HIDING STAR: Episode 11-20

Hiding ?
?(she’s a crazy cook)?

?waleeyat olajide?

?Episode 16?

I threw the book at her and she caught it swiftly.

That’s all what you need for your lesson, learn all the steps in it it would be easier for you in playing, I said.

Thank you very much, she said and stood up, while i just nodded.

She started going outside, can you make me some rice and ham I said making her stop on the track.

In a bit sir she said and dashed out.

I stood up and walk towards the private room in my bedroom.

I entered and on the light, the beauty there is unfading.

I love the room it’s personally decorated by my room, she knew my favourites, and she takes time in decorating it on my last birthday.

I often come when I want some privacy or play the guitar sing or play keyboard.

No one dare enter, it’s precious.

Gabbbbyyyy! Thank you I yelled inwardly.

I need to make it so sumptuous, I carried the pork out of the freezer.

I sliced it in a square shape and grilled it.

Rice, I rinsed it and pour it in the boiling water.

I served the ham into a dish, waiting for the rice, after some minutes, I opened the pot and it dried already.

I scoop some quantity into the plate, placing the remaining on the counter, I can make stew to it later.

I heard the door opened and I glanced back immediately put the food on the dinning for me he said and opened the fridge.

Okay sir, I said and carried the food immediately, I got outside of the kitchen and I locked the door with a key.

Hey! Glutton soak the rice in a water and drink it I said and ran to gaby’s room immediately.

He’s not in the room I turned to go but spotted a white door it’s not a bathroom yes! It’s transparent.

I pushed it opened to my suprise gaby is there.

He’s pressing the keyboard melodiously.

Wait in the room! I heard him said and I turned to go immediately, how come he know I’m here.

I got out and placed the food on the table while I sat on the edge of the bed.

He came out afterall, he goes to the food stand immediately and started munching on it.

Mirabella! Want to come visit, how do I tell.

I don’t want to be asking for something everytime.

Sir.. I gather up courage and called.

Hmm! He only sounded.

Huh!. I d… ont know. If.. If.. You can grant… Me permission of bringing my friend here I stuttered.

She can, he simply said and I don’t know what carried me up, I hugged him from the back immediately.

Thank you, I said and he started coughing.

I quickly grabbed the bottle water beside the lamp stand and passed it to him.

I’m so going to kill that btch, what gave her the courage.

Sht, I yelled and banged the door again but no one opened.

I move towards the pot the aroma was still there, there is one ham lying on the grilling pan.

I used a fork to pick it up, yummy!

So sweet but am still gonna kill her.

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