Rissa World Of Beauties

Heels clicked loudly against the floor, catching everyone’s attention as Tasha Wood cat walked into this fifteen floors building, she carried her designer’s bag, proudly flaunting it so everyone can see and envy her.

But while some staffs were openly gushing over her and her designer’s clothes and bag, others were secretly badmouthing and insulting her, but she doesn’t seemed to care about any of them.

She headed straight for the elevator, she waited until the door open and entered, pressed a button then waited patiently for it to take her to her destination.

The elevator soon stopped and the doors open, she stepped out and headed towards an office at the extreme of the floor.

She stopped outside the office, pushed the door open and walked in without knocking, as if it’s her own office.

“Hi, Rebecca” she greeted a lady who sat on a big office chair, with her back facing Tasha.

Tasha slumped on a chair in front of a table, and carelessly threw her bag on the table.

The chair swivelled around, revealing a lady who’s dressed fashionably, yet professionally and a domineering aura emitting off her.

“You’re finally here” Rebecca said.

“Of course, you’ve been calling me nonstopy since three days ago” she pushed her hair behind her ear. “What’s so urgent that you can’t wait till I voluntarily come to the company, don’t you know I’m supposed to be on vacation right now?”

“Tasha, you need to stop that nonsense about you being Mrs Baldwin, that’s been trending on the internet for almost a month now” Rebecca said with a serious expression.

Tasha scoffed and leaned back on her chair.

“I can’t control people’s thoughts, let them say whatever they wanna say.. it’s not as if I’m not enjoying it” she shrugged her shoulders.

Rebecca frowned.

“Do you know it’s gonna cause you a lot of trouble?”

“Trouble? Like what?” Tasha asked.

Rebecca reached for her drawer and pulled out a note, then slammed it on the table and pushed it towards Tasha.

“Maroon found this note in your dressing room when he was cleaning, take a look for yourself” she said.

Tasha reached for the note, she stared at it for a moment and smirked knowingly.

“Don’t tell me you think this is a threat note”

“Of course it is, whoever wrote that is threatening your life and you should…”

“It’s just a prank, don’t worry about it” Tasha interrupted her.

“A prank? You call this a prank?”

“Of course, I know who sent this note” she said.

“You know who sent?” Tasha nodded. “Who?”

“Just one bored lady, she thinks she can scare me with this?” she scoffed and squeezed the note in her hand. “In her dreams!”

Rebecca raised her eyebrows at Tasha’s reaction.

“I don’t get it, are you sure this note is just some prank someone’s pulling at you?” she asked.

“Yep, it’s nothing serious” Tasha twisted her lips as a small smirk hide at the corner of her lips. “She wanna play with me, well, two can play this game”

Tasha got up, she adjusted her blouse and fixed her hair, then walked towards a window.

“I have an idea, Rebecca” she said.

“What idea?”

“Why don’t we use this threat to our advantage?”

Rebecca frowned a little bit.

“I don’t think I understand what you’re trying to say”

Tasha turned back to her, she placed her hand on Rebecca’s shoulder and cleared her throat softly.

“I mean, let’s arrange some men to kidnap me and make an official statement that Mrs Baldwin has been k!dnapped…”

“What?!” Rebecca cut her off.

“Yes, I’m sure Duncan wouldn’t want to damage his reputation, he must surely come out to rescue me and then, boom… my value in the industry will increase and I’ll be signing endorsements upon endorsements” Tasha explained with a dreamy look.

“Tasha, your idea is very silly and dangerous. I mean, what if Duncan doesn’t come to your rescue, then all you’ve worked for all these years will go down the drain…your value in the industry will hit rock bottom and even the companies that signed you to model their products might terminate their contracts with you” Rebecca said seriously.

Tasha stayed silent as if she’s thinking about Rebecca’s words, but Rebecca knows she’s doing quite the opposite.

“You didn’t think of the consequences, did you?” she asked.

“I didn’t think about the consequences because I don’t care about it” Tasha answered.

Rebecca was about saying something, but Tasha beat her to it.

“Rebecca, do you know I’ve been in love with Duncan for five years now?” she paused briefly. “I’ve considered us a perfect couple since we shot a commercial together, and I don’t mind sacrificing everything and giving up my career to officially make us a couple”

“But that love is one sided, don’t you get it?”

“I don’t care if it’s one sided, I’ll get him to love me back”

Rebecca stared at her for a moment, then shook her head in disappointment.

“Tasha, are you sick?” she asked desperately.

“I should be asking you that, you’re my manager and you should be happy that I came up with such a beautiful suggestion -after all, you’re gonna benefit from it too”

“Tasha… ”

“Just do it according to my suggestion” with that Tasha snatched her bag from the table and stormed out, shoving the threat note in her bag.

Rebecca pushed her hair back and sighed.

“When is she gonna learn?” she asked herself.





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