GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

??Written by Princess Juliet????

Episode 13

Telling Declan about Daphne

Sasha Alfredo
What is wrong with her!why did she run off like that? Daphne asked but I ignored her……

Putting two and two together, I was trying to come up with something…..

Cory’s demeanour clearly shows she was scared of something, but what could that be?

Why was she even scared of my room! Did something happen in here! Or……….. wait a minute! I also found Daphne necklace in this room, is it some of kind of co-incidence! ………

No it can’t be, it really can’t be. I said aloud and Daphne gave me a curious look
What can’t be! She asked with a furrowed eyebrow but I shook my head negatively
Nothing. I answered and she scoffed
Are you trying to hide something from me? She asked fixing her gaze on me
No Daphne ! You know I will never do that , I just don’t want you to get upset
Upset! and why would I be! she retorted, Just tell me what is going on in your mind. she added
I stared at her for a while and then sighed
Fine! I think Cory knows something about your death. I said and she widened her eyes in shock……

My death! how is that possible! I jumped off the bridge, remember?
I know Daphne but I have good a feeling that there is more to it, can’t you at least try to get something out of your memory. I said staring directly at her face
She looked up and then shifted her eyes
hmmmmh erm…. Cory … erm hmm…she stuttered trying to rack her brain ….

Do you remember anything? I asked eagerly and she sighed
I am sorry Sasha, but my memory is completely frozen …….

Dmn! I ruffled my hair in confusion, what am I going to do now! I muttered
Why can’t you just ask Declan about it! She suggested
Declan! I repeated and she nodded
No, I don’t want to! you saw what happened the last time, I don’t want to bring back painful memories.
Then how do you intend to go about it? She asked with an arched eyebrow and I shrugged
I don’t know, I really don’t know. I said softly and she huffed
Can’t you see asking Declan is the only option we have left
Oh right! but what if he refuses to talk! what if he avoids me instead! what if he stop talking to…….I tried to say but she cut me off ….

he won’t Sasha! I am very sure he would be eager to help…
help! and how sure are you about that? I asked with a straight face and she sighed…..

I think it is time for you to tell him everything……..

Everything! what are you even saying! Do you want the guy I love to think of me as crazy! I retorted angrily and she shook her head negatively……

he won’t, I am very sure he would believe you once he sees the golden necklace. She said trying to convince me and I guessed it kinda worked because I was a bit convinced ……

Fine! but do you think it … I was about to ask when I heard my mum call my name .
Oh yeah! It time for questioning. I drawled
Sasha! She called again with a louder voice
Yes mum. I answered and then faced Daphne
Wait here for me. I instructed but she shook her head
I am coming with you .
Fine! I agreed and we both headed downstairs together…..
Getting to the sitting room, I came face to face with my mum angry face…

What the he.ll just happened! Why did your friend run off like a mad woman? She half yelled and I bent my head not knowing what to say
Talk to me, why did she run off like that! Did she see something scary in your room! She asked rushingly
No mum, we had a little argument and she got really pissed off. I lied and my mum scoffed

Do I look like a fool! how can you both have an argument within a short period of time! She retorted angrily
but erm mum that is the truth.

I stuttered and she smirked
This is the last time you will invite a friend over for a sleep over. She threatened
But mum it has not. .. I tried to say but she cut me off
Set the table, dinner will soon be ready. She instructed and then went over to the kitchen….

I bit my lips in anger, no sleep over again and it is all thanks to Cory …..

Sorry Sasha. Daphne said softly and I nodded without looking at her…..

Absentmindedly, I went over to set the dinner table…
I was lost in thought wondering about the best way to go about this……

Will Declan believe me if I tell him about Daphne! I guess I need to try …….

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

Cory Abel
Alighting from the taxi, I paid the driver and then ran all the way to my house….

I was really scared and confused!
Stepping into Sasha’s room brought back the memories of what happened that night….

The cracked in the skull , the blood , the seizures, the tears , the pleas……..I hit my head trying to stop the memories from flowing in but it was of no use as it even became more clearer……

Oh my gawd! What will I do! What will I tell Sasha! What explanation will I give her! I am very sure she would be confused about my behaviour!

