Chapter 49



St Thomas hospital group

Rebecca paced worriedly outside the ICU, she checked her wristwatch repeatedly as she nervously, and impatiently waited for the doctor attending to Tasha, to come out.

Her gaze were only on two places, her wristwatch and the ICU closed doors.

Luckily, it didn’t take too long before the doors pushed open, and a man in white coat stepped out. She knew immediately that he’s the doctor, and she rushed to meet him.

“Doctor, how’s Tasha doing?” she asked glancing at the ICU, weither she’s catch a glimpse of Tasha.

The doctor raised his eyebrows as he adjusted his spectacle, while taking a close look at her.

“What’s your relationship with the patient? Are you her sister?” he asked.

“I’m her manager, Rebecca” she quickly reached for her card in her purse. “Here’s my card” she showed it to him.

The doctor collected the card, and stared at it with a small frown then handed it back to her.

“Well, Miss Rebecca, we’ve done all we can to save Miss Tasha…”

“What do you mean you’ve done all you can to save her? She’s alive, right?”

The doctor nodded with a smile.

“Yeah, and she’s out of danger, but…” he trailed off, and sighed. “… she was brv.tally rapped, hence her w®mb’s da.maged and it’ll be very hard for her to conceive in the future”

“What?!” Rebecca gasped.

“Calm down, Miss Rebecca, it could be worse, but there’s still a twenty percent possibility that she can conceive”

“Twenty percent? That’s little to no hope at all” she said as her eyebrows furrowed, and shoulders slumped down in disappointment.

“You’ll be careful not to mention any of this to her, it might tr.aumatize her, or as most patients do in situations like this, fall into depression, which won’t do her any good to her health at the moment”

Rebecca had nothing to say, and could only nod her head.

“She’s awake and you can see her, but only after she’s been transferred to a ward”

“Thank you, doctor” she thanked him.

“No problem, I have other things to attend to, if you’d excuse me”

“Oh, yes, please” Rebecca made way even though she wasn’t standing in the doctor’s way, and he left hurriedly.

Just at that moment, two nurses pushed a stretcher out of the ICU, with Tasha laying on it, an IV drip was fixed on her right hand, and her left arm was in a cast.

Rebecca quickly followed behind.


“Thank you” Rebecca the nurses when they were done making sure Tasha’s comfortable.

“We’ll take our leave” one of the nurses said, and they left.

Rebecca rushed towards Tasha’s bedside, she sat by the edge and reached for Tasha’s hand, then squeezed it gently as she stared at her sympathetically.

“Are you ok?” she asked, even though she knew that shouldn’t be the question she should be asking, after seeing Tasha’s condition.

“W-water, please” Tasha whispered in a short stutter.

Tasha tried to sit up, but fell back and groaned quietly when she slightly hurt her left arm.

Rebecca quickly helped her up, before pouring her a glass of water, which she (Tasha) only took a sip, and pushed the glass away.

“Are you hungry? Should I get you something to eat?”

Tasha shook her head. She inhaled softly, and cleared her throat.

“Did you see the doctor?” she asked instead.

“Hm” Rebecca hummed in reply.

“What did he say?” Tasha asked again, but in a quieter voice this time.

“Uh.. nothing much, he said you’re out of danger, and will leave the hospital soon” Rebecca answered, and flashed her a smile while avoiding locking gaze with her.

But Tasha’s very calculative, she didn’t have to lock gaze with Rebecca to know she was lying.

“Is that all he said?” Tasha asked again.


Tasha stared at Rebecca for a few seconds, as if she was giving her (Rebecca) a second chance to tell her the truth, but she didn’t say anything more.

“He didn’t say anything about my womb?” she asked directly this time.


“You don’t have to hide anything from me” Tasha cut her off. “I overheard the nurses discussing about it earlier, and they said I’ve lost my womb” she said with a sad smile.


“It’s true, right? Isn’t that what the doctor told you?”

Rebecca had no more excuses to give, or she decided not to lie to her.

“Yeah, but he said there’s a twenty percent possibility of…”

“Twenty percent?” she let out a dry laugh.

She threw her head back on the headboard, and blinked her eyes a few times as if she’s trying to hold back her tears from flowing down.

“It’s ok, 99% of some doctor’s words aren’t always true, we can’t just…”

“I wanna be alone” Tasha cut her off.


“I’ll be fine, I just wanna be alone for a moment” she rephrased her words, with finality in her voice.

Rebecca speechlessly stared at her for a moment, and sighed, before she quietly left.

Tasha couldn’t hold it in any more, she let hot tears flowed down her cheeks, as her mind flashed back to how she was rapped mercilessly, despite her desperate begging.

It wasn’t up to two minutes that Rebecca had stepped out, when the door pushed open and someone walked in.

Tasha quickly turned her face away from the door since she doesn’t want anyone, especially Rebecca to see her in tears, although she didn’t see who walked in but she assumed it’s Rebecca.

“I said I wanna be alone, Rebecca” she said.

There was no response, but she heard the person pulling a chair and sat down. She quickly turned around, and frowned when she realized it wasn’t Rebecca, but an unfamiliar woman whom she’s just seeing for the first time.

“Excuse me, are you in the wrong ward?” she asked sassily.

The woman smiled as she stared at Tasha for a moment.

“You’re pretty sharp mouthed for someone who’s rapped, and stripped off her dignity” she said.

Tasha’s eyebrows furrowed in anger.

“Who are you? What are you doing here? And how did you get in?”

“How about we forget about who I am, and focus more on why I’m here”

Tasha narrowed her eyes.

“You don’t need to know me, all you need to know is, I’m here to help you” the woman said.

“You’re here to help me?” Tasha asked.

The woman nodded, her smile turned into a smirk.

“But I don’t know you, why would you wanna help me? And what do you think you can help me with?”

“Of course, I know the reason you’re in this condition, and I wanna help you because we’re both in the same boat”



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