DARE TO LEAVE : Episode 1 – 10

Dare To Leave

Episode 10

Lydia spent the rest of weekend in sorrow
Thank God for the kids she would have stayed locked up in her room

She made sure to avoid crossing path with Victoria
Every other night Victoria made sure to take Ken clubbing and bringing him back home drunk

On Sunday night
Pascal came to pick up the kids
Lydia was packing their stuff into pascal’s car when he moved closer to her

“Heyy…. Is everything OK ” Pascal asked

“Huh… Everything’s fine ”

“Are You sure… You look kind of cold ”

“Am fine “….. She sniffle

“I know you lyds…… And I know you are not fine, tell me is something wrong ”

“Everything is fine Pascal don’t worry about it”

“But You know am always here for you ”

“I know…. And I appreciate that ”

“The kids and I are going to stop by for ice cream at coldstone…… Would you like to come ”

“Ahhhh no thanks ”

“What……….. I have known you all my lyds and you have never said No… To free ice cream before ”

She smiled

“I know but I’m really not in the mood for ice cream today Pascal and well now as you can see I can afford an ice cream factory now if I want to ”

They both laughing

“I insist…… Let’s go out together just like old times ”

How can she ever say no to Pascal
He’s the sweetest being on earth
But then he is her sister’s husband
Whatever happened between them was in the past and it should stay in the Past.

“I really want to but….. ”

“But nothing…. When I got here. You were in your room probably reading those big novels of yours…… Cmon I know you too well ”

“Ohhh Pascal ”

“Just say Yes… Pancho”

Pancho was the nickname they used to call lydia while they were kids
Lydia was smitten already

“Alright… OK, I’ll go get dressed”

“I’ll be waiting ”

Lydia hurried and changed into a simple gown
When she walked out of the house
Pascal was leaning on his car with back
Lydia smiled it reminded her of when they were teenagers when he would be waiting for her down the street with his bike

So many years have passed but the memories are still fresh
And the wounds never healed

When they got to the ice cream store, everyone ordered….. Their flavors and they all enjoyed eating ice cream together with the kids

Lydia wished this was all hers
The man she has always loved and the children she would want more than anything
But it was mere wishful thinking

“So are you feeling better ”
Pascal got into her thoughts

“What….. Ohhh yeah am good. Feeling much better… Thanks for dragging mr here. I needed it”

“Okay…. So tell me what is bothering you lyds.. ”

“I already.. Told you ”

“I heard what you said before… Now I want to know what is really bothering you ”

“Pascal ”

“You know I won’t stop bugging you ”

“Well it just my sister in law, she’s a huge pain in the ass and I just dont know how to deal with her ”

“How long is she going to be around for ”

“I dont know…… And if i ask they would say I’m probably trying to send her away and as it is I already have alot on my plate ”

“And your husband… Does he know about this ”

“He doesn’t want to hear anything wrong about his sister ”

“Everybody knows you are not a trouble maker just imagine if it were Lucia ”

“Ohh pls I don’t even want to think about the outcome… And pls you can’t tell about this either ”

“You know I don’t go about blabbing things around especially not with your sister… Who is making my life a living hell by the way”

“What has she done now”

“what she knows how to do best ”

“Am sorry about that ”

“Don’t apologize for her pls…. You spend your entire life doing that.. It not fair to you that she’s irrational ”

“I know.. ”

“Let’s put that aside, let’s talk about you not your husband or crazy sister in law… Tell me what you have been up to lately… ”

Lydia talked to Pascal about her adoption plans and the criterias…..
Pascal listened attentively like he always does and encouraged her

Ken hadn’t even bothered to ask her anything about the child they are about to adopt
And here Pascal is even offering to go to the orphanage home with her

Some days she just wished she didn’t have to make so many sacrifices and let go of the things she holds dear

When it was time to path ways yet again…
Pascal insisted to take her home she refused and decided to take a cab instead

Pascal stood beside her and gave her a brief but intense hug as they said goodbye

When Lydia got home
Ken and Victoria were playing cards with beer cans scattered all around the living room

“Ohhh babe. You are back ” he stood up and moved closer to her, and kissed her roughly placing a hand on the small of her back and pressed her against his hard chest

“Yeah “she managed to whisper after the disgusting kiss

“Did You have fun”

“I tried to… ” she tried to move upstairs

“Heyyy wait… Where are you going to ”
He held her back

“Upstairs ”


“Am exhausted Ken… I need to rest”

“Why are you being so unfair babe…. You won’t go out with me but you can go get ice cream with Pascal…. And now you won’t spend time with me either ”

“That’s not it… Ken.. You are drunk and you have work tomorrow.. I also need to rest for tomorrow ”

“I own my company sweetheart… I can sleep all day if I want ”

“But I don’t own mine” Lydia forced her hand out of his grib and hurried upstairs to shut her room’s door ”

To be continued
By unknown.

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