On getting home, I pushed the door opened and walked in just in time to hear Racheal call my mother a “low life”
I clenched my fist in anger because there was nothing more I could do ………

She turned to face me and then scoffed …

Where are you coming from? She asked with a frown
I looked at her and then at my mom
Mum! Are you alright? I asked and she nodded without looking at me
Did you just ignore me? Racheal asked in a huff
No I didn’t! I was just checking on my mom to be sure she was okay. I explained and she laughed loudly
Oh Cory you are so funny! Why wouldn’t she be okay, do you think I would hurt her ! She asked
Yes, you just called her a low life! I fired at her and she smiled
So! Isn’t that what she is! or what were you thinking! do you think being friend with you stop you from being my maid …….

I didn’t say that Racheal, I am just asking you to at least give my mum a little respect. I pleaded

She stared at me for a while and then smiled lightly
Fine! So where are you coming from? she asked again ….

I already told you ma’am Racheal, I sent her on an errand. My mom answered and I smiled lightly…..

Then why is she with her back pack? Racheal asked eying me….

That is because I told her to go with it. My mum said and then faced me
Isn’t that right Cory? She asked and I nodded …….

Oh! if that is the case , let go over to your room? Racheal said winking at me and I swallowed hard ………

She led the way to my room and I followed behind her slowly…

I knew what she wanted and was really sick and tired of it…..

Getting to my small room, she pushed the door opened and we walked in…..

So are you trying to run away from me? She asked while bolting the door
No Racheal, why will I do that! I asked with a trembling voice and she smiled
Good girl!
She moved closer to me and as expected, she held my face up and gave me a deep kss……

I closed my eyes as I tried to blink back the tears …….
She broke it and stared at my face…

Why are you crying! Are you already tired of me? She asked with a sad face and I shook my head negatively

This is not right Racheal, this is really not right …..

She laughed, what do you mean! It is not like this is our first time……..:.

I know! But I think it is time to end this, or don’t you love Declan anymore? I asked and she froze
Don’t you love him again? I repeated
Don’t bring Declan into this, Declan is mine and mine alone. She yelled

And isn’t that more reason why you need to stop doing this. I yelled back and she gave me a thunderous $lap

Ouuuarh! I groaned holding my cheeks and she smirked
This is to teach you not to talk back at me, you are nothing but the daughter to my maid. She reminded
Racheal! I called softly
You should be grateful I treat you as a friend in school. She added
I am sorry. I apologised softly and she smiled mischievously
So let us continue with our fun. She said and before I knew it , she pushed me to the bed ….

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

Sitting on the bed, I watched her wear her clothes….
This must remain a secret between us and in return, I will treat you as a friend when we are in school. She said with a grin
Oh yeah! We have so many secrets. I mumbled
What did you say? She asked with an arched eyebrow
Nothing. I lied
She took a few steps out of the room and then stopped
And one more thing, severe all of your ties with Sasha. She said and I widened my eyes in surprise

But why! Sasha is my friend! I defended and she smirked
And so was Daphne. She reminded and walked out of the room …….

Daphne! Why must she remind me of Daphne again!

I shuddered a little bit, if only I had not invited… I paused and broke down in tears…….

The door suddenly creaked opened and my mum walked in….

Cory! Are you alright? She asked and I nodded…
She moved closer and sat down beside me….

Why are you crying! Did Racheal hurt you! She asked in a rush and I shook my head
I just want freedom mother …..

I know but why did you return from the sleepover, is it because of Racheal? She asked and I froze …….

Talk to me Princess, we can move out of here if you want and also….. she tried to say but I cut her off
Move! And where would we go too! How are we going to survive! how am I going to achieve my dreams of being a doctor!

Cory! She called softly
We are indebted to Racheal”s family …. Apart from gifting us this house, they pay my fees, they feed us, they clothes us, we can’t just do without them and you know it and that is…. she pulled me into a hug before I could complete what I wanted to say …….

It is going to be alright baby, it is going to be alright…………….

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

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