HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 61 – The End

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 61 – The End

By Obianke Prosper

Chapter Sixty One


“People will come for you but you will have to be careful because whatever they’ll do to you, you wouldn’t like it!”.He said and my face turned pale immediately. People will come for me? Why? What have I done wrong?

“Have I done anything wrong?”.My voice was shaky, I felt scared and confused.

“No, you haven’t”.

“Then why will people come for me? I want to know why”.

“You’ll get to know that soon”.

“No”.My voice was kinda high. “I wanna know the reasons why people will come for me, I want to know why I was kidnapped. I can’t keep staying in the dark, for how long? I… I think I should tell my family about this, that is a good idea, right? They will involve the police and those bad boys will be caught”.

“Listen puppy”.I felt the uneasiness in his tone . “It isn’t as easy as it seems, they are more dangerous than the police and am sure they will try to get you at all cost”.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 61 – The End. Thingscouplesdo.com

“Why? Why must it be me?”.My eyes felt glassy.

“You’ll know all that soon. You should come to my house during the weekends, maybe on Saturday. I will get to explain everything to you”.

“Which house? You have two houses, right?”.

“You can come to the house on Beaut Street. You will come?”.

“I… I don’t know but I will try”.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 61 – The End

The week flew by and weekends came. After convincing my parents that I wanted to study with a friend, they allowed me to go out.

After dressing up, trying to look my best, I went out of my room to the car and Mr Lucas drove me to Dylan’s house.

I knocked on the gate and then Jasper opened, frowning as usual.

“You!”.He looked surprised. “What are you here for? Isn’t the damn project over already?”.

He doesn’t like my presence, it was obvious with his expression and reaction. Maybe he hates me but why? What have I ever done to him?

“Dylan called me here”.I tried to smile but I ended up leaving a blank face on.

I didn’t like the way he always treat me like if I was a poisonous green snake trying to hide under a green grass, waiting for someone to devour.

“Hey Great, I know why you are here but let me warn you, your plans will never work. Master will surely know of it and trust me, you are gonna be punished severely. So if you love your life, leave here now and never return. Go to whosoever sent you and tell him that Jasper sent you away, at least it is better than losing your life”.He spat out and I frowned, annoyed already.

“First if you have forgotten, my name is Grace not Great and secondly, I don’t have plans. Dylan called me over but if you feel am lying then what are you waiting for? Go inside and ask him and am sure you’ll be surprised with his reply. By the time you would return to let me in, you would have wasted some minutes in which you would have used to do many other things. So tell me, which is better? Wasting your time because of your hatred and doubts or saving it?”.I smirked and he gritted his teeth angrily.

“I hate you. I don’t know why Master keeps bringing you here, he is making a huge mistake. Have told him but he wouldn’t listen, I guess your charms have blinded him so much that his ears have become deaf!”.

“Ugh… Stop frowning Jasper, it makes you look old. No, am serious, just take a good look at your face. You look ugly, more like a wrinkled man at his eighties and wait… Did you just insult your boss? You are indirectly calling him blind and deaf? Geez! That’s so bad… What if I report you to him?”.

“You wouldn’t dare!”.

“I would dare if you keep keeping in this hot sun or perhaps, do you wanna get me wrinkled? Aww… It doesn’t work that way”.I smile mischievously and after throwing glares at me, he finally opened the gate and I cat walked in just to anger him more.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 61 – The End

I walked into the house and stared around. It made me remember the last day I came, the day I slept on Dylan’s bed and woke up with different clothes on. Well, I’ll ask him why my clothes was changed but most importantly, who change them?

I glanced at the TV. It was displaying a cartoon and I smiled, sitting on a couch. I pondered on whether to sit or go to Dylan’s room to see him and after some seconds, I finally decided to go meet him.

I climbed the stairs as I remember Mrs Skylar. I haven’t seen her since I came, where is she? Is she on a day leave or had she quitted the job? No, she must be around somewhere, I shouldn’t just conclude yet.

With a sigh, I knocked on Dylan’s door and after few seconds I heard “come in”, I walked in and marveled at the sight of the room.

The curtains have been replaced and the windows were left opened, allowing more air and light to penetrate into the room. Dylan was on his bed doing nothing, he just had his glance fixed on me.

“Hi”.I flew a smile at him and walked over to a small seat close to the bed. I sat on it.

“I thought you wouldn’t come”.He said and my smile widened. He have been talking more than usual to me and I actually love it.

“Why won’t I? I have so many unanswered questions”.I batted my eyelashes. “Are you ready to answer them?”.

He nodded and sat upright on his bed and I gulped down my saliva when I saw the first three upper buttons on his shirt let free, reading some parts of his muscular chest.

