Written by Assurance Webber

Chapter 40


The dining room was quiet as a graveyard as everyone was focused on their meal. Mr Lucas and Josh ate their meal properly.

After everything that happened yesterday, Mr Lucas was still angry with Josh but Josh still came down for breakfast, he wasn’t the type that keep grudges anyways.

On the other side was Mrs Lucas as she kept staring into space. She wasn’t focused on her meal and it was obvious because she was murdering the poor meat with her fork.

Mr Lucas knew something was wrong and he was worried about his wife, so he didn’t hesitate to ask.

“What’s going on victoria?” his strict voice bounced out, jolting her out of her thoughts.

She looked at Josh who was focused on his meal and then averted her gaze to her husband.

“Nothing is wrong honey, I just lost my appetite.” She replied in a trembling voice. Her hand was sweaty and her chest heaved high and low.

Josh just stared at her for a brief moment. wondering what was wrong with her, he just shook his head sideways and poured himself a glass of water.

“Are you sure victoria?, You hand is trembling.” Mr Lucas said and she sighed.

What was she going to tell him that he would believe.

Ever since she received that message last night, she instantly got scared and would always look at the whole house as if somebody was watching her every moves.

“It’s really nothing honey…I just need some rest, then I will be fine.”

Mr Lucas looked her in the eyes and she avoided his gaze. He knew something was wrong but he wasn’t ready to push the matter futher. He dropped his spoon on the table and clasped his hand together.

“Alright if you say so, but before you go, I have an announcement.” Mr Lucas said and Josh swiftly turned to him.

“What kind of announcement honey?” Mr Lucas asked and he smiled.

“Well, the Dennis family called to have lunch together.”

“I don’t think it’s necessary to meet them.” Josh said and Mr Lucas banged on the table, his wife flinched a little but Josh just stared into space.

“You don’t tell me what to do Josh…you are going to meet with them and that’s final. Everyone is dismissed.”

Immediately he said that, Josh stood up and headed upstairs and his wife also left leaving me Lucas all alone.

Mr Lucas inhaled deeply before exhaling. He was trying to control himself from collapsing.

“What is wrong with my children?” he asked himself.



The kitchen section was as busy as a hallway. Everyone did their work very fast but neatly and perfectly. Nobody wanted to lose their job.

Asha washed the plates in a haste but she wasn’t so fast because more dirty plates kept trooping in and she found it tiring.

“When is all this going to end?” she mumbled.

Tears were visible in her eyes but she took it all back in. This wasn’t the time to cry but it was the time to work hard, not for herself but for her daughter.

She quickly carried the plates and started washing it more faster than usual. Her stomach growled loudly but she ignored it.

“Dear, why don’t you go and eat something, you might die of starvation.” Said a lady, she was also a worker.

“It’s ok ma, thank you for your suggestion but am fine.”

“Alright Asha.” the lady replied and she smiled.



Room 303….

The Dennis family was seated on the chair alongside the Lucas family.

The atmosphere was intense as nobody spoke to each other, other than glaring.

“Ok, what’s actually going on? Because dad said there was going to be a reunion but nobody is saying anything. Am not actually a free guy, am always busy with work, so can we get over with it?” Camdan asked with a smile.

“Am here to apologise on behalf of my son. He was actually joking when he said it was over between you two.” Mr Lucas said and Tasha smiled but she averted her gaze to Josh.

“I won’t accept the apology until Josh apologises by himself.”

“What? I would never do that because I didn’t do anything wrong. Why are you so obsessed with me? There are many guys out there who would love to have you.” Josh stated and she balled her fist.

“This is getting more interesting.” Camdan chuckled and relaxed on the soft chair as he watched the whole drama.

“You are very stupid for saying that, my daughter loves you but here you are, treating her like some kind of trash…who does that?” Mr Dennis, tasha’s mom said Josh scoffed.

He wasn’t ready to get married to someone whom he doesn’t love and he wasn’t ready for trouble. But Tasha is a pain in the ass, she has refused to give up on Josh, even though her dad had begged her to.

They were about to argue again but a knock on the door stopped them from stopped talking.

The door opened revealing Asha who came in with a trolley filled with foods. She stopped and stared at them for a moment.

“Leo that son of a bch” she said inaudibly in gretted teeth. Leo was actually the one who ordered her to serve this room.

After a while she moved the trolley over to the table and started placing the meals on it.

Mr Lucas saw Asha and smirked while Camdan has already started breathing heavily. Ever since he tried to force himself on her, he couldn’t bring himself to her anymore.

Mrs Lucas took a glance at her son and wondered why he was sweating all over. She then followed his gaze and caught him staring at Asha.

“Asha…what is she doing here ” she mumbled.

Josh got surprised when he saw Asha and he let out a smile.

‘She’s just too beautiful’ he thought.

Tasha knew that the atmosphere has changed because, everyone was staring at the girl who was serving the meal, especially Josh and she needed to know why.

Asha was done serving the meal and needed to leave the room because it was getting really hot in there. Seeing the faces of the Lucas brother gave her the creeps.

“Hey, your job isn’t done yet. Won’t you pour us a drink?” Tasha said as she folded her hands under her bbs.

And without saying a word, Asha walked over to the table and started pouring drinks inside their glasses.

She made eye contact with Josh and he smiled, while she got nervous and swiftly turned her face to the other side and that resulted into something else. She gasped when she saw that, she has ruined Tasha dress with the wine.

“Have you gone nuts?!” Tasha yelled.

Without wasting time, Asha carried a paper towel to wipe off the stain on her dress and Tasha slapped her hand off. She stood up and gave Asha a resounding sIap on her face.

The atmosphere was so heated and quiet. The only thing one could hear was Tasha’s heavy breath. She was feeling so much pain after josh rejected her and now she was feeling much better.

“Get out!” she yelled.

Immediately Asha heard that, she started walking fast towards the door but Josh was fast enough to get a hold of her.

He held her face and wiped the tears that were on her cheeks already.


“Are you ok?” He asked but she freed her hand from his grips and walked out with the trolley.




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