By Mary Ann Adams


“Be my boyfriend” she said and my eyes bulged out in shock

“What..what are you talking about?” I stuttered.

“You heard me right. I like you, a lot and I see no reason why we shouldn’t date”

“But I don’t like you. I’m in love with someone else” I muttered.

“Camille?” She asked with an angry look and I nodded in affirmative.

“What’s so special about her? I’m far more better than she is” she said angrily.

“But it’s her I love”

“Well, I don’t care. You will get to love me as time goes on. Let’s date first”


Miranda smirked and then looked at me dangerously.

“We shall see” she said and turned back from me.

“Get to work” she commanded in a bossy tone and I nodded and went to my table.

I couldn’t concentrate on what I was doing. I wasn’t expecting Miranda to confess. I knew she liked me due to her actions but I wasn’t really expecting her to confess to me. It came as a shock.

I looked at her but her attention wasn’t on me at all. She was busy with whatever she is doing on her system.

I just hope she gives up and doesn’t try anything crazy.


Miranda came to meet me and dropped a bulky flies on my table.

I looked up at her with a questioning look. “I want you to sort out everything here”

“Okay, I would do that after lunch” I said.

“No, I want you to do it now and you must be done before I come back”

“Oh okay” I uttered, unsure and wondering what’s wrong with her.

“Good!” She said and then turned away from me.

She walked back to her table and I watched as she took her jacket and phone and exit the office.

Ever since what happened this morning, she wasn’t smiling but keeping a straight face which was unlike Miranda.

“What were you expecting after rejecting her?” My sub conscious said to me.

I hope she gets over me because there was no way she and I are going to work.

I waved the thoughts and started the work my supposed boss gave me.



“I would surely say what’s on my mind no matter what. You look super bright today” Hudson said to me.

“I’m always bright” I rolled my eyes.

“Tsk! I need no soothsayer to tell me the date went well” he said and I blushed slightly.

“Well..,” I started.

“You guys are dating now?” Hudson interrupted.

“We aren’t dating…yet” I replied and he gave me a teasing look.

“Just leave me alone and get to work” I pushed him blushing terribly.

The only person on my mind since morning is Harry. He haven’t texted me today so I just believed he is busy or so.

I would go to his house after work. I don’t care anymore. I just want to be in his arms, forever.

It was noon and the restaurant was busy. Serving orders and more customers kept trooping in.

“Camille” Hudson called.


“Someone wants to see you”

“Who?” I asked.

“I don’t know but boss told me to inform you to meet the person at the back of the restaurant”

“Oh okay” I said wondering who and what it is.

I went to the back of the restaurant. The same place Harry and I met the other day and I saw a figure’s back. No doubt, it was a female.

“Hello” I called announcing my presence and the figure turned back to reveal Miranda.

I staggered back not expecting the person to be her.

“You..you want to see me?” I stuttered.

“Yeah, just to have a few words with you”

“Okay…” I nodded not feeling too good about it.

“You know, talking about comparison. You are no where close to me…” she started.

“Okay..” I arched my brows.

She came to stand in front of me. “I’m more beautiful than you are. Classier than you are and of course, richer than you are”

“Your point?”

“So why then is Harry in love with you”

“So this is about him?” I huffed.

“Who else if not him. Why would I want to talk to you in the first place” She rolled her eyes.

Ouch! That hurts.

“Okay. Are you done?” I asked her presence annoying him already.

She looked angrily but she didn’t act on it. Instead, she faced him again. “I love him” she said bluntly.


“I know I’m going to have a rival in love but I don’t expect it to be someone as low as you..”

“Okay…” I said, her words getting to me already.

“I don’t have much to say but stay away from him”

“And if I don’t?” I challenged.

“Oh, you aren’t the only one that’s going to suffer of it but him too. I’m sure you know I’m his boss and I can sack him anytime I want without anybody holding me for it”

“So you are saying…”

“Leave Harry to me or else he is going to lose his job” she said with a tone of finality.

She was about to leave but she turned to face me again.

“If you truly love him, you would let go of him. Imagine what he would go through if he loses his job. I’m not going to tell you what to do but do the right thing” she said with a smile. A scary Smile.

“And oh, not only is he going to lose his job if you decides not to let go of him. You are also going to suffer for it. You will lose your job too” she said and I stopped breathing for a minute.

“I have all the connection and I would make sure your boss sacks you and you don’t find a job again. I’m going to make you suffer and at the end, I will still be the one to get the man”

She pats my shoulder. “So do the right thing, friend” with that, she walked out.


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