Written by Gbemi writes

Chapter 39

“Why do you want to see her? “Arabella asked standing in front of her father.

“To clear up the past. I want her to know that you didn’t want to give her out , I want her to know that you and John are both innocent in this whole mess” her father replied.

“Why would you want to help? You never do anything if it wouldn’t benefit…..”She stopped talking when her father pulled her into his arms.

“Am sorry my child. I let you down in the worst way possible and your suffering for my actions”He said breaking Arabella anger towards him.

He pulled back to stare at her “I will talk to Fiona and tell her the whole truth.

I’d rather she hates me than she hating you” her father said and before she could say a thing.

Her father asked Gerald to take him to Fiona room which Gerald obliged him.

Arabella still couldn’t believe that her father had come all the way here just to help her.

All her life she had always been hoping for something like this to happen and now that it’s happening she feels it isn’t real.

“You look pale Ara, have a seat”John said as he help her seat on the sofa.

“Should I get you something to drink or…..”

“Did you ask my father to do this?”She asked wanting to know if it was of her father’s accord or if John had pressured him into coming.

“I won’t deny that I had gone to see him hoping that he will try to do something and help but your father insisted on coming here and clearing the air. It was your father idea to talk to Fiona”John replied.

” I guess I have to thank you for this”Arabella said.

“You don’t have to. Believe me when I say that I want things to be good between you and our daughter”John said.

“And what about you? Don’t you want things to be good between you and her?” Arabella asked.

“I also want it but I won’t rush it or pressure anyone into it”

“Am sorry for what happened earlier. I should have been precise about my facts before jumping into conclusion and blaming you.

I even hit you which I hate myself for, Am sorry” Arabella apologised.

“Its okay. If I had been in your shoes too, I would have done the same but am glad that it’s all been cleared up” John said.

“Friends again?” She asked and he shaked his head negatively.

“Why?”Arabella asked.

“Once Fiona finally open up to us as her parents, I hope we all can get the chance to be a family”

“I don’t know. Its not up to me but it’s up to Fiona to decide that and there is something else John.

I love Gerald and I can never love someone else so whatever you are…..”

“I know. Am sorry for asking you those crazy things yesterday.

I know for a fact that you love Gerald and am happy for you but promise me one thing.

If Gerald makes you cry in any way all you have to do is to come to me. I will always be here for you” John said making her smile.

“Don’t worry. Gerald isn’t the type to make a woman cry” Arabella assured him.

Just then they heard footsteps approach and they both stood up expectantly when they saw her father.

“How did it go?”Arabella asked.

“Am not sure. She was quiet through the whole thing and the only question she asked me was if I was her grand father which I replied” her father said

“If she’s as stubborn as you then I think it will take time for her to adjust to ……….”

“Excuse me everyone but there is someone here who wants to talk to you”Gerald said as he stood at the top of the stairs beckoning Fiona to come out.


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