Diana was both nervous and anxious at the same time, she can’t seem to figure out what to wear to Jimi’s parents’.

She has replayed the most likely scenerio in her head over and over again but here she is stuck in her bedroom unable to pick the right dress

First it was an emerald green dress with flay arm from the elbow. It had rectangular neck area and it seem perfect except she was going for church service

Then she picked a wine lacy short dress, Betty got for her when she was forcing her to go to club but now she has probably outgrown the dumb dress

Then another one and another one until her room was filled with clothes spilling all over and she can’t seem to find the right one

Abby walked into her mom’s messy room and it felt weird because her mom’s room is always tidy

“Mommy is everything okay?”

“Oh yes baby Mommy is just trying to find the right dress for an outing”

“But you have so many dresses mommy. Just wear the first one your hand picks”

“Easy Pizzy ” Diana smiled with a sigh picking the simple pink dress

“You are my rock Abby.”

“I love Pink” Abby grinned

“So where are you going to mommy. Can I come with you” she placed her hand on her Chin

“I wish baby but am being invited to a place, I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to tag along”

Usually everything that doesn’t involve Abby was as good as dead to Diana, Abby is her priority, her life is suppose to be built around Abby but then when she comes to Jimi Benson everything changed

He changed her whole prospective, he turned her into this person she can barely look back at in the mirror and everytime she tries to talk herself out of it ,she just dives in deeper and messes everything up

There was a knock on the door and Abby hurried to answer it

“Uncle Jim jam” Abby yelled and Diana landed on the bed.
Can she really get rid of this guy hovering around her.
She can and she will. When the time is right she will get rid of him. In the worse way believable

“Hey princess” he picked her up like she weighed less than a few pounds

Diana walked out of her room to see Jimi all dressed in white and grey slacks. He looked so cool and she’s still strolling around in her nighties that are kinda revealing

By the time she realizes this and was about to run back to her room but Jimi had already seen it all

So she just stood there frozen

“Hey babe, How are ya….I see you’re not ready”

“Yeah , Abby and I are having a rough morning”

“Mommy couldn’t find the right dress” Abby added

“You don’t say” Diana rolled her eyes at Abby and made foggy looks.
Jimi burst into laughter at the mom and daughter moment

“Are you really having an hard time picking the right dress”

“Something like that”

“Oh babe you could have told me I would have gotten you something to wear”

“I don’t need you to get me something to wear Jimi”

“I guess so but I still have it anyway”
He hand out a shopping bag and she took it from him obviously perplexed about the whole situation

She pulled out a tiger skin sartin free dress

“What’s this”

“A dress ” he stated the obvious

“How did you…”

“I bought that dress a while back but I couldn’t find the right time to give it to you.

You are always complaining about my expensive gifts and even though I wanna go all out with you. I don’t wanna press my boundaries. Look now it’s great timing”

“Ohh Jimi” this time she was completely out of words .

Of course he was spying on her with Abby and now he is constantly in her business.

To stay sane with all this she has to put a time frame on this madness because at the long run everything is at stake here especially Abby’s emotional attachment to him and hers too


One hour later

Diana got ready and wore the dress Jimi got for her which was surprisingly a perfect fit. How can he just get her size so easily. Of course he has dealt with so many women it was easy to describe their body in a boutique.

Although that sounds so cheesy but the dress was beautiful. It had a shirt collar and button down to waist area then a flay down to the knee. It wasn’t too much or too plain. It was just perfect

Jimi had alot to say of course about his amazing choice of outfit so Diana just gave him the credit

After fixing Abby’s breakfast,
They dropped Abby with Mrs Umor she’s a resident at the estate, a few blows from theirs, her children attend the same summer lesson with Abby so when the time is right she’ll drop them off for coaching and pick them up later then abby stays with them till she gets back.

Diana packed her lunchbox and was warning abby about listening to whatever Mrs Umor tells her while Jimi was watching her

They finally left with Diana worrying if she had made the right decision by leaving Abby behind.

