Chapter 58


Fatima snatched my empty luggage, and pushed it aside then stared at me with a confused frown.

“I know something’s wrong, but tell me what the h’ll is going on? Why are you packing your luggage as if you’re going on a trip?”

Her eyes moved to the heap of clothes I’ve neatly folded, and kept aside.

“A long trip” she added.

Fatima’s and I are currently in I and Duncan’s room, (it’s gonna be just Duncan’s room soon), we’re done eating dinner which I forcibly and absentmindedly shoved down my throat.

She’s been studying my body language and facial expression since I came back, and she knows something’s wrong with me even though I’m smiling at everyone.

“Give me the luggage, I’m yet to put my clothes” I said.

“No, not until you tell me what’s going on”

“Everything’s fine” I replied.

Her brows furrowed at my response.

“Everything’s fine? Then why are you folding? Why do you need a luggage?”

I sighed and turned away from her, then my eyes landed on the envelope in which the CD was packaged.

My mind flashed back to the scene I walked in back at the hotel, the images of Duncan hugging Tasha very tight and passionately as he fk her replayed on my mind.

“Rachel, you have blue since you came back from your stroll, which I know is a lie” Fatima said. “Is this about Duncan?” she asked.

I couldn’t hold back anymore, I couldn’t pretend to be strong anymore, I turned around and hugged her, then let out all my hurt and started crying on her shoulder.

It’s as if I’ve been bottling too much pains, It’s as if today’s event just reminded me of all the hurts I’ve been trying to push behind.

“Uh… ” she didn’t know what to say, but could only pat my shoulder.

“Why? Why? Why now? How can he do this to me at a time like this? Why? Tell me why?” I lament.

He told me he’s remained faithful to me for the past six years, is that really true?

I wanted to divorce him, but he came back and apologized, he asked for a second chance which I gave him.. is he indirectly telling me I made a big mistake?

Why did he have to cheat on me with my biggest rival? Why did he come back to finally crush me?
I was doing fine without him, why did he come back to ruin my life?!

Fatima continued patting my back and let me cry on her shoulder for a moment, then she led me to a sofa and sat me down.

“Did Duncan do something?”she asked while handing me a tissue to dry my tears.

I collected the tissue, but didn’t use it and nodded to her question.

“What did he do?”

“I hate him” were the first words that left my mouth.

I dabbed my eyes and blew my nose, I winced slightly as I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head -I guess I’ll have a sever headache later from all this crying.

“Here, have some water” Fatima handed me a glass of water.

“Thank you” I said, and collected it.

I gulped it down in no time, and handed the empty glass back to her. She waited for a few minutes, before asking.

“Can you tell me what’s going on now?”

I stayed silent for a moment.

“He cheated” I said.

Fatima narrowed her eyes.

“Who cheated?” she asked, as if she doesn’t know who I was referring to -I guess she’s as surprised as me.

“Duncan, he cheated”

“What?!” she shouted. “That’s impossible!”

I chuckled dryly.


“Yeah, Duncan would never, even in his wildest dreams, cheat on you” she said with all confidence.

If only she saw what I saw.

“Unless he’s not in his right state of mind, or don’t you trust husband?”

“Trust” I chuckled and shook my head. “How can you trust someone who left you for six years? Do you think it’s possible to trust him so easily?”

“Rachel… ”

“I did trust, but what did I get in return? A cheating husband?”

I folded my arms on my chest, and leaned back on the sofa, then a brief silence fell on us.

“Rachel, I know you’re hurting deeply, but I think you should calm down and…”

Her words were interrupted by the creaking sound of the door opening, we both snapped our heads towards it and saw Duncan walked in, he looked tired but still well dressed.

I felt my blood boiling in anger, I felt like povncing on him and beating the hell outta him, but…

Fatima tugged my arm, and I faced her.

“Don’t act rashly, just keep cool and handle everything maturely, ok?”

I simply stared at her, because I don’t know if I will be able to keep my cool.

“I’m leaving” she said and rushed towards the door, he greeted Duncan with a bow before leaving.

Duncan’s eyes scanned the room, and he frowned in confusion when he saw my folded clothes on the bed and luggage at the foot of the bed.

He rushed towards me, he crouched to my level and reached for my hands, then flashed me a sweet smile.

“My heartbeat, what’s going on? Why did you turn our room upside down?” he asked.

Really? I turned the room upside down? Heh, if only he knows what I’m planning on doing.

“Have you been crying? Are you ok?” he asked again.

I snatched my hands from him, and shifted away from him.

“How was your meeting with Mr Ferrari?” I asked him.

“It’s..it’s Uh…”

“Don’t you dare lie to me!” I growled looking him straight in the eyes.


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