Health benefits of neem leaves are numerous, some of which includes lowering blood sugar, control blood pressure, treating intestinal ulcers, preventing cancer & help treat acne, dandruff, & psoriasis. 

Neem leaves are also a treasure of medicinal properties. Almost every part of neemhas medicinal properties.

Neem leaves are popular in the traditional medicine world. They are famously known as multi talented medicine. They contain substances that work perfectly well to heal various illnesses, from the most trivial illness until the most serious one.
There are 18 health benefits of Neem Leaves for your body as natural remedies and preventing some health problems.

1. Healing Diabetes.

Neem leaves can be used to heal diabetes. Boil 7 pieces of neem leaves with two glasses of water until it remains 1 glass. Strain and let it cold. Drink it every morning, noon, and evening.

2. Healing Intestinal Worm.

Several biochemical substances in neem leaves are useful for healing intestinal worm case in children. Drink neem water extracted routinely or drink water that has been used to boil neem leaves routinely.

3. Relieving Diarrhoea. 

Neem leaves are the best medicine for diarrhoea. There are 2 recipes of neem leaves for diarrhoea:

First recipe:

Boil 5 pieces of neem leaves with 3 glasses of water for 2 minutes.After it is cold, add honey and drink it immediately.

Second recipe:

Boil 7 pieces of neem leaves with 3 glasses of water.Let them boil until they remain 1 glass of water.Strain it and drink it every morning, noon, and evening.Add honey if you think the taste is too bitter.

4. Healing Malaria

For healing malaria, the potion is the same as healing diarrhoea. Take 7 pieces of neem leaves. Boil them in 3 glasses of water until it remains 1 glass. Strain and drink it. We must drink it in the morning and afternoon.

5.  Healing Catching a Cold. 

For healing catching a cold:

Boil 7 pieces of dried neem leaves and ginger in a 3 glasses of water until it remains 1 glass.Strain it and drink while it is still warm.Drink it in the morning or in the evening before sleeping.

6. Lowering Blood Sugar Level. 

Based on the research, consuming 14 pieces of extracted oil neem leaves for 14 days routinely is effective to prevent blood sugar level increased. The extract of neem leaves has the same hypoglycemic activity that is similar toglibenclamide (the substance for lowering diabates). Drink the boiled neem water routinely. The performance of neem leaves is good for reducing our blood sugar level:

Take a handful of dried neem leaves.Boil with 2 glasses of water until it remains 1 glass.Drink the potion every morning and afternoon. We can feel the effect of this potion after two weeks drinking.

7. Making Our Blood Runs Smoothly.

One of the benefits of neem leaves is make our blood smoothly running. This is because neem leaves contains oil that facilitates our blood to run smoothly so that our blood becomes clean. Besides, the oxygen in our blood is more optimal.

8. Cleaning Our Wound.

The water that has been used for boiling neem leaves can be used for washing bruise. This is because neem leaves naturally contains anti bacteria.

9. Healing hepatitis. 

Apart from their bitter taste, neem leaves have several substances and important compound that are useful for healing hepatitis and liver disease.

10. Relieving Rheumatism.

Neem leaves contain azachdirichtin, oxituranoe, acetyl acid and gliserda oil. Those substances are antipretic and anti rheumatis. Both are effective for relieving rheumatism.

11. Healing Leukemia.

The water that has been used for boiling neem leaves is drank 3 times a day (2-3 spoonful).  It is hard to notice the effect directly. However, after 1 month drinking routinely, the healing progress can be noticed. Leukemia patients who drink this potion regularly still experience dialysis regularly. But their red blood cells (eritrosit) are getting stable.

12.  Prevent Stroke

Stroke happens because our blood cannot run smoothly to our brain. This is caused by high calcium. But if our blood runs smoothly, the blood that contains oxygen and carbon dioxide can exchange well. Consuming neem leaves reduces the risk of stroke.

13.  Reducing Coronary Heart Disease.

This disease is similar to stroke. Therefore, obesity patients are risky to suffer from heart coronary disease. Consuming neem leaves will facilitate our blood to run smoothly which eventually decrease the risk of heart coronary disease.

14. Increasing Immunity System. 

Our immunity system will definitely increase if we are in our best shape. This is because our blood brings oxygen optimally so that the toxic can be discharged and neutralized faster. This can increase our immunity system so that it is able to combat the pathogen and another destructive substances.

15. Healing Eczema and Scabies. 

Neem leaves contain anti bacteria substance that helps to heal skin problem, such as eczema and scabies. Washing these two skin problems with water that has been used for boiling neem leaves are effective to heal them.

16. Healing Cancer.

Recent research finds that neem leaves is useful for healing cancer. This is because there is a substance, azadiractine (C35H44 dan O16 ) that is able to reduce the growth of cancer cells in our body.

17. Preventing the Development of AIDS Virus.

AIDS is one of the most killer disease in the world. However, nowadays, technology has found several methods to prevent this dangerous disease. One of them is using neem leaves. Neem leaves is powerful to stop the growth of AIDS cells.  Neem leaves contain azadiractin (C35H44 dan O16 ) that has 17 different poison components. Azadiractin is claimed to be the most powerful toxin for virus.

18. Controlling Birth Rate.

Neem leaves are safe to be consumed by expectant mothers to postpone their pregnancy. They prevent the sperm to enter the ovum so that fertilization can be prevented.

Neem leaves are not only good for our health but also for our beauty, especially our skin and hair.


Get neem(dogoyaro) leaves and wash it to remove dirt

Then dry it, don’t dry under the sun it will remove some content

When is fully dried then put in a blender and grind it

Filter it to remove the particles (optional)

Then your neem powder is ready.

You can mix into coconut oil and apply as haircream