This wasn’t her first time to go play with Mrs Umor children but this time she was staying the whole day and Abby can be an handful Sometimes

Although she seem really excited to be staying with her friends but Diana know she will soon start to wear out. It’s something she took from her mother

The road was free since it was Saturday and they arrived in Magodo about an hour later

The house suddenly felt so familiar, standing right in front her, the memories of seven years ago came crawling back as she freezed in Kimi’s car

The structure was still the same but the concept had changed, the painting were as intriguing as they had been years ago although the current look was more of the trending and as she could remember the house stood out in the whole estate… Their estate

Diana held on to her seatbelt as she tumbles down the memory lane


Diana :

It wasn’t easy to convince my mom that Dorcas had seminar in school not to talk of allowing me to tag along and getting my dad to agree was way more difficult but somehow we were able to fabricate a lie that got us bus tickets to and fro Lagos.

We needed to do something about the whole situation, before everything blows out of proportion. Dorcas was scared as hell and I was trying my best not to show her that I was just as scared

Now we are currently standing in front of a mansion that was described to us as Jimi Benson’s residence, it felt really awkward at this point but we’ve been through a lot to stop now

We came all the way from Benin hand in hand to look for the boy that impregnated my sister. She didn’t even have his phone number

I hammered the gate to boost our confidence mostly mine

“Maybe this is a bad idea.”
Dorcas voice echoed in my ears like my thoughts

“What are you kidding me” I snapped

“No Didi, what are we going to do now”

“What we came all the way down here for, you know the h’ll we went through getting mom and dad to agree to this and then getting this address. You remember how you had to phone a friend, who phoned a friend who phoned another friend and so on before we could get this address”

“I know, I know how hard we work for this… But have you thought about what we really stand to gain with all this. We have come to his home where his parents live. We couldn’t even face ours with the truth and now we want to just spring it on his own parents because it’s easier”

I want to just sIap her in the face. DC is such a coward , always thinking about everything and everyone else but herself.

“Do you really want to hear the reasons over again. First of all we are here for Clarity DC, you need their support, even though their son is such an ass, they deserve know ”

“Before our own parents”

“Well the father of the baby is suppose to be the first to know but since you don’t even have the phone number of the man you slept with we have no other choice but to do this”

She sighed shaking her head

“I don’t know it just feels somehow”

“What else do you want me to say with no doubt you know how mom and dad will react, mom is so gonna freak out…. So please let’s do this and get it over with. ”

I knock on the gate again and this time an elderly man showed up

“Who are you and what do you want”

One look at my sister and I was sure she was going to tell a gate man her life story and how she got pregnant for his boss’s son, because whenever Dorcas is nervous she acts really stupid and now was one of those times, so I jumped ahead of her vocally and physically

“Good day Sir, we are here from Jimi’s school we are his course mates”

“Oh okay…. I see but Jimi is not here”

I sighed, of course we know Jimi is not here and that he traveled abroad for holidays, his friends told us that when the number they eventually sent wasn’t reachable.
Can you imagine that idi”t can still enjoy his christmas break while we are drenching over ours.

“Yes Sir, we are aware ”
I smiled
” we are actually here to say hello to Mrs Benson”

“Do you have an appointment with madam”

“Not really but it’s important, it’s school project”

Dorcas was already trembling beside me any moment from now she’ll break

The gateman sighed heavily before going back inside and then coming right back to usher us in

The view outside the gate was tiny compares to the mesmerizing view inside the house.

The duplex stood out in the estate.. I mean I get that they own the estate but this was too much, the compound was spacious and the structure was out of this world. I have never seen anything so captivating as this, by the far end I could see a pool, this house is paradise how can just a family occupy something this huge. I couldn’t say we were paupers. My parents are probably middle class compare to this people, as the gateman ushered us to the living room, my bladder suddenly combusted, i could easily pee in my pants…

This house is heaven, I could easily get lost in this place. It took the clearing of throat to snap me out of my drooling

I stared up to glare at the gorgeous woman before us, thinking she might just be Jimi’s sister, with the way the gateman addresses her she could as well be Jimi’s mother but she looked so beautiful and so young.

