FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50

FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50

By Succie

Chapter 47

“What!!!!!, I can’t believe that Violet, why will she come here just to beat you up, she has to pay for this Sharon, I have to give her a dosage of her own medicine”. Millet ranted in anger, and was about to leave, when Sharon held her hand.

“No Millet, don’t, don’t do anything I beg you”. She said sobbing in tears.

“And why not Sharon, Violet has no right to touch you, who the heck does she think she is, just because you can’t fight back doesn’t mean she can take advantage of you”.

“But she is right Millet, am the reason why Jesse is heartbroken right now, am the cause of everything Millet”.

“And how are you the cause Sharon, you only did what you had to do because you wanted to save his life, you aren’t to be blame Sharon, and that Violet has no right to hit you”.

“But to all of them, they think I never love him, they think am a bad person, and I think I am Millet, I shouldn’t have said those words to him, I shouldn’t have broken his heart, is all my fault”. Sharon said and broke into tears.

“That enough Sharon, you have been crying for days, you might get sick”.

“I really can’t take it anymore Millet, Jesse was the only hope I had to live and be happy again, but now that he is no longer here with me, maybe I should just die, I think I should just die Millet, it hurts so much, it hurts, that I can’t take it anymore Millet”. Sharon said crying, and Millet tries her best to console her.

FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50

“Am so mad at that Sharon right now Nikky, I wish I had kill her”. Violet yelled.

“What wrong now Violet, what did Sharon do to you this time, you got what you wanted right, they are no longer together”.

“Yes I know that Nikky, but Jesse has been soaking himself in tears without coming out from his room, and is all that Sharon’s fault”.

“Wait Violet,,,did I hear you blame Sharon”.

“Yes, she is the reason why Jesse is so heartbroken right now”.

“Don’t you dare blame her Violet, you are to be blame, if Jesse is heartbroken and hurting right now is because of you Violet”.

“Me!!!, Common Nikky I wasn’t the one who said those hurtful words to Jesse, it was Sharon”.

“But you were the one who told Don Roman about their relationship right, and not only that you also told Don Roman were they hiding, you are to be blame Violet, who knows maybe Sharon didn’t mean any of the things she said to Jesse, maybe she was forced to say those things to him”.

“I already know that Nikky”.

“So why are you mad at her”.

“Because I hate her Nikky, and don’t you dare say a word to Jesse about this, he shouldn’t know the real reason why Sharon had to break up with him”.

“I have no intentions of mendling Violet, because I don’t give a damn about any of you”. Nikky said, and Violet scoffs folding her hands.

FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50


Joanna sits alone inside the class, and she was so worried about her brother, she didn’t have the appetite to go to the cafeteria, because all her head was filled with how Jesse was doing, is he still crying, is he still in his room, has eaten, was what going through Joanna’s mind, and she didn’t notice when Liam enters her class and sits beside her.

“What are you thinking about Joanna”. He asked, and his voice brought her back to life.

“Liam,,,,how long have you been here”.

“For sometime, you were too lost in your thoughts that you didn’t notice when I came in, so what wrong Joanna, I met Anna at the cafeteria, and she said you weren’t in the mood to eat, are you okay”. Liam asked touching her forehead.

“Am fine Liam”. She said jerking his hands off.

“Then what wrong Joanna”.

“Is nothing Liam, and you don’t need to pretend to care about me, you rich people are all the same”. Joanna half yelled.

And Liam was confused, and he gulmps down nothing and looks at Joanna.

“What are you talking about Joanna, what going on”.

“Is nothing Liam, I just want to be left alone”. Joanna said Standing up to leave and Liam held her hand.

“Are you mad at me, did I do something wrong again, but I wasn’t with those classmates of mine Joanna, what did I do this time”. Liam asked with sad eyes.

Joanna looks at him, and when she remembers the pains Jesse was going through because of Sharon and how Sharon insulted him of been poor, she jerked Liam’s hands off her.

“You did nothing Liam, I just want to be left alone, am so confused right now, and you are one of the persons I don’t want to see right now”. Joanna said and walks out of the class.

And Liam stood still, with a confusion written all over his face.

FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50

Sharon lays on the bed feeling so weak, she has been sleeping all the time, and her head was always acheing her so badly.

Maybe because she has always been crying, she thought as she went to her wardrobe to change into a hoodie, since she was shivering so bad, just as took one of her hoodies, a beautiful pinkish baby teddy bear fell to the ground.

Sharon pinks up the teddy bear, and looks at it with tears in her eyes.

FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50


*Woww, Jesse that a teddy bear machine”. Sharon said smiling as she points at the teddy bear machine, using the other hand to hold Jesse.

Jesse looks at the machine and back to her.

“Do you want one”.

“Yes I do, but it so hard to get one right”.

“Why do you say so Sharon”.

“Because in the k dramas I always watch, it was always hard for the male lead to get his girlfriend a teddy bear from that machine”.

Jesse looks at her and laugh.

“Why are you laughing Jesse, is true right”.

“It only happens in dramas Sharon, those male leads you talk about are just pretending, not to know how to get a teddy bear from the machine”.

“Really”. Sharon asked looking at him.

“Of course Sharon, especially if the male lead is a rich spoit brat, just like GU JUN PYO from BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS, since he played the role of a rich spoit brat, he has to pretend he knows nothing about teddy bear machine, and also LOUIS from SHOPPING KING”. Jesse sad.

“Woahh, so it was just pretends”. Sharon asked and Jesse nods caressing her hair.

“So can you get me one”. Sharon asked smiling.

“Of course I will my heart beat”. He said smiling, and Sharon giggles.

Both Walk up to the machine, Jesse puts a coin inside the machine, and began to use the controller to picked out a teddy bear for her.

And he brought out a pinkish Teddy bear for her, Sharon screams in exitment and takes the pinkish Teddy bear from him, cuddling it in her chest.

“Wow, is so beautiful, am going to cherish this forever”. She said smiling, and Jesse frowns.

“You are going to cherish a teddy bear more than me”.

Sharon looks at him and when she saw his face she laughs.

“Don’t tell me you are jealous of a teddy bear Jesse”.

“Yes I am, I don’t want to share you with any one, not even that teddy bear”. Jesse pouted out like a baby.

Sharon smiles and said.

“There is one one in this world I will cherish more than you Jesse”.

“Really”. He asked smiling.

And Sharon nods with a smile.

Jesse smiles and ksses her lightly, he disengage the hug, and carries her in a bridal style, which surprised Sharon.

“Hey what are you doing Jesse, put me down”.


“People are watching us Jesse, have you forgotten we are in the street”. Sharon said.

“I don’t care if people watch us Sharon, all I are about is you Sharon”. He said with a smile, he winkles at her, and swings her around.

“Jesse!!!!!!”. She yells and Jesse laughs and continues swinging her around shouting.

“I love you Sharon!!!, I love you so much!!!”.

FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50


Sharon looks at the teddy bear and tears were all over her eyes.

“Am sorry Jesse, am so sorry, am sorryyyy”. Sharon said as she broke into an unstoppable tears.

FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50

Daniel was in his room arranging his clothes inside a luggage, he stops and sighs.

“I wish Jesse could just accept my offer, if leave for China, I won’t be able to help the way I want to”.he said with a sad face.

And a maid enters his room.

“Sir Daniel”.

He turns to her.

“Yes, what do you want”.

“Someone is here to see you “.


“He said his name is Jesse”.

And Daniel’s eyes widen in shock on hearing Jesse’s name.

“Jesse is here, where is he”. He asked anxiously

“He is in the living room sir Daniel”.

“I will be right there”. He said.

The maid nods and leaves.

FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50

Daniel came downstairs and sees Jesse waiting for him, but something has definitely change about him.

The Jesse he knows was always lively, and his face that was always filled with emotions and happiness, were now cold as ice, with no emotions in it.

“Jesse, what brings you here”.

“I won’t take much of your time Daniel, so you don’t have to worry”. Jesse said with a cold face, filled with anger.

Daniel nods and continues looking at Jesse.

“Am here to accept your offer”. Jesse finally said.

FATE OF LOVE : Chapter 41 – 50

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