GENTLE TIGER : Episode 21-30

?? Gentle Tiger ? ?

Written by Uche Lawrence ?

Chapter 28

Ara’s pov

“What?! ”

Young hee accident? How come?

“Are you joking or you’re really serious? ” I asked.

“Am serious, Am at the hospital now. She’s in a critical condition ”

“Which hospital?..Okay am coming right away “I hung up.

Why in the world would she had an accident? G0sh!

I left my clothes on the bed and came downstairs.

“Mom, am coming” I said and walk out of the mall.

I called Tae and told him what happened, I insisted that he should come with me to the hospital.


45 minutes later…

I was at the hospital with Tae and Seo. I saw a damaged car outside. Totally damaged. I saw Soo Bin outside pacing.

She led us to the ward, I gasped when I saw Young hee. OMG ?!

Her mother, her brother and Lee were there too sobbing. Lee was holding her hands.

She was wearing an oxygen mask, her head was bandaged and her left arm too.

Yeah, I feel sorry for her even after what she did back then in school.

“What happened to her? How did she ended up this way ?” I manage to ask.

“She had left home for three days, we searched for her but we couldn’t. A man who was going to his working place saw the car she was driving.

Damaged and blood dripping out of the car. He opened it and found Young hee.

And the doctor said she lost control due to the strong alcohol she took. He also said that, she had been thinking too much. “Young hee’s brother said sniffing.

“It okay, she’s gonna be fine” I patted her brother.

“The doctor said she was calling names and your name was included. It like she really wants to see you guys ” Lee spoke.

“Huh? My name? Why is she calling my name? ” I asked myself.

I quickly glanced at her moving fingers then her arm. I think she’s awake! My eyelids fluttered open.

I ran to her and help her sit. She looked at everyone one by one before turning to me. She held my hands.

“Ara! ” Her voice spoke weakly.

Young hee’s pov

I called Ara’s name, I used my thumb to rub her fingers slowly. I really wanted to apologize to her.

My life is just empty. I can’t just think straight, my love for Tae has faded.

I left home wandering around and finally to a bar and came out drunk. I had been thinking since we graduated from school.

How my life is back then, how I make a girl suffer cause she’s in love with the boy I love but doesn’t love me back.

Even when there’s a guy who love me with his whole heart. Lee. Frankly speaking, he’s a good guy even if I pushed him away he kept coming back.

I know this isn’t enough reason but I still need to apologize. The young couples look happy while am here in the hospital.

I lost control when driving and ended up having an accident which almost took my life. Yoo nah had left me cause she was tired of my attitudes.

Even after our graduation, I had wanted to kidnap Ara but changed my mind.

I was left alone with my bad attitudes, doing the silly missions myself. And what’s my gain now? Ending up in the hospital.

“I need to tell you guys something and I hope you guys forgive me ” I said and faced down.

“What’s it Young hee? ” Ara asked.

I turned to Tae, he moved his face away and I smiled at Lee.

“Am sorry for all I caused you Ara ” I said all my deeds and I left their mouth hanging.

“What?! ”

“Young hee!!!! ”

“How dare you! ”

“Sister! How could you do this? ” My brother asked and I gulped.

“I can’t believe I have a bad sister like you “He added.

Ara stared at me with no expression on her face, Tae stormed out angrily, Soo bin was glaring while Seo walk out too.

“Asssh! Aigoo Aigoo! Young hee you shouldn’t have done that Huh ” Lee said slapping his forehead.

“Am sorry Ara, Soo bin and Lee too. Am so sorry. ” I apologized.

“What made you think we will forgive you ” Ara finally said.

Her eyes were blazing, “I’ve known you as a kind girl, I know you will forgive me ” I replied and turned to my mother.

She had been staring at me, she didn’t say anything.

“Mom! ” I called and she turned to me coldly.

“What? You want me to say something right? I can’t believe I gave birth to a dev!l. ” She spat and I felt like slapping her.

She led me into this, she brought me up in a wrong way. She spoilt me. She made me turned to who I am.

“Ara am sorry ”

“How could you? ” Ara yelled and I flinched. “How you do this to us? Most especially me, what have I done? ” Ara said as she sob.

“Ara, it okay. Let’s go home ” Soo bin said and took Ara out of the room.

“Don’t worry young hee, they gonna forgive you okay? You don’t need to panic ” I nodded after Lee’s words.

He truly loves me even after the bad deeds I have done. I sniff and he hugged me. I felt his warm embrace.

Tae’s pov

“I knew it! I knew she was behind all that happened in school. I don’t know why she suddenly confessed everything. G0sh! This girl has gone far ” I said when I sat on the stairs with Seo.

“She’s a btch! I wish I could kill her at that moment. Arrrgh… ”

Young hee did all this, she doesn’t even have any shame at all. All because of love. She made my girlfriend suffer all because she fell in love with me.

All because she took everything away from her, what did she take from her? Beauty, position, love, fame. What else?

I feel like killing her right there, I just wish she couldn’t stand up there for 5 days.

Ara’s pov

“Let’s go home Ara “Soo bin said and took me out if the ward.

Young hee why? You made me suffer cause I fell in love with the man you love. Is it my fault?

Aissh! Are you that jealous? Huh? Tell me.

“Young hee did this Soo bin ” I said.

“Yes, she did. And am sure she’s paying for her sins ” She answered.

“Should I forgive her Huh? Should I? After what she did to me? Gosh I don’t think I can. ”

“Let’s not talk about that now. We need to go home and rest so we can go to London tomorrow. You know it gonna be a long day ”

“Yeah ”


Soo bin drove me home cause I was unable to while she took a cab home, I didn’t see Tae nor Seo.

They must have gone home, they were obviously angry.

An still angry at Young hee and Yoo nah even if she had quit. I need to get prepared so I won’t miss the flight.

Mom asked what happened and I told her everything. The ear problem woman hasn’t come back.

She’s okay now, no more ear problem. My phone beeped and two messages from Tae and Soo bin.

Tae : “you are at home right? ”

“Yeah, and you ”

“I just did ” His messages came in faster.

“About young hee, what do you feel towards her?” I asked.

“Hatred and anger nothing more ”

“Ohh, aren’t you going to forgive her? I mean we should let it slide “I texted back but he didn’t reply.

I opened the second one which was from Soo bin.

“Get enough rest, am home already. Don’t think too much about today. goodnight ”

“Yeah, I won’t goodnight ”

I dropped my phone, rolled the duvet up to my chest and lay back on the bed.

Tomorrow is another day.


Next day….

I dragged my bag downstairs, ready to go.

“You need to be careful there Ara, don’t cause trouble okay? We will be waiting for you “Dad said and hugged me.

“Sister, when you are coming make sure you buy chocolate for me “MI Ho pouted.

“I will little prince ” He nods slowly.

“Ara, am gonna miss you. We might come visit you in London. Safe journey sweetie ” Mom said.

“Thanks mom, I gotta go now. Else I might not be able to board the flight ”

I took the bag into the car, and the driver drove to the hospital first.

I entered Young hee’s ward, she was sleeping. Her eyes opened when I walked in.

“Ara, what are you doing here “She asked in a low voice.

“I came to tell you that……. “I paused and watched her face quietly.

“That? You can’t forgive me right? It okay, I don’t deserve forgiveness ” She faced down.

“I came to tell that I forgive you and you won’t be able to see I, Seo, Tae and Soo bin in the next three months.

We will be going to the WILL music Industry in London as trainees. I want you to say something at least before we leave . “I smiled.

Her mouth opened slightly and she said, “Safe journey and I wish you success and good luck in London ” She answered and I did the unthinkable.

I hugged her!

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