood up for herself”

“Seriously?… Babe! Your cheeks … they’re red”

I gave her a nervous laugh and face palmed my cheek

“Yeah I know”

“How hit you?

“Relax Linda, it’s just a mummy and daughter game”

“Did you just call her mummy?? A game? Since when Tracy”

“Oh stop Linda”

“Stop? Listen Tracy someone who has the mind to sell your twin shouldn’t be your mum”

“I know that Linda but everyone deserves a second chance”

“Second chance? What’s wrong with you Tracy! You swore never to forgive her”

“Hmm” I hummed

“You know what Tracy ? Stand up you seriously are out of your mind”

“What are you doing?”.

“Getting you a new outfit, you need to visit the club”

“I don’t feel so good Linda”

“Oh please don’t stop me”

“You know Noah hates it if I visit the club”

“How will he know? Besides since he’s busy getting laid with that cheap whore this is the only way to get back at him” I nodded

“Thanks Linda”

“You don’t have to, I should be the one thanking you for coming into my life”

“Ya right” I smiled

“How’s Marshall”?

“He might be in his house, still find it hard to get over me”

“Seriously? It’s been 5years”

“I know, and it will ruin my life if Noah ever find out I had a affair with him”

“Then you should try telling him to stay off”

“He won’t hear, you know I still like him though, unlike Noah who cares only about himself Marshall treats me like a queen”

“So? You’re choosing him over?

“You I do not! I love Noah okay?”

“Well it’s your game, play it well”


I paced up and down the sitting room as I bit my fingers

My mind haven’t been in rest since I heard about the accident

How is she feeling? Is she still alive?

I was worried since Kelvin won’t let me go out

Maybe he’s scared that since I’m feeling depressed too I might get involved in car accident

I sighed and sat down, is the accident serious?

I need something to get my mind off her and that’s to smoke but Kelvin won’t be happy with me

I picked up my phone and called Kelvin , he picked up on the third ring

“Hey babe” his sweet voice came up

I know I shouldn’t let anything ruin my happy relationship with Kelvin once more but this is my friend

My best friend , and more than a friend too!

“How’s she? I asked cleaning my tears

“We haven’t see her yet, but the doctor assured us her safety…the surgery is still going on” he replies

“Surgery? Is the accident too serious that there must be a surgery?

“Not really, the doctor confirmed she has a hole in her heart and if the surgery didn’t take place her life will be shortened”

“What?? A hole!? I have been with her for years she never told me about it”

“Well I guess she doesn’t want to bother you”

“I’m her friend!” I weep

“Ya right, both of you can discuss about it then she fain conscious”

“Hmm” I hummed and disconnected the call

“A hole….in her heart??


“Hey bro!! So how did it go?” I smiled at Eric immediately he walked in

Eric is my right hand man, my most trusted in all my guards

And for that he gain much freedom than others

“Good day sir, the shipping went well” he replied

“So… we’re good now huh?

“Yes boss!’

“Now I have less to worry than how to get laid of that fool” I mummered

“Excuse me sir? Who?”

“Who else If not Noah? You know , the contract….his father insists he get a wife before he sign in”

“Why will he do that?

“Obviously desperate to become a grand father” I laughed

“But hey! That great for me” I smiled and light my smoke

“What do you mean boss?”

“You know who he sucks in love? So finding a wife is his nightmare” I smiled

“He can easily marry Tracy”

“Shut up!! I yelled “Tracy is mine and u know he won’t dare”

“Yes sir” he muttered

“And if he lose signing the contract, that mean I’ll take over and become more famous than him !” I laughed

“I don’t even know what people see in him that they considered him the king of heart”

“Well maybe because he treats people equally”

“What do you mean?? That I don’t care or treat others well? Why should I?”

“Sorry sir , but you misunderstood me”

“Get out”


“Ya ,you had right, Get out” he bowed and walked away

I sighed and pour myself some drink

“I won’t stop till you and your twin is down! I’ll make sure you pay for what you’ve done” I muttered




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