She asked us to sit, and then I heard Dorcas say our names she must have probably asked for our names but I was too busy with thoughts that I didn’t even hear. I looked at my sister who was glaring at him, waiting for me to say something but I didn’t hear whatever they had just said, I was too overwhelmed, Dorcas elbowed me slightly to get me back into the room

“Oh uhmn, you were saying what ma’am “I slutter

“I asked how I can help you girls”

“Oh yes ma, actually my sister here has something to… ”
Dorcas nods at me in decline, she was going to bail on me,after everything,the prep talk,the trip … She was going to bail

I was furious at h’ll at this point. When is she ever going to take charge. I continued slowly

“Mrs Benson…. Oh the thing is your son and my sister got involved,”

“Involved how”

“Uhm sxually ma’am and unfortunately my sister got pregnant for your son”

I startled when I heard cracking, then loud laughter when I looked around I realize it was Mrs Benson laughing. I was confused why was she laughing

“Is this some sort of a joke.” She placed her hand on her chest and continued laughing

“No ma’am” I answered frankly

“Or a prank”

“Nothing of such ma’am ”
I answered firmly
“We have the pregnancy report here” I took it out of the bag and handed it to her

“Then you must be out of your mind to think that I would believe this nonsense”

“It’s not nonsense madam, it’s true “Dorcas answered softly

“Then it’s stupidity, what is the meaning of all this, what sort of rubbish is this…you think you can just come to my house and show me a pregnancy report claiming it for my son and I’ll embrace you. What is that suppose to mean. I mean how dare you come here to disturb me with your nonsense”

I stood up immediately
” we’re not lying, my sister is pregnant for your son and am sure you know the kind of person your son is by now so dont pretend like this is totally unheard of”

“Can you imagine, are you trying to insult me young lady”

Dorcas grabbed the helm of my dress to drag me down to sit but I didn’t want to

“Excuse me ma’am but I’m only trying to tell you that your son is a good for nothing s¢umbag who has no respect for anyone. He’s an heartless creep that is so selfish and stuck up in his attitude. He played and toiled with my sister’s feelings and now she’s pregnant and you expect her to go through this alone”

“Okay have heard enough, I can’t tolerate this anymore who do you think you are coming here to my own house to go on about childish things am going to ask you three questions and if you cannot answer I will throw out and unleash my dogs at you”

I wanted to ask what she would do if we answered correctly but I decided to keep shut

“Now tell me, ” she said staring at Dorcas …

“Are you the pregnant one or your sister… Did my son force you to bed, did he promise you marriage or eternity when you opened your legs to him…?”

My mouth fell wide open and all that came out of it was air, I heard Dorcas sob quietly and the grin on Mrs benson’s face widens

“You don’t have an answer for me, I thought as much, if you careless enough to let a boy sleep with you without protection or any promise of marriage. You are on your own girl. Use your dmn head and stop fooling around. When the consequences happen you find someone to blame when the real mo.ron in this case is You!”

“This is unfair…. ”
I tried to speak but Dorcas was holding my arm firmly and nodding

“We’re sorry for disturbing you ma’am….”
She stood up, Mrs Benson had this evil look in her eyes something that clearly shows she will back her son no matter what

“But… No, jimi is responsible for her pregnancy ,what is we supposed to do now”
I argued but DC was dragging me out of the house


In few seconds we were out of the mighty mansion and once we were outside it was almost like we hadn’t been here and all that brought us all the way to Lagos was in vain

“Dorcas we shouldn’t have left like that, we should have convinced that woman to have a DNA test done, is she going to abandon her own grandchild like that”

“You heard her Didi, this is my fault. I wanted to explore, I wanted to do what everyone else was doing now where did that get me. Only one time and am already pregnant. She was right I am a complete mo.ron. Jimi doesn’t even like me I forced the whole thing on him, I am an idi’t” she burst into tears.


“No don’t say that DC . ” I pulled her closer and wrapped my hands around her
“No it was a mistake but we are going to figure this out I promise”

“How?” She son’s even more

“First by telling mom and dad. But don’t worry am with you every step of the way”

And just like that without accomplishing what we had hope to get in Lagos we went back to Benin with a broken dream and shattered future.




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