Edan’s POV.

The doctor took two electrodes and placed it on Emma’s chest as her body rose a bit by that shocks. He did this to her 4 times.
Seeing her like this made my heart clenched and knowing that I couldn’t do anything make it more worse.
Seeing her suffer and getting through all of this make me feel helpless, defeated and torn. I wish I could save her. I wish I had the way to take her pain away.
Seeing my baby suffering from all of this wanted me to just place myself instead of hers if that could be possible.

“What happened?” I questioned as soon as the doctor stepped out.

“We still don’t know. But we think her blood pressure got severely low that’s why at once her heart beat slowed down to an extent of diminishing. But thank God by giving those shocks on time, we had regained her normal rate of heart beat. She’s stable now.” On hearing his words, my mind relaxed for a bit and I took a sigh of relief.

“Thanks doctor!” He nodded and went on his way.

1 month later .

A month by now has passed and still Emma hadn’t gain consciousness. Her injuries had quite recovered and doctor was saying that she’s recovering fast.

We were all glad of her fast recovery but were in a shadow of despair for not hearing her voice for more than a month. But we all were strong and had hope that she’ll regain her conscious very soon.
We all are here for her!

It was my turn for staying the night with her. I wanted to spend every night, every hour, every minute and every second with her but the whole of the family insisted me to take rest and not to push myself too hard.

“Edan! You need to take rest. Take care of your own self! Emma would have never wanted to see you like this. Take care of yourself for Emma!” They all said and lectured me for keeping my own self healthy and fit.
So, I had no choice but to do what they say.

I was still cut off from my business world. Currently my dad along with Justin were taking care of it. Justin had given up her book writing for a while and helped dad to manage the business. And thanks to them the companies running fine.

My mom had also realized my love for Emma and had now showing us her full support. She’s ashamed of what she did to her. She had also said sorry countless times no matter if Emma was listening or not.

I removed my coat and set it on the sofa and drawing the chair closer to her bed, I sat there. I slept there by her side with my head on my arms as my warm hand was holding her cold hand.

I dreamed of her as she was continuously laughing at me as I was twirling her in my arms. She was looking in my eyes. Her beautiful grey eyes, her beautiful scent make me want to nuzzle my head in her crook. Her sweet laughter, her smile and her touch making me go wild as I wanted to kiss her senselessly.
I dreamed of us making wild love as she screamed my name.

She looked breathtaking and beautiful as I looked at her and how she blushes made her look so d–n cute. I missed her so much!
I opened my eyes to reality as I felt my hand being gripped tightly. I looked at her and when her lips moved I couldn’t stop my tears.

“E-E…E-Ede-en…!” She whispered still not opening her eyes and my lips broke into a huge smile.

“Emma?” I kissed her forehead. My tears steaming down my face.
“I’m here.” I whispered and looked at her face. She slightly opened her eyes and then after managing her vision to the room brightness she opens her eyes.

As soon as our eyes met, Emma broke out into tears.
“Shush! Baby girl! Don’t cry!” I hugged her and caress her arms.

I was beyond happy today. It felt like my life has been returned and my soul had been given back to me.

“Wa…” Her voice was hoarse and she wasn’t able to speak easily. I quickly take a glass of water and helped her to sit up a bit and drink it.
My heart was going crazy and my lips never letting go of that big smile.
Finally! My baby’s back!

I placed the glass on the table.
“Emma! Say something. I am dying to hear your voice.” I caress her arms and kissed her on her head.

“Edan! Edan! Edan! E-Edan…” She continued saying my name and then burst out into tears. A smile never leaving my lips.

I don’t know for how long I haven’t smiled like this. Probably from almost two months. When Emma was with me back then, I used to smile daily. She’s the reason I smile. And now that reason is back!

I sat beside her and drew her to my chest. Her head placed on my chest and my hands caressing her back.

“Its fine. Everything’s fine. Hush!” I whispered in her ear and kissed her on her head.

I had missed her so much! Her touch! Her voice! The feeling of her in my arms. I missed her so much!

“I… I am sorry. I thought…. I thought…that I would never… Edan! It scares me…” I knew what she was trying to say.
She was scared of losing me. She had the same fear as mine.

“I’m not letting you go anywhere! Don’t worry. I’ll always get you.” I felt so happy, so relaxed today. Having her back in my arms safe and sound was the best feeling I had ever felt.

I continued saying soothing, relaxing words in her ear and I didn’t realize when she dozed to sleep. Her head placed on my chest and her body engulfed in my arms. My soul, my heart, my life had returned to me and this time I will be sure to not let it go!

Emma’s POV.

5 years later .

Its still hard to believe that five years have been passed since that awful day. The day when I almost lost everything. My family, my friends, my love, my life. Everything! That day I thought it was my last.

But I got another chance, another life and this time. I had made up my mind to not to hold anything back. I promised that this time I’ll show how much I love Edan.

