Chapter 13

“What do you mean am a replica of someone? You must be mistaken” Arabella spoke when his scrutiny of her became unbearable.

“You look like Bella “He said softly. confirming her worst fears.

Arabella was confused for a while and so she did the first thing that came to mind.

She managed to free her uninjured hand. Putting it on his face.

“You are hurt. You need to take care of your nose bIeed”She said suceeding in distracting him.

“I hate having nose bIeed”he muttered as he put his head up to stop the bI.ood from flowing down.

Seeing her chance. She pulled her handkerchief out and took hold of his hand to place the handkerchief in it.

“Use it in wiping off the bIood. Am really sorry”She said as she took to her heels while Gerald stood watching her leave still wondering why she look so much like Bella.

“What! We will be going on a trip for this?”Arabella asked the advertising team who were in charge of the new product.

“Of course Ara. The new perfume has a lot to do with the outside world and that is why we have decided to do the advertising out door” A man who had introduced himself as Matthew replied.

“But I wasn’t aware of that and I thought that the whole thing will be done indoor”Arabella said getting a bit frustrated by the whole thing.

“Some part will be done indoor like you put while the rest will be done outdoor. It’s going to be fun Ara and you will certainly look divine in the stunning dresses we’ve picked for you” Matthew said excitedly.

Her case right now is getting out of the frying pan into the fire. What on earth will she tell Gerald and Fiona when it was time for her to leave for this supposed trip..

She was still thinking of ways to leave when Matthew came to sit beside her.

“This new product of ours all lies in your hand Ara and just like we’ve chosen you. We hope you will do your best in selling out our product to everyone”Mathew said making her rethink the thoughts that had formed in her head.

” I will do my best”She replied earning a smile from everyone.

“Now that the business part has been done. Let’s get the other thing done”Be Mattew said as the others stood up coming towards them.

“What other thing?”Arabella asked.

“Your signature. Have been a fan of yours for a long time and having to work with you is an honour”Matthew said as the others chorused too.

Why did they have to choose a bad time to get her signature. She will be late getting back to the hospital.

It was a while later that she got out of the room while she quickly ran to the elevator.

The Elevator door was about to be shut when she pressed the open button again.

She smiled at having stopped the door from closing but her smile dissappear when she saw who was in it.

There stood Gerald in the elevator starring at her and she also doing the same.

Why did he have to be there when she was about to leave too. She thought as she hesitated on going in.

“Won’t you come in?”He asked.

“I will just take the next one”She said having decided.

“Why? Don’t tell me that your scared of me?”He asked.

“Of course not”She replied as she quickly got into the elevator while she pressed the last floor button.

“Are you sure?”He asked again

“Am sure. Why would I be scared of you?”She asked as she kept starring ahead. Not wanting to look at him.

“Then why aren’t you looking at me?”He asked letting her know that he noticed what she was doing.

“Do I have to look at you before I talk”She said without thinking.

Why did she have to say that. Now he will definitely suspect her. She thought as she silently prayed that they get to the last floor on time.

“The very least you can do is to do that. Afterall i suffered a nose bIeed because of someone”He said referring to what happened earlier.

She willed herself to turn towards him when his phone began to ring.

He picked it on the third call and she silently thanked the heaven for having distract him.

“Missing?”he said suddenly and she found herself paying attention to what he was saying.

“She wouldn’t have gone far. Her arm is hurt. She wouldn’t have left the hospital”Gerald said and Arabella knew who he was talking about even before he said it out.

“She’s my niece Nanny. Make sure you find her. I will also be coming to the hospital” Gerald said before switching the phone off.

As soon as the elevator door opened. Arabella was about to dash off when he pulled her back.

“Can you help me to…..”

“No!”She yelled at him

“But you don’t even know what my request is” He began.

“Even if I know. I still wouldn’t do it so Goodbye Mr Gerald” She said as she pulled her hand away while she dashed out of the company with him starring after her.


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