DOCTOR CUTIE: Episode 51-The End

[Love cures All]

Episode 51.

By: Racheal Dennis||

|| Authoress ||

Brittany holds Aurora’s hand in hers and stared at her face worriedly, while Javier is busy apologizing and blaming himself.

“I’m so sorry, Aurora. I wasn’t careful and let them took you away,,, I was so careless. Please forgive me” he said.

Brittany frown at him and roll her eyes. Since they got here 30minutes ago, Javier haven’t let her say a word, he’s been the one talking,,,, well apologizing non-stop.

Brittany grind her teeth against each other as she feel herself getting frustrated with Javier’s apologies.

“Please find a place in your heart to forgive me, I wish I could turn back time, I,,,,,, ”

“Enough!” Brittany cuts him off with a frustrated groan.

“What? I’m saying sorry!”

“Baby, she already heard you, saying it one million times won’t change anything. So, please let me talk to her, let me tell her things that will help her walk up soon”


“Yeah, oh!” She mimicked him and turn back to Aurora.

She smile and rub Aurora’s hand gently.

“Rora, I know you went through a lot, though I wasn’t there but I don’t need nobody to tell me. I can imagine how much pain you went through, but you are safe now. You are back with us, wake up soon and I will tell you how Javier embarrassed himself when he found out you were missing.

You won’t believe how much he cried, but I didn’t cry, remember you always told me to remain calm in every situation I find myself, well that what I did. Javier was so funny when he was crying, wake up soon let me show you what his face looked like when he cried, wake up let’s laugh at him together.

Just wake up Rora, I promise I’ll be here waiting for you. Wake up, alright?”

She paused and look at her as if she’ll open her eyes and start talking to her. She turns to Javier and hug him, it’s as if a switch in her was turn on, she suddenly burst into tears.

“She’s not talking to me,,, I want her to say something,,, why isn’t she talking?!” She hits Javier’s chest as she cries.

“it’s fine! She’ll wake up soon. You just spoke to her and I believed she heard you, so she must wake up soon! Don’t cry!” Javier consoles her.

“She must have went through a lot!”

Just as she’s crying, the door open and Ian comes in. He rushed to Aurora’s side and sits next to her, he takes her hand from Britt into his and caresses her cheeks.

Brittany stops crying when she sees Ian and stood up, she pulled Javier up too.

“General, we’ll wait downstairs for you” she said.

“B-but,,,, ” she cut Javier off with a glare and pulls him out with her.

She pulled his ear.

“Can’t you see the General needs some alone time with his woman?”

“Ouch! Ouch! Please let go” he winces. Brittany huffed and let go of his ear, he rubs it and grumbles as they climb the stairs down.

Meanwhile, Ian is already talking to his Phoebe. He look at her all over, his anger continue rising her pale skin and bruises.

He felt something drop off his eyes, something that has never drop from his eyes before,,,,, tears. Soon, before he could stop himself, he begin to son.

“I’m useless! I’m so useless! I couldn’t protect you, I failed you. My Phoebe I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I know this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t leave you alone”

He leans down and ksses her cheek. He wipes off his tears but they can’t seem to stop.

“My Phoebe, wake up ok, wake up and see the surprise I’ve got for you. I miss you, I miss you so very much,,, our bed has gone cold without you,, the mansion is becoming too big and quiet without your presence. Please wake up cause I’m feeling so lonely,, I have so many people around me but I’m still lonely, I just want you”

He squeeze her hand gently and sob louder.

“I’m not used to this quiet version of you,, just wake up and nag me, I miss your nagging and stubbornness, I miss you commanding me to pay for everything I ask you to do,,, wake up My Phoebe, please, I promise I will hand my credit card back to you and I won’t ever scold you for spending too, but just wake up for me, wake up already. Wake up and nag me, wake up and continue being stubborn for me, I love your stubbornness, it makes you look cute”

He stopped and look at her to see if she’s woken up, but he was disappointed. He sob more.

“I know you went through a lot, you were hurt badly and I’m sorry but tell me, what can I do to make you wake up. If you want I can hit myself until you open eyes”

He starts slapping himself on his face, each slap hotter than the last.

“My Phoebe, I’m beating myself, wake up, wake up already,,,,,”

“General!” Brandon interrupts him. He walked into the room and halts abruptly when he saw his General crying.

He frown and rushed to him, he holds his hand and stop him from hitting himself further.

“General, please calm down. You can hit me to vent your anger if you want”

Ian pushed him away and hug Aurora.


“What are you doing here? Get out!!” He ordered Brandon.

“The first guy has fainted again”

Ian grits his teeth.

“Pour hot oil on him, I mean boiled oil, he’ll wake up. I’m not done with him yet!”

“Yes, sir! Erm, doc Lee called, he said she has woken up!”

Ian sits up abruptly and wipes his tears, his eyes light up at the news.

“That’s great news! Finally!!” He turns to Aurora. “My Phoebe, did you hear that? Wake up and see all the surprise I have for you, ok!”

“General, should I get the car running? Or we shouldn’t go there yet?”

“Get the car running. Wait, have you found my Mom yet?”

“No, sir. But the boys haven’t stopped looking”

“Good! Let’s go over to Lee’s”

“Yes, sir!”

Ian leans down and ksses her pale lips.