Its been five years now since I started dating Edan and in these five years I just felt my love getting more and more intensified day by day and now it wouldn’t be wrong to say that I’m hundred times fold in love with him. I am crazily, madly and insanely in love with this man!
God! Is it even possible to love someone this much?

Although due to that severe accident, my one year was just lost and because of those injuries I wasn’t able to continue my studies but the very next year I started my studies and now I have completed them and gain a degree in business adminstration.

Those 5 years were a nervous wreck for me. I studied my best and got so engrossed in my studies that Edan started complaining. I do admit it! I wasn’t giving him the time he wanted with me. I was always busy with my studies.

Although Edan told me to not fret myself and there’s no need to push myself this hard. But I wanted to stabilize my own self and moreover I wanted to give Edan a challenging person. I wanted to built my own status up to his level. I have always been an independent girl and I want to remain one but now Edan’s trying his best to spoil me. He’s training me to depend on him.

Well! Hope it ends well! Either he’ll lose or I! Let see who wins!

I looked at the most devilish handsome man asleep beside me. We had kept late at night as he made love to me countless times and as I moaned his name.

I looked at my left hand and there on the third finger, I had the most beautiful diamond ring. The day Edan proposed me was still all fresh in my mind.

I remember how he proposed me a week ago. There wasn’t anything lavishing or too expensive. It was simple, decent yet elegant. And it captured my heart. He took me to the same little cottage where his childhood memories were born. The same place which I loved the most.

The floor was fully carpeted with red roses and a table was set with candles, lit in the middle. That night was a full moon night and how the lake was shining and glowing was magnificent. The moon rays giving a glitter appearance to the lake surface and it looked like if tiny fairies with their pixie dust and sparkly wings were dancing on the water. Just by thinking of it again, I felt my breath taken away.

The moment he proposed me I went numb. It felt like I was just watching a very beautiful dream. A dream I was afraid that it may shattered into pieces.
I took twenty minutes to finally let my mind believe that its real, to assure myself that now I’ll be never alone. I’ll always be safe!

Remembering this again, my eyes again welled up with tears. The same way they did when he was proposing me. I sniffled.

He makes me so happy. My body was terribly bruised and injured in the accident. Although my body had recovered but it does still have those scary scars. Even on my head, there was a scar but it mostly got cover by my hair.

Despite all of those scary scars and all cuts which had made my body ugly in my opinion, Edan would always say to me that I have a beautiful body and I wasn’t just beautiful outside but my heart is beautiful as well. He always make me feel overwhelmed, loved and so special. I wiped my tears and sniffled.

“Emma? Baby? Are you hurt? Don’t cry! Sweet heart!” I didn’t knew when Edan got up but in an instant I was in his muscular arms. My head rested on his bare chest.

“I’m not hurt. Its just… I’m so happy to have you. These are tears of joy. I… I don’t even know how did I deserve someone like you…”
“I’m the happiest one! I got my queen! My life! My soul! My air!”
Those words again!
I love this man so much!!!
Is it even possible to love this much?

“Edan?” I whispered looking in his blue eyes. The same eyes whom I fell for the first time. My deep ocean, my peace!

“Hush baby!” He silent me with his hungry lips. His tongue gain entry in my mouth exploring it and I gave him the full excess. His hands moved down to my breast, fondling them as I moaned.
But before we could go further I felt my stomach turning upside down as I felt bile rising up my throat.

I cut off from the kiss and rushed to the washroom as I puked. Edan rushed beside me and held my hair behind my ears and rubbed my back gently. I breathed heavily as he took me back to the bed.

“I’m calling the doctor!” He said and grab his phone.

“No! I’m fine! No need! I think its just a bit food poisoning. I’ll be fine!” I assured him but he being a stubborn man ended up calling the doctor.

“I don’t care if its just a minor thing! As long as it concern you! I’m not letting it loose!” I rolled my eyes at his over protectiveness.

I threw on his shirt on me and Edan made me lie on bed and covered me with a duvet.

The doctor arrived and after checking my temperature and asking few questions about my diet. He gave me the medicine and also advised Edan to let me visit a gynaecologist. With that he went back and Edan went downstairs to get something to eat for me. He came back with a bowl of soup.

“I don’t want to eat anything!” I wasn’t hungry at all!

“You have to eat this. Sweetheart! Its for your own good.” He brought the spoon near my mouth but by seeing the mere sight of it, I felt sick again and I ran to washroom to throw up.

“Now that’s serious! We’re going to the gynecologist right now!” He lifted me up and placed me on the bed.

He took out my clothes and I put them on. I did want to argue with him but didn’t had the energy too. I was so drained out by now. After throwing up two times and won’t eating anything. My energy level was zero.

After 15 minutes drive, we were in the hospital. As we were waiting for our turn, I suddenly had the sudden urge to eat some green mangos.

