Chapter 17


“Isn’t she gorgeous”

“She is just so pretty”

“Can we ask for her autograph now”

Arabella sat in the waiting room listening to the staff talking about her. She didn’t know why they kept her here, telling her to wait.

She was told that the photo session will be taking place today and she had hope that she will do it quickly and leave but they’ve been a delay. She has to get back to Gerald mansion on time.

She had lied that she had to get something at the market just so she could come here. They must be expecting her back.

“Sorry to keep you waiting Ara” Matthew said as he walked towards her.

“What’s taking long?”Arabella asked.

“Just that the male model your meant to take the photo with just called to cancel with us. Right now the staff is looking for another model so you don’t have to worry”He told her.

“Will it take long?”Arabella asked.

“I can’t say” Matthew replied.

“But I have other appointment. Cant you just schedule the shoot to some other day”Arabella asked.

“We can’t”Gerald answered by the door way. Surprising them all.

On seeing him. Arabella stood up quickly. They had told her that he wasn’t around. So why is he here? She thought.

“I was going to say that too…….”

“Get everything prepared Matthew”Gerald instructed.

“But the model isn’t here yet and……”

“There’s no need of getting a model. I will be doing it myself.

So get it ready” Gerald said surprising Matthew and also Arabella who knew she was in trouble once again..


“You will be what?”Matthew asked starring at him.

“I will be acting as the model for our newest product. Got a problem with that?”Gerald asked.

“Of course not. You are the boss afterall and sometimes you fill in for other male models but you only do it when it’s a solo project .

Even in the past when I beg you to fill in for an advert which is meant for two you refuse and then suddenly you are……”

“I had a change of heart and besides I want to try something new. You don’t mind Miss Ara?”Gerald asked starring at her

“I….I don’t”Arabella replied nervously.

“Then let’s get to work . Set everything up and get them to do my make up. The earlier we start the better.

Afterall Miss Ara here has other things to do”Gerald said and when she would have replied. The make up artist walked into the room.

A while later. Arabella stood beside Gerald while she made a pose for the Perfume they were launching.

“That isn’t a striking pose Ara. Move closer to Gerald while holding the perfume out “The photographer said.

“Okay”Arabella replied nervously.

She was finding it hard with Gerald by her side and the photographer had to make it worse by telling her to move close to him.

Arabella silently count to three before moving close to Gerald who was starring at her.

“Its my first time doing a big project like this. So am a bit nervous”She said as she stood beside him while posing with the perfume.

“This won’t do! Why don’t you take the lead, Gerald.” The photographer said.

Immediately he said that, Gerald held her by the waist pulling her towards him.

Arabella was shock and when she tried to move away, he pulled her back again.

“What are you doing?”Arabella mouth at him.

“Taking pictures. This shouldn’t be something new to you. I thought you were a pro”He asked.

“Am sorry”She said as she let herself be held by him.

“That’s it! Now express the name of the perfume. Its called Passion. So show some Passion guys”The photographer said.

Gerald took charge of it all. The poses he made were too intimate for her but she did her part.

It all turned bad when he did a pose which had him kssing her on the neck and her heart began thumping fast.

It had done the same thing yesterday when she had fallen on him. What’s wrong with her?

“And we are done!”The photographer said. immediately she pulled away from him.

“I have to use the restroom”She said excusing herself.

As soon as she got to the rest room. She put a hand on her chest. Trying to calm her racing heart.

Never had she felt this way for anyone. Why is her heart always racing when she is around Gerald?

“I swear to you. He held my hand and my heart began thumping fast”


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