GENTLE TIGER : Episode 21-30

?? Gentle Tiger ? ?

Written by Uche Lawrence

Chapter 24

Ara’s pov

I got home with Tae’s help, mom asked me what happened but I couldn’t tell her what happened.

Tae help me lay down, he kssed my forehead. He wanted to stay a little longer but I told him to go home.

I lay on my bed, still shivering under the duvet. I couldn’t stand.

Mom came in with hot tea, “Ara, I know you aren’t feeling well. Take this tea and the medicine “Mom said and dropped the tea and medicine.

She got to me and help me sit up, I took the medicine and gush it down with the hot tea. I lay back on the bed and slept off.

Soo Bin’s pov

“Mom! Am home! ” I called and saw my mom in the kitchen cooking.

“Soo bin! How’s school? “She asked, hugging me.

“Good and bad mom “I pouted.

“Why? Did someone looked for your trouble?”

“No mom, Ara got tied to a chair and was left in the rain, she was unconscious when we saw her “I explained, sadly.

“Omg! How’s she now? Is she okay now? “Mom answered worriedly.

“Yes, mom I think she’s okay now. I feel really sad for her. Am sure she will come tomorrow ”

Tae’s pov

I mind went straight to Ara, is she OK?

“Tae! How’s Ara now? “Seo asked as I climbed the stairs.

“Am sure she’s okay now, have really missed her “I replied, pouting my mouth them bit my lip.

“Okay, father called us. He wants to see us “Seo said, walking to the dinning.

“Okay, I need to get change”

Next day…..

The principal had told the students about the coming examination.

I waited for Ara to come but she didn’t, is she alright? I didn’t wait for closing time before I got into my car and drove out of the school.

I got to Ara’s house, I parked my car and entered. I saw Ara’s mom talking to the maid, she faced me immediately I came inside.

“Tae! What….. ”

“Where Ara ma? She didn’t come to school why? Is she okay? ” I asked.

“She’s upstairs, the brown door at the left ”

I ran upstairs and got to her room, I gaze went to the bed and saw a someone laying down.

It was Ara! She was shivering under the duvet, I rushed to her and sat beside her.

“Ara, are you okay? Your body is hot “I asked panicking and touching her forehead.

D@mn! She’s feeling sick! I carried her out of the room in a hurry.

“What happened? “Her mother asked.

“I think she’s not feeling well, I need to take her to the hospital right now “I said and took her to my car.

Her mother had rushed inside the car.

I drove to the hospital, and called the nurses to attend to her. Am d@mn worried. I hope she’s okay.

Minutes later……

The doctor came out and I ran to him, “How’s she, Doctor? ” I asked, breathlessly.

“She’s fine, she just had cold. Have given her some Injections.” The doctor said and walked away.

Thank God! I walk briskly to the ward and saw on the hospital bed sleeping or maybe resting.

I touched her hand softly, I just hope she’s okay.

Seo’s pov

“What?! In the hospital? Am coming there with Soo bin now !” I said finally and hang up.

I called Soo bin, and in less than 40 minutes we are there. G0sh! I can’t believe Ara is sick.

No wonder she didn’t come to school.

“How’s she now? “I asked when I stood beside Tae.

“The doctor said she’s okay. And I pray so ” Tae replied.

“Okay ” was all I said.

The next 5 minutes, Ara woke up sneezing.

“Ara are you okay now? “Soo bin asked and she nodded.

“Yeah, am fine thanks for coming guys ” She said.

“It okay Ara, as long as you are fine. We are okay too “Tae said and they kssed.

“Hey! Like seriously? Okay Soo bin give me mine “I turned to Soo bin and she kssed me.

“Jealous freak ” Tae said with a smirk.

“Thanks, so Ara you coming to school tomorrow? “I asked.

“I think so ”

Young hee’s pov

The btch didn’t even come to school, well it none of my business. I just pray my new plans work out in the future.

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