By Mary Ann Adams


My gaze moved to her body and I could recognize the shirt she was putting on as Asher’s.

I moved my eyes further to see her wearing my short. Bump short and the fk! It is is mine and on her feet is my flip flop slippers.

I looked back at her and she was glaring really hard at me.
I opened my mouth to talk but she beat me to it.

“Excuse me, who are you?” She asked eyeing me.

For a minute, I couldn’t talk nor do anything.

“Cats got your tongue or what?” She said still glaring at me.

“I don’t get…” I slowly said. Or am I at the wrong house or something?

“You are wearing my short and slippers and Asher’s shirt and you ask me who I am? I should be asking you”

“No. I should be asking you because you don’t deserve to be in this house”

“Uhm? Huh?” I furrowed my brows.

“Camille, or whatever your name is. Leave please..”

“So you know my name. Interesting….”

“Why won’t I? The stupid first wife of Asher. Who is poor in bed. A $lut who sleeps with everything in trouser. Her cooking skills are zero. She isn’t pretty…She isn’t..”

I cut her off as my eyes widened in shock. “What?”

“At least that what Asher told me” she shrugged.

Why am I not surprised?

“Wow. Perfect! And since you reffered to me as the first wife. Am guessing you are the second wife”

“Oh please. That is where you are getting it wrong. Am not..and can never be the second wife. He is all mine. I aren’t sharing him with anyone. You are leaving and don’t ever come back again. Who else leaves her matrimonial home to go fk guys around”

“Oh, So you are the new wife. Perfect!” I signed in relief.

Is Asher finally divorcing me. Please, let it be true. I just want to get out of this goddmn marriage.

The lady has a shocked expression on. Am guessing she wasn’t expecting my carefree attitude and was probably expecting me to flare up and fight with her.

But why the he.ll would I want to do anything. Asher found my replacement and to he.ll, am really happy.

I need to leave now. Am not needed. I made to leave when a car drove in and my heart skipped a bit.

The car packed and the door started opening.

What to do? What to do?

What came to my mind was..

“Run..Camille…! Run!”

But I don’t listen. Why should I run? He doesn’t want me anymore. He won’t be angry with me right?

He came out of the car and he had a surprised expression on seeing me.

Should I run? Or just stay and wait for what is going to happen. I opted for the latter.

He got to where I am and he looked at the lady then at me.

Then all of a sudden, he $lapped me, really hard.

I haven’t recovered from the slap when he dragged me in forcefully leaving my luggage outside and banged the door hardly behind me.

The lady stood at one corner watching. I was expecting this but on seeing he moved on with someone else, I was thinking everything would be fine. Everything would be alright. I would finally be free from him.

Asher faced me with red eyes, he looked really angry.

“Where were you?” He asked in anger.

I said nothing as my lips shook in fear. Why was the lady standing there and doing nothing!

He $lapped me again. “I repeat, where were you?” He asked and this time around, his voice was loud and the group shook.

I couldn’t say anything as I touched my cheek in pain.

“You left your matrimonial house for over a week. A week, Camille. And am sure you are out their fking different guys as the $lut you really are. Do you have an idea how worried I am?”

I laughed hysterically “worried?, worried you say, Asher! You weren’t worried about me.. do you have an idea why I left? Because I was tired of you! I want to stay away from you. I can’t bear to live with a mon$ter like you. And here you are opening your mouth without shame telling me you were worried about me when in actual fact, you were enjoying yourself with this $lut right over here”..pointing at the lady..”fking Her day and night!”

“Asher, did you hear that, your wife called me a $lut” the lady said angrily.

“Because you are!” I shouted back at her.

“Asher, I would say this again, I want a divorce. Just let us be far from each other. I am not interested anymore”

“You are stuck with me forever, Camille”

“Asher!” The lady screamed. “I thought you said you are tired of her. Just divorce her. She doesn’t deserve someone like you”

“Lydia, one more word from you and you are leaving this house.” Asher cautioned.

Okay, is Asher ¢razy or what? Cause I don’t seem to understand again.

“Why else do you want to keep me if you are going to maltreat me?”

He moved closer to me and touched my already red cheek due to his $laps.

“Cause you are mine, Camille. You are mine forever”

“Now, I see you have gone crazy!” That was Lydia or whatever her name is.

“Asher, your promises were all fake. You still love and care for your wife. You know what!, am leaving. Don’t try to call me…or demand for my thing again!” She said in anger and opened the front door.

“Your things are still here..never mind, you will still come back” Asher said but am not sure Lydia would have heard him because she banged the door behind her immediately.

Silence sets in as soon as Lydia left and Asher stared at me and then smirked.

“You have many punishments from me, Camile. And by the time am done with you, you won’t try to run away from me or talk back at me”

My heart thud hardly against my chest. This is my fate, to be kept in bondage.


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