“Yeah”.He said and I cleared my throat quietly, trying to take my eyes away from that part of his body.

“So my first question is….”.I picked my fingers. “Why was I kidnapped?”.

I really did wanted to know the reason or reasons why and due to my curiosity, I had to make that my first question, hoping he answers.

“It was because of me”.I noticed the little hesitation in his voice but that wasn’t what baffled me, it was the answer he gave which left me confused.


“I was the reason why but I didn’t mean for it to happen, it wasn’t my plan, I didn’t even think that would happen especially to you but I guess you had to be involved in it all because of that woman who wouldn’t keep her mouth shut”.

To be sincere, his every word confuses me.

“I… I don’t understand”.I said honestly.

“Listen Grace”.He look rueful. “That guy was after me, not you but he had to use you as a tool to get to me. Unfortunately for him though, his plans didn’t work but that wouldn’t be the end of it all. They would still come for you thinking we are in a relationship and when they get you, they would lock you up as their prisoner or worst still, kill you and feed your flesh to the birds. So, you really have to be careful”.

My throat suddenly felt dried and I let out a cough.

“W..who are they? Who are those people?”.

“I don’t know but they are boys working under one man. They are criminals, they are in a nutshell heartless devils and I think nothing would stop them from getting you but you have to hide, you have to not trust anyone either in school, at home or anywhere”.

“But why are they after you?”.

“I can’t tell you that now but you just have to be careful, you aren’t safe”.

I took in a deep breath as tears clouded my eyes. “You said they work under one man, who is he?”.

“His name is Duncan”.

“Duncan? Why is he doing this? What for?”.

“For revenge”.

“Revenge? Why? Did you do anything to him? Are you related to him?”.

“Yes. He is….”.A pause. He stopped speaking and stare at my eyes, his face tightly squeezed in anger.

“He is my uncle!”.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 61 – The End

“Jean, I want go tell you something”.Kyree paused, his hands shaky while Jeanann hummed in reply as she ate her sausage rolls, closing her eyes as she felt the delicious and appetizing taste.

Kyree had taken her out to a snack restaurant where ice creams, pies, fries and all that was sold. He said he wanted to tell her something but he looks hesitant to spill it out.

“Ky, let it out. What do you wanna say to me?”.She asked and Kyree sighed heavily folding his lips.

He truly didn’t want to say this, he still feels a bit of love for her but it’s just a bit, not much. Grace have succeeded in making his love for Jeanann lessen and to him, this was the right thing to do besides Jeanann doesn’t love him, so why keep a relationship where their is no love.

“Jean….”.He stopped, staring down at the table in front of him. “Let’s….”.Another pause, he finds it hard to say ‘let’s break up’, he feels kinda guilty and somewhat bad.

“Kyree, seriously what’s it? You told me you wanna say something but you keep hesitating to say it. It’s pretty annoying when you do that and I would advice that you should forget whatever is in your mind and let’s enjoy this snacks…please”.Jeanann said and Kyree nodded.

He should just forget about the break up and enjoy his lunch. He thought and grabbed a pie.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 61 – The End

A man in his mid forties could be seen drinking from a bottle of tequila. His face was tightly squeezed in a frown but the smirk on his lips made his frown look more tighter.

“Master”.A boy in his twenties came in front of the man, bowing a little. “We just received a news about Logan. He have been captured. According to what I heard, he was captured by Dylan”.

“Dylan”.The man spat out, gulping more tequila from the bottle. “Dylan…. Dylan, I hate the sound of his name!”.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 61 – The End

He threw the bottle on the floor and it broke into pieces, landing on the beautifully designed tiles.

“I want to kill him, I will but in a way that will shatter his soul even before it lands in hell”.He laughed and took another bottle. This time it wasn’t tequila, it was cocktail.

“Master”.The young boy bowed again. “I think I know a perfect plan for that”.

“Erwin, what do you mean?”.

“Actually Dylan has a girlfriend named Grace and Logan had kidnapped her before he captured him and rescued her. That proves he loves her and if only we could get her, then Dylan would be really pained, it will shatter him”.

“Perfect!”.The man smirked widely, taking big gulps from the bottle. “Find out everything about his girlfriend. Hmm… Interesting, it’s indeed interesting. Nephew already got a girlfriend, what a surprise”.He chuckled and turned to Erwin, his smirk going wider and wider.

“Where does Dylan resides?”.

“Los Angeles, Master”.

“Well uhmm.. I will pay him a visit soon”.

“When Master?”.

The man took another gulp from his bottle scornfully and then in a yell, he added.

“I just said it! Soon!!”.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 61 – The End

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