“Edan! I want some green mangos!” My head was placed on his shoulder as I whispered.

“What?” He looked at me confused.

“I want them!”

“OK! We’ll buy them on our way back!”

“No! I want them now!” I really want them. I suddenly felt this great urge to eat them.

“OK. I’m coming right away!” He sighed and after giving me a brief kiss on my lips, he went out.

As I was waiting for him to return, my turn came up so I went to see the doctor.
The doctor was an elderly woman of 40 age. She had black eyes and brunette hair. She gave me a heart warming smile and gestured me to sit down.

“So Miss?” She rose her eyebrows asking me for my name.

“Uh… Its Emma James!” I smiled.

“So Emma! What symptoms you’re facing and what are your assumptions about it? She looked at me as I told her about me thinking that its just a bit food poisoning.

“Are you married?” She was writing something on the writing pad as she asked me that question.

“Uh… No!”

“Have you been in any sexual relationship?” Her eyes fixed on the writing pad.

“Yes! Actually I’m engaged!” I smiled.

“I see! So Miss James! Are your periods due?” Her question took me by surprise.

From all of her these questions, I had also started thinking of the reason of my this sudden condition.

“Yes! Its just two weeks.”

“I’ll have to perform some test.” She smiled and I slightly nodded my head.

After half an hour I was done with all the tests.
“I’ll inform you tomorrow of the results which will confirm it. But I think your are pregnant.” She smiled and I just stood there all lost.


“What happened?” Edan asked me the moment I stepped out of the doctors room.

“Nothing! She just took some tests. The results will come tomorrow.” I said deciding to not tell him yet.

“Oh! OK! Are you feeling fine?” He held my hand and drew me closer. I simply nodded.

We head back to our house. On my way back I made a stop at a pharmacy and bought some pills that the doctor wrote and a kit. Edan was sitting in the car as he got an important call. I placed them in the coloured shopping bag.

“Everything’s fine! Right?” He asked for the third time and I simply nodded giving him a smile.

I won’t tell him yet. I want to confirm it first and then break these news. I don’t want him to get disappointed on knowing that it was just a mere hormonal imbalance or a bit food poisoning.

“OK.” He smiled and started the engine.

I was lying on the bed. My face facing the ceiling as I was thinking of my situation. Am I really pregnant? That pregnancy kit that I bought! The results positive. I sighed and rubbed on my flat tummy. Is there really a life growing inside of me? Am I really going to become a mom? And Edan? How he’ll react on hearing the news?

As I was thinking about his reaction, my phone ringed.


“Miss James?” On hearing my name I answered with a yes.

“I am Doctor Mari from the hospital. Your results are here.”

My heart raced up and my breath fasten. What if the result’s negative? What if its nothing? I had different kinds of questions jumbling in my mind.

“Y-Yes?” I whispered afraid to hear the answer.

In the same moment, Edan entered the room and seeing my worried expressions he raised his eyebrows asking what is the matter.

“Congratulations! You are pregnant.” The moment I heard the news my heart went crazy, beating faster.
I am pregnant!
The tears started streaming down my eyes as I held a hand on my mouth, muffling my cries.

The phone dropped from my hands as a different kind of emotions ran through my body. I am going to be a mom! I can’t believe it. We are going to have a baby! I felt so overjoyed, so happy.

“Emma! What happened! Why are you crying? Who was on that phone?” Edan sat beside me and drew me on his lap.

“Edan! The… The doctor called.” I said between cries.

“And? What did she said?” His hold tighten around me.

“We are going to have a baby! I’m going to be a mum!” I shouted and Edan giggled.

He wiped the tears of joy from my eyes with his thumb as I chuckled.

Edan POV

“I am so happy…” I said kissing her soft tender lips.

“So am I!” She kissed me back.

We are going to have a family of our own. We are going to start our own life, our own story. I felt the most luckiest man alive in this world. I got that woman whom I love the most and she loves me back and now I am going to be a father.

I am going to have someone who will call me daddy. Someone whom I am going to spoil with toys. Someone whose all wishes I am going to full fill. My family! My own child!

“I love you… You had given me so many things.” I kissed her again.

“No! Its you who had given me all! You were the one who saved me. You are the one who was my strength and still is. You gave me this place. You become my light in the tunnel of despair. You became my hope. Thanks to you Edan!” She kissed me back and rake her hands on my hair, driving me wild.

I deepened the kiss as her legs wrap around my torso. I lay her gently on the bed still not breaking the kiss. I removed her clothes followed by mine.

“How about we celebrate it!” I smirked looking in her eyes. A smile on her lips.

“You have a one dirty mind! Mr. Wilton!” She giggled embracing her arms around my neck.

“Yes Mrs. Edan! Very dirty when it comes to you.” I smirked loving the way I called her.
Mrs. Edan!
I love this!

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