“I’ll be back soon” then he leaves.


|| Aurora/Phoebe ||

I hear voices talking and tried to open my eyes but I couldn’t, I have been trying to open my eyes but I just can’t and I don’t know why.

What is happening?

And why am I the only one here? This place is too quiet,,,I don’t like quiet places.

*I’m useless! I’m so useless! I couldn’t protect you, I failed you. My Phoebe I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I know this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t leave you alone*. Dean?

That’s Dean’s voice. My Dean is here, I’m not alone. I quickly look around but I can’t see him, where could he have gone?

*My Phoebe, wake up ok, wake up and see the surprise I’ve got for you. I miss you, I miss you so very much,,, our bed has gone cold without you,, the mansion is becoming too big and quiet without your presence. Please wake up cause I’m feeling so lonely,, I have so many people around me but I’m still lonely, I just want you*

Why is he telling me to wake up, I’m awake. And why does he sounds so sad.

“Dean, I’m awake, I can hear you clearly” he doesn’t seem to hear me, he continues telling me to wake up.

Maybe I can find my way out of here, but how?.

*My Phoebe, I’m beating myself, wake up, wake up already,,,,,*

“No! Don’t beat yourself, I’m awake! Can’t you hear me?” I groan.

Why can’t he hear me but I can hear him clearly. What is happening?

I hear someone stop him, soon they are talking about leaving. I gasp, no they can’t leave me here.

*I’ll be back soon*

“No, Dean! Don’t leave me here! Dean! Dean can you hear me? Dean!” But I heard nothing, he’s gone.

I sighed loudly, how can I leave this place. I hate this place, maybe I should continue trying to open my eyes.


|| Ian/Dean ||

“Ian!” Javier stops me as I step into the living room of my safehouse.

“What is it, Javier? I’m hurrying off to somewhere”

“The people that kidnap Aurora, are they in your dungeon?” He asked me.

I frown but nod. He smiled nervously and tug on the hem of my shirt.

“Can I go and play with them until you get back?”

I smirk. I guess they just woke up the beast in my little brother.

“Yes, Javier. Play until you are filled”

“Wow! That’s great, I’m so gonna enjoy myself!” He exclaimed.

“Javier?” Brittany called him. “What are you talking about?”

He turns to her.

“Baby, you’re gonna stay here with Aurora, I have something to take care of now” he explained.

I didn’t waste anything listening to them, I turn to Brandon and signal him to come with me.


“Good afternoon, General” Lee greets me.

“Lee, where’s her?” I asked.

“In the room. She haven’t said a word since she woke up”

I nod and head towards the room. Brandon open the door and I step in, she sat with her back towards me, it’s like she’s lost in her thoughts.

I rushed to her and hug her from behind, she stilled and try to push me away. I move away and sat in front of her on the bed.

She looks at me with fear stricken expression, she move back on the bed.

“Please don’t kill me, please, I don’t know anything, I swear I know nothing,,, please don’t kill me!” She chants.

I shake my head and tries to hold her hand but she flinched away, I raise my hands to show her I’m not a threat.

“Aunt, I’m not gonna kill you. Look closely, it’s me Dean! I’m Nancy and Morgan’s son!”

She paused and look at me with a frown. She studies my face for a few more minutes, before she jumps on me and hug me tight, then she sniffles.

“It’s fine, Aunt, no one is gonna hurt you here!” She nods and pull away.

Then she gasped loudly and begin to look around frantically as if she’s looking for someone.

“Dean, let’s go and save them, let’s go now before it’s too late, they’re in danger. We,,,,, ”

“Aunt, it’s over, everything is over” I told her.

“Over? But they were shooting just a few minutes ago!”

Then it dawned on me, she thought we’re still in the past. She thought this is 2010.

“That’s ten years ago. It all happened ten years ago”

“Huh?! Ten years ago?!”


“T-then where is my daughter and husband? Are they ok?”

“Your daughter is fine, she has been doing well all these years”

“My Phoebe is fine?” I nod, she smiled brightly. “Thank God she is ok. Where is she now?”

Hm, I can’t tell her what happened to phoebe or she might panic and something might go wrong.

“She is back at the mansion, I’ll take you to see her soon”

She smile and ruffles my hair.

“You are a good boy, thank you for looking after my daughter”

“It’s nothing, Aunt”

“Oh, where is Joseph?”

I tensed. How will I tell her that her husband is dead? What will be her reaction?

“Dean talk to me. Where is my husband?”

I release a tight smile.

“Uncle,, he,,, he,,,,”

“He what?”

“I,, he,,,,”

“He didn’t make it, right?” She cut me off. I couldn’t say a word, I simply blink speechlessly.


“Dean, I want to be alone”


“I’m fine, I just want to be alone!”

I sigh and nod, I got up and step out of the room shutting the door behind me.

“Lee, is she medically ok now?” I asked Lee who was waiting outside with Brandon.

“Yes, General”

“Ok, don’t disturb her, but always check if she needs anything, don’t let the maids cook for her, all her foods should be cooked by you”

“No problem, sir”

“Call me if anything happens!”

“Yes, General”

I nod and face Brandon.

“Back to the mansion, I wanna see how Javier is playing with my toys. I don’t know if they are getting along fine”.

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